Anti War Rally
The Seattle Times
Rally, ads aimed at energizing anti-war groups
By The Associated Press and Knight Ridder Newspapers
September 23, 2005
WASHINGTON — Anti-war groups are using a $1 million ad campaign and a
demonstration that they say will attract 100,000 people to try to re-energize
their movement and pressure the Bush administration to bring troops home from
Organizers of tomorrow's protest, which will take marchers past the White
House, say it will be the largest since the war began more than two years
Cindy Sheehan, who drew thousands of protesters to her 26-day vigil outside
President Bush's Texas ranch last month, is among those planning to
"We want to show Congress, the president and the administration that this
peace movement is thriving," said Sheehan, whose son, Army Spc. Casey Sheehan,
24, was killed last year in Iraq. "We mean business and we're not going to go
away until our troops come home."
Yesterday, Bush said withdrawing troops now would make the world more
dangerous. "The only way the terrorists can win is if we lose our nerve and
abandon the mission," he said. "For the safety and security of the American
people, that's not going to happen on my watch."
Bush did not plan to be in Washington for the protest, but he will have
support on the streets. The groups and Protest Warrior plan
their own demonstration, with hundreds expected to join in.
"We made a vow after Sept. 11 that we would not allow the anti-American left
to do to us this time what they did during Vietnam, which was wear down the
morale of the American people," FreeRepublic spokesman Kristinn Taylor
Nationally known Democratic war critics, including Howard Dean, the chairman
of the Democratic National Committee, and Sens. Hillary Rodham Clinton of New
York, Russ Feingold of Wisconsin and John Kerry of Massachusetts won't attend
the anti-war protest. Democrats are divided over the war, and many leaders are
wary of standing with anti-war activists.
The rally comes at a time a growing number of Americans want a timetable for
withdrawing U.S. troops from Iraq, a proposition Bush and many leading
Democrats reject.
A poll this week by the nonpartisan Pew Research Center found that 51
percent of Americans want to keep troops in Iraq until it's stabilized, but the
ranks of those who want to set a timetable to withdraw have grown to 57 percent
from 49 percent in July. (Evidently some people chose both answers.)
At the same time, a growing number of grass-roots Democrats are dissatisfied
with their party's leadership in Congress.
The anti-war groups began an advertising campaign yesterday, sponsored by
Win Without War, with an advertisement in The Washington Post and other
newspapers. The left side of the double-page ad pictures Bush and
administration officials with quotes about weapons of mass destruction in Iraq
under the headline "They lied." The right side lists the names of U.S. military
personnel killed in Iraq with the headline "They died."
A television spot, sponsored by Gold Star Families for Peace, is running on
Fox News Channel and local cable TV. The TV ad features Sheehan and other
relatives of soldiers killed in Iraq.
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