"Dedicated to exposing the lies and impeachable offenses of George W. Bush"

Limbaugh falsely claimed "there never was a surplus" under Clinton
Media Matters
September 13, 2005

Describing the claim that "the Bush administration squandered this giant surplus left by the Clinton administration" as a "Democrat [sic] mantra talking point," nationally syndicated radio host Rush Limbaugh falsely asserted that "there never was a surplus" under President Clinton. In fact, from 1998 to 2001, the federal government ran total annual budget surpluses of between $69.2 billion and $236.2 billion, according to figures from the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office (CBO).

From the September 12 broadcast of The Rush Limbaugh Show, in which Limbaugh responded to a clip of Sen. Mary Landrieu (D-LA) criticizing the Bush administration for not investing in flood-control projects in the Gulf Coast region despite taking over a large federal budget surplus from the Clinton administration:

LANDRIEU [clip]: Bill Clinton was running the largest deficit created by the Reagan administration before him and the Bush administration before him. President Bush was running a surplus. Yet, when he had a surplus, he didn't invest it in levees and flood protection for people from Miami to Orlando to New Orleans to Biloxi [Mississippi] or to Mobile [Alabama].
LIMBAUGH: This is sad. This is what [a previous caller] was talking about. But it's just patently sad that somebody with this limited amount of understanding and knowledge is actually in the U.S. Senate. The '90s were the greatest decade, uh, for economic activity in recent years, I thought. When was the peace dividend and all the surplus? The sur -- well, that came after, uh, the Soviet Union and the -- and the, uh, and the [Berlin] Wall fell. And the Clinton administration got rid of all those big deficits. This surplus that she's talking about, there never was a surplus. It was 10-year economic forecasts. But anybody with half a brain can tell you, folks, that two things are going to happen when a government report says there's a huge surplus in the, uh, in the out years: A) Government is going to suggest raising taxes, not cutting them; and B) They're gonna spend it. And this is precisely what happened. There never was a surplus. This is a Democrat [sic] mantra talking point about how the Bush administration squandered this giant surplus left by the Clinton administration.

Limbaugh is a moron and people who listen to him are just as bad. The facts. We had surpluses in 1998, 1999, 2000, and Clinton's last budget 2001. Bush promised to use projected surpluses to pay down the debt, cut taxes and increase military spending. He then rejected democrat calls that tied the tax cuts to the surplus--democrats wanted the tax cuts to go away if there was no surplus--Bush objected. In short, if there were no Clinton surpluses where did the tax cuts come from and why did Bush lie about surpluses? Bush borrowed every penny needed for his tax cut and he's added another $2.2 trillion to our debt.

Sometimes I think there should be laws against this kind of idiocy. One has to wonder if our democracy can survive the lies put out by conservatives.