Archbishop says gays should be banned from
Seattle Times
By Rachel Zoll
The Associated Press
September 13, 2005
The American prelate overseeing a sweeping Vatican evaluation of every
seminary in the United States said yesterday that most gay candidates for the
priesthood struggle to remain celibate and that the church must "stay on the
safe side" by restricting their enrollment.
Archbishop Edwin O'Brien made the comments as Roman Catholics await word of
an eagerly anticipated Vatican document on whether gays should be barred from
the priesthood. O'Brien and several other U.S. bishops have said they expect
that document to be released soon.
O'Brien, who leads the Archdiocese for the Military Services in Washington,
said that "there are some priests ... with same-sex attractions and they've
done very well" remaining celibate.
"But generally speaking, in my experience, the pressures are strong in an
all-male atmosphere," he said. "And if there have been past failings, the
church really must stay on the safe side. ... The same-sex attractions have
gotten us into some legal problems."
O'Brien had told the National Catholic Register, an independent newsweekly,
that "anyone who has engaged in homosexual activity, or has strong homosexual
inclinations, would be best not to apply to a seminary and not to be accepted
into a seminary," even if they had been celibate for a decade or more. O'Brien
told The Associated Press that the church is not "hounding" gays out of the
priesthood but wants to enroll seminarians who can maintain their vows of
celibacy. The church considers gay relationships "intrinsically
The Vatican ordered the seminary review three years ago in response to the
clergy sex-abuse crisis to look for anything that contributed to the scandal,
which has led to more than 11,000 abuse claims in the past five decades.
The evaluation is set to begin later this month, and much of the focus is
expected to be on what seminarians are taught about chastity and celibacy. It
also is reportedly drawing up guidelines for accepting candidates for the
priesthood that could address the question of homosexual seminarians.
The debate over gays in the priesthood reached a crisis point last year when
a study that the U.S. bishops commissioned from the John Jay College of
Criminal Justice found that most of the alleged abuse victims since 1950 were
adolescent boys.
Debbie Weill, executive director of DignityUSA, which represents gay and
lesbian Catholics, accused bishops of "scapegoating" gays to divert attention
from the failure of church leaders to protect children.
The exact number of gay seminarians is not known. Estimates vary
dramatically from one-quarter to more than half of all American priest
candidates. However, several Catholic leaders say the gay presence is so large
that heterosexual seminarians feel alienated and that many have dropped out
over the years. Yet, even these leaders concede there is no easy way to enforce
a ban on gay priest candidates, since many do not discover they are homosexual
until after they enroll and others may hide their sexual orientation from
seminary administrators.
As part of the seminary evaluation, 117 bishops and seminary staff will
visit 229 campuses over the next year and then present their findings to the
Copyright © 2005 The Seattle Times Company
Any priest who's this ignorant of human sexuality shouldn't be making grand
pronouncements about things they know nothing about. Clearly this moron thinks
gay priests are the problem. But any fool knows sexual predators who rape
children don't care which sex they are.