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Poll: Most Americans Want Congress to Go Beyond Non-Binding
Vote on War
E&P February 13, 2007 NEW YORK A new Gallup Poll released today -- as a landmark debate on the Iraq war begins in the House of Representatives -- finds that most Americans favor congressional action for a cap on, and then withdrawal of, troops. They are less excited about the current nonbinding resolution against a "surge." Still, 6 out of 10 oppose the "surge" in troops. "Many Americans say that their congressional representative's position on the war will be an important factor in their congressional vote next year," Gallup reports, "but most do not know what their representative's position on the troop surge is." Given a list of options, 63% opted for the cap and withdrawal by the end of next year. Some 51% backed the anti-surge resolution. Fewer, 4 in 10, want to cut off funds for the surge. Surprisingly, 64% said they did not know what their representative's stand on the surge is -- but 42% said his or her position on the war would be a major factor in next year's vote for re-election. The poll was conducted Feb. 9-11. Commentary: |