DeLay's Replacement Hired Consultant Who's
Also Indicted
Yahoo News/AP
Blunt Hired Consultant Who's Also Indicted
Associated Press Writer
Wed Sep 28,10:26
WASHINGTON - The political committee of Rep. Roy Blunt, who is temporarily
replacing Rep. Tom DeLay as House majority leader, has paid roughly $88,000 in
fees since 2003 to a consultant under indictment in Texas with DeLay, according
to federal records.
Keri Ann Hayes, executive director of the Rely on Your Beliefs Fund, said
the organization has been has been satisfied with the work done by Jim Ellis,
but has not discussed whether he will be retained.
"We haven't had that conversation," she said. So far, she added, Ellis'
indictment had no impact on his work.
Records on file with the Federal Election Commission show the fund linked to
Blunt retains Ellis' firm, J.W. Ellis Co., and has made periodic payments for
services. Political Money Line, a nonpartisan Internet tracking service, places
the total at about $88,000.
Ellis is one of three political associates of DeLay, R-Texas, who have been
indicted in an alleged scheme to use corporate political donations illegally to
support candidates in state elections. Ellis also runs DeLay's national
political action committee, Americans for a Republican Majority.
DeLay was indicted on Wednesday, a development that required him to
relinquish his leadership post at least temporarily. Blunt was chosen as his
successor for the time being.
Hayes said Ellis analyzes House campaigns for Blunt's PAC, which supports
Republican challengers and incumbents in House races.
Blunt has been the majority whip since 2003, a position that made him the
chief vote counter for his party's conservative agenda.
DeLay's indictment capped a quick rise for Blunt, first elected to Congress
in 1996. His district in southwestern Missouri includes Branson, a town of a
few thousand residents that draws millions of country music fans each year to
its performance stages.