"Dedicated to exposing the lies and impeachable offenses of George W. Bush"

NSA Sends Out Spyware
John Stith
December 27, 2005

Scandals continue runs rampant through the nation over recent admissions by the federal government of eavesdropping. The issue has tuned into an argument over presidential powers. One aspect to this argument focuses on the Internet world. The NSA uses spyware as part of their electronic eavesdropping network.

According to a recent article in BetaDot, this spyware is the most classified application to exist in the current administration. While there are many who question the NSA's need to utilize spyware and to eavesdrop at all on the U.S. population, there is a legitimate need for cyber security on the Internet.

A point to consider would be the recent hacking of both U.S. military and defense contractor computer systems. Things like this show there is a need to for more secure networks and the NSA, utilizing their authority correctly would help to block these types of assaults and other national security issues. The problem would come if the NSA overstepped those boundaries and infringed upon our civil rights.

The BetaDot article quoted Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) co-founder John Gilmore as saying, "The clues are piling up that vacuum-cleaner style dragnets are what's at issue, perhaps they've pointed the NSA vacuum cleaner straight into all U.S.-based international telecommunications."

Total Information Awareness (Record Spending Bill Is Approved)

Republicans spent billions of dollars more than Bush wanted and, as part of the final deal, blocked funding for research for a Pentagon project -- called Total Information Awareness -- designed to monitor Internet e-mail and commercial databases as a way to track terrorists. Worried the project would invade Americans' privacy, conferees restricted further Pentagon research without first extensively consulting with Congress.

The Total Information Awareness program is listed as an impeachable offense in the draft articles of impeachment written by FRANCIS A. BOYLE. The plan would have allowed the state to analyze every piece of data held on each US citizen.