Republicans abandon their base--more government
Opinion Journal
We're All in the Same Bloat
September 20, 2005
After 11 years of Republican majority, we pared it down pretty good. I am ready to
declare ongoing victory. It is still a process."--House Majority Leader Tom DeLay on the federal
In the presidential campaign last year, Democrats were said to be counting on some
misfortune--terrorists attacking on American soil, the Iraq War taking a turn for the worse, the
economy going south--to help them beat George W. Bush. That didn't happen, of course. But now
disaster has struck, and it's becoming increasingly clear that Democrats are better off for it. In
ripping through the Gulf Coast, Hurricane Katrina has peeled back the lid on Republican rule and
many Americans aren't happy with what they see.
This isn't about a slow response anymore. The Federal Emergency Management Agency is on the
ground, troops have restored order, and the water in New Orleans has long since begun to recede.
President Bush and Republicans in Congress are now taking a hit not for when but rather how they
have responded. And unless they change course, Republicans will pay a steep price in next year's
midterm elections and leave Democrats in the driver's seat for 2008.
What President Bush, House Majority Leader Tom DeLay and other Republicans haven't figured out
yet is that deficit spending isn't a problem for them unless it endangers the broader conservative
agenda. If it does, it will become the electoral issue. And what we're seeing is that Katrina is
swamping every goal conservatives have, from limiting government to cutting taxes to reforming
entitlement programs. Katrina spending has already imperiled plans to repeal the death tax, and
Congress is already $60 billion into a spending binge. Handing out $2,000 debit cards was just the
beginning. The conservative Congress has brought back the welfare state.
This isn't all Katrina's fault. Republicans have been kidding themselves for years that they
are still the stewards of fiscal conservatism and limited government. The Medicare prescription
drug plan is just one example. Run down the list of the some 80 federal entitlements--including
Medicare, Medicaid, farm subsidies, Pell Grants and so much more--and it becomes clear that little
has been done to take these massive programs off of spending autopilot. Welfare reform and Freedom
to Farm in the 1990s were nice, but what has the GOP done lately? In many cases Republicans have
ramped up spending and then bragged about it.
What we're seeing in the wake of Katrina is that despite all the winks and assurances to the
contrary as they passed the energy and transportation bills, Republicans in Congress don't know
how to control spending and are at a loss as to why they even should. That's one way to govern.
But if Republicans no longer believe in smaller government, why not put the Democrats back in
None of this is say that Katrina has hurt all Republicans and helped all Democrats. Louisiana's
Gov. Kathleen Blanco and New Orleans's Mayor Ray Nagin--both of whom have D's after their
names--have clearly failed as crisis leaders. We can expect voters to give them the boot next time
Meanwhile, Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice may actually mark the storm as the turning point
that gives her a shot at elective office. She has the good fortune of being from the wrong place
at what's now the right time--Alabama, a state hit hard by the hurricane. Staring down critics who
claim the president didn't rush to help Katrina victims because they were predominately poor and
black has raised her national profile and fleshed out some of her views on race, poverty and
Ms. Rice has gone domestic and surely is now on the short list to be any credible Republican
presidential candidate's running mate. But why not Condi for president? She hasn't held elective
office before, but if the nation comes under attack again, it's clear she has the backbone to do
something about it. And that's about the only argument Republicans will have for continuing to be
trusted with the reins of power after they jettison the rest of their agenda and adopt programs
reminiscent of the New Deal and Great Society. Bankruptcy reform and a failed effort at Social
Security reform just aren't enough to take to the voters, especially once the two Supreme Court
vacancies are filled.
As it happens, there is still an opportunity for Republicans in the ownership society.
President Bush's idea of giving away federal land in the hard-hit areas is a step in the right
direction, as are private $5,000 accounts that evacuees can use for job training and child care
until they get back on their feet. A bolder step would be to move forward with private Medicaid,
Medicare and Social Security accounts. Federal policies that encourage and facilitate owning
assets--especially a home--enable individuals to get off of public assistance and will be embraced
by even moderate voters.
In the absence of such policies, however, conservatives will continue to be stampeded on
Mr. Miniter is assistant editor of His column appears Tuesdays.