What took so long?
NY Times
Casualty of Firestorm: Outrage, Bush and FEMA Chief
Published: September 10, 2005
WASHINGTON, Sept. 9 - To Democrats, Republicans, local officials and
Hurricane Katrina's victims, the question was not why, but what took so
Republicans had been pressing the White House for days to fire "Brownie,"
Michael D. Brown, director of the Federal Emergency Management Agency, who had
stunned many television viewers in admitting that he did not know until 24
hours after the first news reports that there was a swelling crowd of 25,000
people desperate for food and water at the New Orleans convention center.
Mr. Brown, who was removed from his Gulf Coast duties on Friday, though not
from his post as FEMA's chief, is the first casualty of the political furor
generated by the government's faltering response to the hurricane. With
Democrats and Republicans caustically criticizing the performance of his
agency, and with the White House under increasing attack for populating FEMA's
top ranks with politically connected officials who lack disaster relief
experience, Mr. Brown had become a symbol of President Bush's own hesitant
The president, long reluctant to fire subordinates, came to a belated
recognition that his administration was in trouble for the way it had dealt
with the disaster, many of his supporters say. One moment of realization
occurred on Thursday of last week when an aide carried a news agency report
from New Orleans into the Oval Office for him to see.
The report was about the evacuees at the convention center, some dying and
some already dead. Mr. Bush had been briefed that morning by his homeland
security secretary, Michael Chertoff, who was getting much of his information
from Mr. Brown and was not aware of what was occurring there. The news account
was the first that the president and his top advisers had heard not only of the
conditions at the convention center but even that there were people there at
"He's not a screamer," a senior aide said of the president. But Mr. Bush,
angry, directed the White House chief of staff, Andrew H. Card Jr., to find out
what was going on.
"The frustration throughout the week was getting good, reliable
information," said the aide, who demanded anonymity so as not to be identified
in disclosing inner workings of the White House. "Getting truth on the ground
in New Orleans was very difficult."
If Mr. Bush was upset with Mr. Brown at that point, he did not show it. When
he traveled to the Gulf Coast the next day, he stood with him and, before the
cameras, cheerfully said, "Brownie, you're doing a heck of a job."
But the political pressures on Mr. Bush, and the anxiety at the White House,
were only growing. Behind the president's public embrace of Mr. Brown was the
realization within the administration that the director's ignorance about the
evacuees had further inflamed the rage of the storm's poor, black victims and
created an impression of a White House that did not care about their lives.
One prominent African-American supporter of Mr. Bush who is close to Karl
Rove, the White House political chief, said the president did not go into the
heart of New Orleans and meet with black victims on his first trip there, last
Friday, because he knew that White House officials were "scared to death" of
the reaction.
"If I'm Karl, do I want the visual of black people hollering at the
president as if we're living in Rwanda?" said the supporter, who spoke only
anonymously because he did not want to antagonize Mr. Rove.
At the same time, news reports quickly appeared about Mr. Brown's
qualifications for the job: he was a former commissioner of the International
Arabian Horse Association and for 30 years a friend of Joe M. Allbaugh, who
managed Mr. Bush's 2000 presidential campaign and was the administration's
first FEMA director. Mr. Brown's credentials came to roost at the White House,
where Mr. Bush faced angry accusations that the director's hiring had amounted
to nothing more than cronyism.
Members of Congress quickly weighed in. Senator Mary L. Landrieu, a
Louisiana Democrat who was in New Orleans or Baton Rouge for more than a week
after the hurricane swept ashore, said of Mr. Brown last Friday that "I have
been telling him from the moment he arrived about the urgency of the situation"
and "I just have to tell you that he had a difficult time understanding the
enormity of the task before us."
Members of Mr. Bush's party also were angry. Last week House Republicans
pressed the White House to fire Mr. Brown. Senator Trent Lott of Mississippi
pulled the president aside for a private meeting on Monday in Poplarville,
Miss., to ask him to intervene personally to untangle FEMA red tape. Mr. Lott,
exasperated, told Mr. Bush that he needed to press the agency to send the state
46,000 trailers, promised for days as temporary housing for hurricane
For a time, Mr. Lott did not directly criticize Mr. Brown or the federal
response in public. "My mama didn't raise no idiot," he joked on Capitol Hill
last week. "I ain't going to bite the hand that's trying to save me."
But on Friday, with Mr. Brown's tenure in the relief role at an end, the
senator issued a statement that made clear his views, and those of many
"Something needed to happen," Mr. Lott's statement said. "Michael Brown has
been acting like a private instead of a general. When you're in the middle of a
disaster, you can't stop to check the legal niceties or to review FEMA
regulations before deciding to help Mississippians knocked flat on their
Mr. Bush, characteristically, did not officially dismiss Mr. Brown, instead
calling him back to Washington to run FEMA while a crisis-tested Coast Guard
commander, Vice Adm. Thad W. Allen, was given oversight of the relief effort.
The take-charge Admiral Allen, who commanded the Coast Guard's response up and
down the Atlantic Seaboard after the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, immediately
appeared on television as the public face of the administration's response.
In Baton Rouge, Mr. Brown appeared briefly at Mr. Chertoff's side before
heading back to the capital, where, the secretary said, the director was needed
for potential disasters.
"We've got tropical storms and hurricanes brewing in the ocean," Mr.
Chertoff said.