Two-In-Three Critical Of Bush's Relief
Pew Research Center
September 8, 2005
Two-In-Three Critical Of Bush's Relief Efforts
Huge Racial Divide Over Katrina and Its Consequences
Summary of Findings
The American public is
highly critical of President Bush's handling of Hurricane Katrina relief
efforts. Two-in-three Americans (67%) believe he could have done more to speed
up relief efforts, while just 28% think he did all he could to get them going
quickly. At the same time, Bush's overall job approval rating has slipped to
40% and his disapproval rating has climbed to 52%, among the highest for his
presidency. Uncharacteristically, the president's ratings have slipped the most
among his core constituents Republicans and conservatives.
However, the public also faults state and local governments, as well as the
federal government, for the response to Katrina and its aftermath. While 58%
think the federal government has done only a fair or poor job in reacting to
the devastation along the Gulf Coast, about half (51%) give sub-par ratings to
state and local governments in Louisiana and Mississippi.
The storm and recent spike in gas prices have triggered a major shift in
public priorities. For the first time since the 9/11 terror attacks, a majority
of Americans (56%) say it is more important for the president to focus on
domestic policy than the war on terrorism. While most Americans are already
feeling the pinch from higher gas prices, nearly half (46%) say they are very
concerned the hurricane will send the nation into an economic recession.
The latest national survey by the Pew Research Center for the People &
the Press, conducted Sept. 6-7 among 1,000 Americans, finds that the hurricane
has had a profound psychological impact on the public. Fully 58% of respondents
say they have felt depressed because of what's happened in areas affected by
the storm. In recent years, this percentage is only surpassed by the 71%
reporting depression in a survey taken just days the Sept. 11 attacks. But it
is significantly greater than the percentage who reported feeling depressed in
the opening days of the current war in Iraq.
Half of those polled (50%)
say they have felt angry because of what happened in areas hard hit by the
hurricane. But overall opinion on this measure obscures a substantial racial
divide in reactions to the disaster as many as 70% of African Americans
say they have felt angry, compared with 46% of whites. Blacks are twice as
likely as whites to know people directly affected by the hurricane and are
generally much more critical of the government's response to the crisis.
In addition, blacks and whites draw very different lessons from the tragedy.
Seven-in-ten blacks (71%) say the disaster shows that racial inequality remains
a major problem in the country; a majority of whites (56%) say this was not a
particularly important lesson of the disaster. More striking, there is
widespread agreement among blacks that the government's response to the crisis
would have been faster if most of the storm's victims had been white; fully
two-thirds of African Americans express that view. Whites, by an even wider
margin (77%-17%), feel this would not have made a difference in the
government's response.
The survey finds that while the hurricane has drawn broad public attention,
rising gas prices have attracted as much interest as reports on the storm's
impact. Roughly seven-in-ten are paying close attention to each story (71% gas
prices, 70% hurricane's impact). That represents the highest level of interest
in gas prices in the two decades of Pew's News Interest Index.
Americans give news organizations generally good marks for their coverage of
Katrina. About two-thirds (65%) say the coverage has been excellent or good,
compared with only a third who say it has been only fair or poor. Only 21% feel
that there has been too much coverage of the disaster; most (62%) say the
amount of coverage has been appropriate.
Post-Katrina Partisanship
The deep and enduring
differences over Bush's presidency are once again evident in attitudes toward
government's response to the disaster. Fully 85% of Democrats and 71% of
independents think the president could have done more to get aid to hurricane
victims flowing more quickly. Republicans, on balance, feel the president did
all he could to get relief efforts going, but even among his own partisans 40%
say he could have done more.
Similarly, Democrats are much more critical than Republicans of the federal
government's handling of the disaster. Roughly three-quarters of Democrats
(76%) rate the federal government's efforts in this area as only fair or poor.
Most Republicans (63%) give the federal government positive marks for its
response to the hurricane.
More than half of Democrats (56%) say they feel less confident in the
government's ability to handle a major terrorist attack as a result of this
crisis. A 65% majority of Republicans say the government's response to Katrina
had no effect on their views on this issue.
There is greater partisan agreement over how state and local governments in
Louisiana and Mississippi performed in dealing with the storm and its
aftermath. Narrow majorities of Republicans, independents and Democrats believe
governments in the affected areas did only a fair or poor job in responding to
the disaster.
Beyond the government's response to the hurricane, Republicans and Democrats
also disagree about future policy priorities. By more than three-to-one, both
Democrats and independents say Bush should now focus more on domestic policy
rather than the war on terrorism. But Republicans are evenly divided over
priorities, with as many saying it is more important for Bush to focus on the
war on terror as believe he should focus on domestic matters.
Strikingly, there is even a
partisan pattern in the emotional reactions to the hurricane and its impact.
More than two-thirds of Democrats (68%) say they have felt depressed as a
result of the storm, compared with just 45% of Republicans. However, comparable
percentages of Republicans, Democrats and independents and blacks and
whites report having made donations to help those affected by the
hurricane. Overall, 56% of Americans say they have already made a donation to
the relief efforts, while another 28% say they plan to do so.
And despite the reports of looting and other crimes in Katrina's chaotic
aftermath, most Americans say that in general they are more optimistic about
human nature in the wake of the storm. Six-in-ten (59%) say events have made
them more optimistic, while just 22% are more pessimistic about human
A Man-Made Disaster?
A quarter of Americans say
the severity of Hurricane Katrina is the result of global climate change, but
many more (66%) say it is just the kind of severe weather event that happens
from time to time. There is a partisan divide on this issue Democrats
(31%) and independents (29%) are more likely to see a link to global warming
than are Republicans (16%).
Black-White Perspectives on Katrina
African Americans across
the country have had stronger reactions to the disaster in New Orleans and the
Gulf Coast than have whites. Blacks make harsher judgments of the federal
government's response to the crisis, perceive the plight of disaster victims in
a different light, and feel more emotionally connected to what's happened.
More than eight-in-ten blacks (85%) say Bush could have done more to get
relief efforts going quickly, compared with 63% of whites. Blacks are also
considerably more critical of the federal government's performance in general
77% say the federal government's response was only fair or poor, compared
with 55% of whites. While both of these attitudes are also strongly related to
partisanship, these racial differences remain even when party affiliation is
taken into account.
The disaster has had a far more significant personal impact on blacks than
whites. African Americans are nearly twice as likely as whites (43% vs. 22%) to
say they have a close friend or relative who was directly affected. African
Americans are also much more likely than whites to report feeling depressed and
angry because of what's happened in areas affected by the hurricane.
Blacks also hold more sympathetic attitudes toward the people who became
stranded by the flooding in New Orleans. An overwhelming majority (77%) say
most of those who stayed behind did so because they didn't have a way to leave
the city, not because they wanted to stay (16%). Most whites agree, but by a
slimmer 58% to32% margin. Most blacks (57%) also think people who took things
from homes and businesses in New Orleans were mostly ordinary people trying to
survive during an emergency. Just 38% of whites see it that way, while as many
(37%) say most who took things were criminals taking advantage of the
Iraq Overshadowed
Seven-in-ten Americans say
they have paid very close attention to news of the hurricane's impact, somewhat
fewer than very closely followed reports on the 9/11 terrorist attacks (74%).
But another major news story has attracted as much public interest; as gas
prices have shot up so has public attention to news reports on the topic (71%
very closely).
The public's attentiveness to these two stories has overshadowed interest in
other major events notably the war in Iraq and the nomination of John
Roberts as Chief Justice of the Supreme Court. Only about a third say they paid
very close attention to the situation in Iraq, despite high levels of American,
and especially Iraqi, casualties in recent weeks. This marks the lowest level
of public attention to news from Iraq since the start of the war.
Just 18% have paid very close attention to Roberts' nomination as chief
justice of the United States, and the lack of public interest shows in people's
evaluations of the nominee. By a 35% to 19% margin, more say they believe
Roberts should be confirmed than say he should not, but nearly half (46%)
volunteer no opinion on the matter. Similarly, while 20% say they are concerned
that Roberts is too conservative, 39% are not concerned about his ideology and
more than a third (36%) have no opinion on the question. Even among Democrats,
more are uncertain on both of these questions than express opposition to or
concern about Roberts' confirmation.
Main Source of
Disaster News
Television, and cable news channels in particular, are the main sources of
news for most Americans during a crisis, and that was again the case for
Hurricane Katrina. As occurred after the 9/11 terrorist attacks, and during the
start of the war in Iraq, the proportion of Americans who cited cable news
channels as a main source of news grew dramatically.
In this instance, CNN made the greatest gains. In June, 18% of Americans
cited CNN as a source of most of their news about national and international
issues. Following Katrina, 31% say CNN is a main source of news. The Fox News
Channel and MSNBC also saw sizable, though smaller, audience gains from
Television's larger audience came at the expense of newspapers, the internet
and radio. While still a primary source of information for many Americans on
the disaster, all three are cited less frequently in this situation than under
normal circumstances.
Disaster Coverage Rated Favorably
Overall, two-thirds give
news organizations excellent (28%) or good (37%) ratings for their coverage of
the impact of Katrina. This is considerably more favorable than the public's
ratings a year ago for press coverage of the presidential election campaign.
Current evaluations of coverage are in line with views of other major recent
events, though considerably lower than the overwhelmingly positive media
ratings following 9/11 (56% excellent, 33% good).
All in all, most (62%) say the amount of coverage given to Katrina's
aftermath is appropriate, while less than a quarter (21%) say there has been
too much. There is a considerable partisan divide on this, however
Republicans are more likely than Democrats to say there has been too much
coverage of the impact of Katrina (27% vs. 15% of Democrats).
Different Sources, Divergent Views
Previous Pew surveys have
shown the Fox News audience to be highly supportive of the president. This
remains the case today, with Fox viewers reacting far more favorably to the
president's handling of the disaster than those who cite other outlets as their
major source of news on the hurricane.
In addition, a plurality of Fox News viewers (42%) say that people who took
things from businesses and homes in New Orleans were mostly criminals taking
advantage of the situation. The balance of opinion among those who rely on
other outlets CNN, network news, newspapers and the internet is
that people who stole were mostly ordinary people trying to survive in an