"Dedicated to exposing the lies and impeachable offenses of George W. Bush"

Investor's Business Daily Calls Conyers an Islamist' Tool
November 11, 2006

NEW YORK The conservative business publication, Investor's Business Daily, isn't taking this week's elections results in stride. In a blistering editorial, the newspaper charges that Rep. John Conyers, soon to chair the House Judiciary Committee, is "leading a Democrat jihad to deny law enforcement key terror-fighting tools" and "is in the pocket of Islamists."

Proof for this? Conyers, whose district in Michigan holds a large Arab-Amercian population, has a version of his Web site in Arabic and allegedly "does the bidding of these new constituents and the militant Islamist activists who feed off them." More "evidence": Conyers opposes the Patriot Act and has called for the president's impeachment.

In addition he "is one of the top recipients of donations from the Arab-American Leadership PAC. And not surprisingly, he has a long history of pandering to Arab and Muslim voters....Today, Hamas, Hezbollah and the al-Qaida-tied Muslim Brotherhood are all active in the area.....

"Expect Conyers and Pelosi to kick open the doors of Congress to Islamists from the Council on American-Islamic Relations and other militant groups. They will have unfettered access, even though many of their leaders have been tied to terrorism (some CAIR officials have landed in the big house)...

"Conyers led the defense of Bill Clinton in last decade's impeachment hearings and is clearly out for blood. So are many of the constituents he serves."

At the same time, IBD went after George McGovern, who spoke out against the Iraq war this week: "The Democrats seem to have a fondness for party leaders and presidents whose policies and positions, when followed, result in the expansion of tyranny, the subjugation and even death of millions, and added threats to U.S. safety and security."

Donald Rumsfeld, on the other hand, is "a great defense chief and a great man, and deserves a lot better," a Friday editorial noted. He couldn't help it if "chaos is endemic to the Arabic culture, of which Iraq is a part." Rumsfeld's approval rating in a Newsweek poll released Saturday stands at 24% -- seven points less than the president's.

And as for recently defeated Republican Senator Lincoln Chafee: According to IBD, he "thinks defeat at the polls gives him license to spend his remaining weeks in office wrecking U.S. foreign policy. It's a final outrage from a traitor to party and president."

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