Most outrageous comments of
Media Matters
December 22, 2006
How extreme were conservative commentators in their remarks this year? How
about calls to nuke the Middle East and an allegation that a "gay ... mafia"
used the congressional page program as its own "personal preserve." Right-wing
rhetoric documented by Media Matters for America included the nonsensical
(including Rush Limbaugh's claim that America's "obesity crisis" is caused by,
among other things, our failure to "teach [the poor] how to butcher a --
slaughter a cow to get the butter, we gave them the butter"), the offensive
(such as right-wing pundit Debbie Schlussel's question about "Barack Hussein
Obama": is he "a man we want as President when we are fighting the war of our
lives against Islam? Where will his loyalties be?"), and the simply bizarre
(such as William A. Donohue's claim that some Hollywood stars would "sodomize
their own mother in a movie"). Since there were so many outrageous statements,
we included a list of honorable mentions along with the top 11, which, if not
for Ann Coulter, we might have limited to 10.
The top 11 (in chronological order):
William A. Donohue, president of the Catholic League for Religious and Civil
Rights: "Well, look, there are people in Hollywood, not all of them, but there
are some people who are nothing more than harlots. They will do anything for
the buck. They wouldn't care. If you asked them to sodomize their own mother in
a movie, they would do so, and they would do it with a smile on their face."
Fox News host John Gibson: "Do your duty. Make more babies. That's a lesson
drawn out of two interesting stories over the last couple of days. First, a
story yesterday that half of the kids in this country under five years old are
minorities. By far, the greatest number are Hispanic. You know what that means?
Twenty-five years and the majority of the population is Hispanic. Why is that?
Well, Hispanics are having more kids than others. Notably, the ones Hispanics
call 'gabachos' -- white people -- are having fewer." [5/11/06]
Right-wing pundit Ann Coulter on The New York Times' decision to report on
the Bush administration's warrantless domestic wiretapping program and a
Treasury Department financial transaction tracking program: The Times had done
"something that could have gotten them executed, certainly did get [Julius and
Ethel] Rosenberg[] executed." [7/12/06]
Coulter responding to Hardball host Chris Matthews' question, "How do you
know that [former President] Bill Clinton's gay?": "I don't know if he's gay.
But [former Vice President] Al Gore -- total fag." [7/27/06]
Nationally syndicated radio host Michael Savage: "That's why the department
store dummy named Wolf Blitzer, a Jew who was born in Israel, will do the
astonishing act of being the type that would stick Jewish children into a gas
chamber to stay alive another day. He's probably the most despicable man in the
media next to Larry King, who takes a close runner-up by the hair of a nose.
The two of them together look like the type that would have pushed Jewish
children into the oven to stay alive one more day to entertain the Nazis."
Coulter on Rep. Maxine Waters (D-CA), an African-American: "Congresswoman
Maxine Waters had parachuted into Connecticut earlier in the week to campaign
against [Sen. Joseph I.] Lieberman because he once expressed reservations about
affirmative action, without which she would not have a job that didn't involve
wearing a paper hat. Waters also considers Joe 'soft' on the issue of the CIA
inventing crack cocaine and AIDS to kill all the black people in America."
Nationally syndicated radio host Rush Limbaugh, blaming America's "obesity
crisis" on "the left," "liberal government," and "food stamps": "Because we are
sympathetic, we are compassionate people, we have responded by letting our
government literally feed these people to the point of obesity. At least here
in America, didn't teach them how to fish, we gave them the fish. Didn't teach
them how to butcher a -- slaughter a cow to get the butter, we gave them the
butter. The real bloat here, as we know, is in -- is in government."
Coulter on Sen. Lincoln Chafee (R-RI): "They Shot the Wrong Lincoln."
Conservative pundit and former Republican presidential candidate Pat
Buchanan: "Look, [Rep. Jim] Kolbe [R-AZ] is gay. He is an out-of-the-closet
gay. [Rep. Mark] Foley [R-FL] was gay. The House clerk who was in charge of the
pages [Jeff Trandahl] was gay. Foley's administrative assistant, Mr. [Kirk]
Fordham, The New York Times tell us, was gay. You hear about a lot of others.
What's going on here, Joe [Scarborough, MSNBC host], is basically these, this
little mafia in there looked upon the pages, I guess, as their -- sort of their
personal preserve. And it stinks to high heaven what was done. And it stinks to
high heaven that it was not exposed and these types of people, thrown out by
the Republican Party." [10/9/06]
CNN Headline News host Glenn Beck to Rep.-elect Keith Ellison (D-MN): "OK.
No offense, and I know Muslims. I like Muslims. ... With that being said, you
are a Democrat. You are saying, 'Let's cut and run.' And I have to tell you, I
have been nervous about this interview with you, because what I feel like
saying is, 'Sir, prove to me that you are not working with our enemies.' "
Right-wing pundit Debbie Schlussel on Sen. Barack Obama (D-IL): So, even if
he identifies strongly as a Christian ... is a man who Muslims think is a
Muslim, who feels some sort of psychological need to prove himself to his
absent Muslim father, and who is now moving in the direction of his father's
heritage, a man we want as President when we are fighting the war of our lives
against Islam? Where will his loyalties be?" [12/18/06]
Honorable mentions (also in chronological order):
Beck: "Cindy Sheehan. That's a pretty big prostitute there, you know what I
mean?" [1/10/06]
Republican strategist Mary Matalin: "I mean, you know, I think these civil
rights leaders are nothing more than racists. And they're keeping constituency,
they're keeping their neighborhoods and their African-American brothers
enslaved, if you will, by continuing to let them think that they're -- or
forced to think that they're victims, that the whole system is against them."
Pat Robertson, host of the Christian Broadcasting Network's The 700 Club:
"But it does seem that with the current makeup of the court, they still don't
have as many judges as would be needed to overturn Roe [v. Wade]. They need one
more, and I dare say before the end of this year there will be another vacancy
on the court." [3/7/06]
Albert Mohler, president of the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary and
host of the daily Christian radio show The Albert Mohler Program: "Well, I
would have to say as a Christian that I believe any belief system, any world
view, whether it's Zen Buddhism or Hinduism or dialectical materialism for that
matter, Marxism, that keeps persons captive and keeps them from coming to faith
in the Lord Jesus Christ, yes, is a demonstration of satanic power."
Nationally syndicated radio host Neal Boortz on Rep. Cynthia McKinney's
(D-GA) hairstyle: "She looks like a ghetto slut. ... It looks like an explosion
in a Brillo pad factory. ... She looks like Tina Turner peeing on an electric
fence. ... She looks like a shih tzu!" [3/31/06]
Boortz on McKinney's hairstyle (again): "I saw Cynthia McKinney's hairdo
yesterday -- saw it on TV. I don't blame that cop for stopping her. It looked
like a welfare drag queen was trying to sneak into the Longworth House Office
Building. That hairdo is ghetto trash. I don't blame them for stopping her."
Limbaugh discussing a videotape released by Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, the
then-leader of Al Qaeda in Iraq: "[I]t sounds just like the DNC [Democratic
National Committee] is writing his scripts now." (4/26/06)
Beck: "Blowing up Iran. I say we nuke the bastards. In fact, it doesn't have
to be Iran, it can be everywhere, anyplace that disagrees with me."
Jonathan Hoenig, managing member of Capitalistpig Asset Management LLC, on
Fox News' Your World with Neil Cavuto: "I think when it comes to Iran, the
problem is we haven't been forceful enough. I mean if you -- frankly, if you
want to see the Dow go up, let's get the bombers in the air and neutralize this
Iranian threat." [6/5/06]
Fox host Geraldo Rivera: "I've known [Sen.] John Kerry [D-MA] for over 35
years. Unlike me, he is a combat veteran, so he gets some props. But in the
last 35 years, I've seen a hell of a lot more combat than John Kerry. And for a
smart man like that in a political ploy to set a date certain only aids and
abets the enemy, and the Democrats are at their own self-destructive behavior
once again." [6/22/06]
Savage: "I don't know why we don't use a bunker-buster bomb when he comes to
the U.N. and just take [Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad] out with
everyone in there." [7/21/06]
Boortz: "I want you to think for think for a moment of how incompetent and
stupid and worthless, how -- that's right, I used those words -- how
incompetent, how ignorant, how worthless is an adult that can't earn more than
the minimum wage? You have to really, really, really be a pretty pathetic human
being to not be able to earn more than the human wage. Uh -- human, the minimum
wage." [8/3/06]
Syndicated columnist and Fox News host Cal Thomas on businessman Ned
Lamont's victory in Connecticut's Democratic primary for the U.S. Senate: "It
completes the capture of the Democratic Party by its Taliban wing. ... [T]hey
have now morphed into Taliban Democrats because they are willing to 'kill' one
of their own, if he does not conform to the narrow and rigid agenda of the
party's kook fringe." [8/10/06]
Fox News host Sean Hannity, two months before the November midterm
elections: "This is the moment to say that there are things in life worth
fighting and dying for and one of 'em is making sure [Rep.] Nancy Pelosi [D-CA]
doesn't become the [House] speaker." [8/29/06]
Beck: "The Middle East is being overrun by 10th-century barbarians. That's
what I thought at 5 o'clock this morning, and I thought, 'Oh, geez, what --
what is this?' If they take over -- the barbarians storm the gate and take over
the Middle East (this is what I'm thinking at 5 o'clock in the morning) --
we're going to have to nuke the whole place." [9/12/06]
Savage: "My fear is that if the Democrats win [in the November midterm
elections], and I'm afraid that they might, you're going to see America melt
down faster that you could ever imagine. It will happen overnight, and it could
lead to the breakup of the United States of America, the way the Soviet Union
broke up." [10/13/06]
Republican pollster Frank Luntz on Nancy Pelosi's appearance: "I always use
the line for Nancy Pelosi, 'You get one shot at a facelift. If it doesn't work
the first time, let it go.' " [10/31/06]
Limbaugh on the Middle East: "Fine, just blow the place up." [11/27/06]
Fox News host Bill O'Reilly (on his radio show): "Do I care if the Sunnis
and Shiites kill each other in Iraq? No. I don't care. Let's get our people out
of there. Let them kill each other. Maybe they'll all kill each other, and then
we can have a decent country in Iraq." [12/5/06]
New York Post columnist Ralph Peters on Iraq Study Group co-chairman James
Baker: "The difference is that [Pontius] Pilate just wanted to wash his hands
of an annoyance, while Baker would wash his hands in the blood of our troops."
Conservative syndicated radio host Michael Medved on the animated movie
Happy Feet: The film contains "a whole subtext, as there so often is, about
homosexuality." [12/11/06]
Fox captions
Additionally, although these are not examples of specific conservative
commentators making outrageous comments, we would be remiss if we did not
mention that Fox News made a regular practice of attacking Democrats or
repeating Republican talking points in on-screen text during its coverage of
political issues. Some examples:
"All-Out Civil War in Iraq: Could It Be a Good Thing?" [2/23/06]
"Attacking Capitalism: Have Dems Declared War on America?" [2/18/06]
"Dems Helping the Enemy?" [5/22/06]
"A Lamont Win, Bad News for Democracy in Mideast?"
"Have the Democrats Forgotten the Lessons of 9/11?"
"Is the Democratic Party Soft on Terror?" [8/8/06]
"The #1 President on Mideast Matters: George W Bush?" [8/14/06]
"Is the Liberal Media Helping to Fuel Terror?" [8/16/06]