Interview: Purging the Poor in New
Democracy Now
Disaster Profiteering: Purging the Poor in the New New Orleans
Naomi Klein/AMY GOODMA
September 23rd, 2005
AMY GOODMAN: Naomi Klein, let's begin with you. Lay out this story,
what you have found, "Purging the Poor."
NAOMI KLEIN: Thanks, Amy. I guess listening to Juan's introduction; maybe
what we're seeing is an attempt to turn New Orleans into New England. It's
really an extremely radical vision, and I think the context of this is there's
something about natural disasters that brings out a really dangerous
apocalyptic side in the national psyche or in certain people in positions of
power where there's this actual sense that these cataclysmic events are almost
redemptive in their violence.
And we started to hear this very early on after Katrina hit, where, not just
from evangelical Christian sides, we started to hear, "maybe this is punishment
for Mardi Gras and sodomites and we've cleaned the city", but you hear it
from the mayor, Ray Nagin, "for the first time New Orleans is free of crime and
violence and we're going to keep it that way". There's almost a sense that free
of people, the city has become this blank slate. In that context, this fantasy
can be built from scratch.
The buzzwords to listen for in terms of the reconstruction of New Orleans
are "smaller', "safer'. And the idea is that in the
city, wealth really buys altitude, and so the effect of the flood was not at
all democratic. The people who were able to buy land on high ground, their
neighborhoods are relatively unscathed, and many of them never left or have
been able to return. The people who were hit hardest were the people who we saw
on television, you know, in the Superdome. These are the people who lived in
the low-lying areas. So, the idea now is, okay, maybe we won't rebuild those
areas at all, and when -- on September 15, when the mayor said that certain
areas are able to be re-inhabited, this is before Rita presented itself as the
threat that it, it was clear that the people re-populating New Orleans didn't
look very much like the people who lived there before. It was overwhelmingly
white, whereas the people still in shelters were overwhelmingly black. So, I
think that the overall vision is massive land grabs, radical gentrification,
and as Jeremy's piece makes clear, the gentrification is happening with
privatized military force.
JUAN GONZALEZ: Well, in your article, Naomi, you talk about the areas that
have begun to be repopulated, and you mention the census figures on the racial
breakdowns the French Quarter: 90% white, the Garden District: 89% white,
Audubon: 86% white. And you talk about the attempts to -- the housing that was
vacant in these neighborhoods that is not being used to settle some of those
dislocated. Could you talk about that for a minute?
NAOMI KLEIN: Yeah. I was really struck, Juan, that there's just been this
general acceptance that because of this geographical quirk of New Orleans which
is that the rich and white live on high ground, and the poor live in low-lying
areas that of course, there is going to be this massive demographic shift in
the city. There's been this acceptance that the people who were displaced to
Houston and are now being displaced again and that have been scattered across
the country will keep moving, because there's really nowhere for them to return
to. This became accepted wisdom very, very quickly. I was doing some research
about the fights over development before the hurricane, because one of the
things that I have noticed in my research is these huge, cataclysmic events are
often opportunities to exploit the dislocation that happens after a natural
disaster to ram through very unpopular policies.
So I started researching what the battles were in New Orleans before the
hurricane. And, of course, there were very, very fierce, an you know
you've covered this on your show, very fierce battles going on around
housing projects, and gentrification in the city where conflicts between people
who were demanding affordable housing and particularly the tourism sector on
the French Quarter, and over the course of the research, I saw the staggering
feature, which is that the French Quarter, which as you said is 90% white, is
also almost half empty. In the most recent census, and the market hasn't
changed since then, the French Quarter had a 37% vacancy rate, which means that
37% of the apartments and homes in the French Quarter are sitting empty.
They're sitting empty because the people who own the buildings have decided
that they would rather board up the apartments than take reduced rent, because
they're making enough off the commercial rents, renting to restaurants and bars
and so on.
So when I saw this massive dislocation happening, and all of these people
saying, "well, there's nowhere for them to return to', I looked at
the census again, and looked at all of these other areas that the mayor has
said are dry and inhabitable and found that there were comparably high vacancy
rates in other areas, like the Garden District and Central Business District.
What we found was that in fact there are 12,000 empty apartments and houses in
the dry areas. Which means that those -- those could be affordable houses for
AMY GOODMAN: Yet, they argue that the authorities -- the authorities argued
there's no infrastructure to support them: no water, no electricity, or the
water is worse than that -- there's water but it's polluted.
NAOMI KLEIN: I'm not -- you know, I don't think it could happen at this
point tomorrow, but the mayor has said -- and obviously, because it's possible
that the city could flood again, but the context that we're talking about is
that the mayor said these areas are ready to be re-inhabited by the people who
lived there previously. If they're ready to be re-inhabited by the people who
lived there previously, then those apartments could clearly be opened up and it
could be part of the reconstruction process rather than just scattering
And we have heard this demand from community groups like Community Labor
United, demanding the right to return to the city. This is a huge political
issue related to this radical militarized gentrification agenda. Because people
can't fight for their economic and social rights saying you know, we want
schools and hospitals to rebuild. We want affordable housing. They can't
make those demands. They can't fight for their social interests, economic
interests if they're not in the city. If they're scattered, living in
So, I think that there can be a fairly short term plan to get people into
those houses. I have talked to some legislators who say it's a pretty simple
process of the city passing an ordinance, and then federal monies being used to
issue Section 8 vouchers to pay landlords 100% of the rent. All that's lacking,
Amy, is really just political will to do it, because this doesn't fit the Bush
Agenda for the so-called "reconstruction of New Orleans', because
that agenda is really treating the city as a laboratory for their so-called
"Ownership Society". So, rather than subsidizing rents, what they're interested
in is this bizarre Urban Homesteading Act, which would auction off federal land
or lottery off federal land and people would build homes on that land.
JUAN GONZALEZ: Also, Naomi, your article talks about a document that you got
a hold of that deal deals with some meetings that have occurred to discuss how
to buy, I think it was the Heritage Foundation was involved, to begin to
discuss how to implement some of the conservative movement's programs under the
guise of dealing with the crisis of Katrina?
NAOMI KLEIN: Yeah. There are two key documents that people should really
take a look at. We're going to have them up on The Nation website and I'm sure
we can have them up on Democracy Now! as well. There's two documents. They come
from the same people, and they're connected. The first one comes from the
Republican Study Group, which is the caucus of Republican lawmakers in
Congress, headed by Mike Pence. It is called the "Pro Free Market Ideas
for Responding to Hurricane Katrina and High Gas Prices.' It comes out of
a meeting that took place at the Heritage Foundation on September 15th, where
people from the Heritage Foundation and other right-wing think tanks got
together with the Republican Study Group members, and they brainstormed
thirty-two policy demands to package in as hurricane relief. And we have
already seen several-- this is why I think it should be taken extremely
seriously, is that the first of the demands is automatically suspending
Davis-Beacon prevailing wage laws in disaster areas.
So it's pretty clear that the people making this list have a direct line to
President Bush. Because that's already been adopted by presidential decree. The
second is to make the entire affected area "flat tax-free enterprise
zone'. This is Bush's "Gulf Opportunity Zone' idea, making
the whole region a sort of "Club Med' for corporations to have
every tax break they have ever dreamed of. But it goes on. This is where we, I
think, need to get ready.
They use the excuse of Katrina to talk about everything from opening up
drilling in the Arctic Wildlife Refuge to subsidizing -- this is an incredible,
incredible one of their demands -- they want to subsidize oil exploration,
saying that the corporations won't fund this themselves. And then there's
things that we have heard about like they don't want money to be going directly
to public schools for displaced children who are affected by the hurricane.
They want it to go into school vouchers. This is already happening.
So it's a transfer of wealth from the public realm, a huge transfer of
wealth from the public realm into private hands. So you have this on the one
hand. They issued this on September 13. It's already being adopted into law on
several levels. And then they come up with another document that actually just
came out yesterday, which is the Republican Study Committee's ideas of how to
pay for all of these corporate subsidies that they have demanded.
They say, "look, we cannot do this -- we cannot pay for so-called
"hurricane relief,' and it has very little or nothing to do with
the families that were affected by the hurricane; in fact, it's going to hurt
those families.) They say, "the only way we can afford this is if we make
some radical cuts to the budget.' They issue another document, the
"RSC Budget Options for 2005', which says "here's where we
are going to make the cuts'. Once again, you have the radical
re-victimization of the very people who the money was intended for.
Their demands are things like: suspend Medicaid's prescription drug
coverage. But more than that, you know, I mentioned the thing that got me was
-- I mentioned the fact that they're demanding subsidization for Big Oil for
exploration that they won't pay for. In this other document where they talk
about how they're going to find the money for all of this corporate welfare,
they say that they should cut all programs, all federal research programs, into
sustainable energy sources. So, here you have the issue that's really at the
core of this disaster, which is global warming and fossil fuels. They're
subsidizing big oil and cutting funding to any alternative energy source
AMY GOODMAN: We're talking to Naomi Klein, award-winning journalist, author
of the piece in this Nation magazine called, "Purging the Poor."