Republican agenda is Over
By Eleanor Clift
Updated: 4:07 p.m. ET Sept. 9, 2005
Sept. 9, 2005 - It feels like we're back in a political campaign with the
White House shifting blame to local and state Democratic officials for the
shamefully slow response to hurricane Katrina's devastation. You can fault all
levels of government, but the federal government is the last line of defense,
and it was clear by the day after the storm struck that this was a regional
disaster with national implications for the country's economic and social
President Bush has worked so hard to not repeat the mistakes of his father,
especially the senior Bush's lackadaisical response to Florida's Hurricane
Andrew, which helped cost him re-election. Former president Bush was never able
to reconnect with the American people despite such heroically comic efforts as
reading aloud a talking point his handlers had given him:
Such are the pitfalls of the Oedipal relationship that the seeds of the
son's downfall may have arrived in the same blast of wind and rain. President
Bush's disapproval rating now stands at 52 percent, and two in three Americans
give him a thumbs down on handling hurricane relief, according to the Pew
Research Center for the People & the Press. The national survey also finds
Americans are "depressed, angry and very worried about the economic
consequences of the disaster." With gas prices spiraling and an unnecessary war
draining billions from the Treasury, Bush's inadequacies are glaringly obvious,
from incompetence to insensitivity. The credibility gap that emerged on Iraq
has widened to a chasm with the hurricane aftermath. The media has turned a
corner as well, with reporters on the scene in New Orleans liberated to say the
emperor has no clothes.
At the heart of the problem is Bush's disdain for government. His first
director of FEMA (the Federal Emergency Management Administration) was his
Texas buddy Joseph Allbaugh, who described the then-cabinet level agency as "an
oversized entitlement program." Allbaugh, with Bush's blessing, proceeded to
downsize FEMA, and when he left he tapped for his successor his college
roommate, Michael Brown, FEMA's general counsel and former head of the
International Arabian Horse Association, a man with questionable credentials
for disaster management. Bush's remark, "You're doing a heck of a job,
Brownie," will live on in the annals of Bushisms—especially after Brown
was removed from Katrina operations and sent back to Washington on Friday. For
believers in the grand unified theory of conspiracy, Allbaugh now lobbies FEMA
on behalf of Halliburton, the administration's gravy train of choice.
If there's an upside to Katrina, it's that the Republican agenda of tax
cuts, Social Security privatization and slashing government programs is over.
It may be too much to predict an upsurge of progressive government, but the
environment and issues of poverty, race and class are back on the nation's
radar screen. The proper role for government will be debated as we move toward
the next presidential election. "Nobody is for smaller government when you're
in the middle of a hurricane or a flood," says former Louisiana senator John
Breaux. An e-mail I received from a NEWSWEEK reader says if somebody had tried
to withdraw a feeding tube from a brain-damaged woman at the Superdome, Bush
would have sent in the Marines, a poke at the president's hasty return to
Washington during the Terri Schiavo episode compared with his halting response
to Katrina.
Even some Republicans agree with Hillary Clinton that FEMA should be
restored to stand-alone status as a government agency rather than being wedged
into the giant bureaucracy of the Department of Homeland Security. The merger
has never been a happy one, with agency officials still squabbling over wearing
jackets emblazoned with FEMA or DHS. President Clinton rebuilt FEMA during his
presidency, and Jamie Lee Witt, the Arkansan who led the agency, won praise
from Republicans as well as Democrats for his cool and caring competence.
Louisiana Gov. Kathleen Blanco has brought in Witt to help her with the
recovery and reconstruction, a move that underscores the partisan animosity
that has taken hold in the wake of the bungled relief efforts.
Bill Clinton understands the impact of a disaster. His inability to cope
with an influx of Cuban refugees in 1980 contributed to his defeat as governor.
He recovered and came back to win again. Clinton, who toured the Houston
Astrodome with former president Bush, must have been aghast when Barbara Bush
mused how many of the people being housed "were underprivileged anyway, so this
is working very well for them." We've gone from compassionate conservatism to
Marie Antoinette. As much as the Bushes disparaged Clinton over the years, they
want him nearby as a human shield to show they're capable of reaching out
beyond the narrow confines of class and partisan politics. The irony of a
Republican president now looking to the credibility of the last Democrat in the
White House to maintain his standing reveals the extent to which Bush has
fallen politically.
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