Antiwar Rallies in Washington and Other
NY Times
Published: September 25, 2005
WASHINGTON, Sept. 24 - Vast numbers of protesters from around the country
poured onto the lawns behind the White House on Saturday to demonstrate their
opposition to the war in Iraq, pointedly directing their anger at President
Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney.
A sea of anti-administration signs and banners flashed back at a long
succession of speakers, who sharply rebuked the administration for continuing a
war that has cost the lives of nearly 2,000 Americans and many more Iraqis.
Many of the speakers also charged Mr. Bush with squandering resources that
could have been used to aid people affected by the two hurricanes that slammed
into the Gulf Coast
As protesters moved from the rally to a march around the White House, they
packed city streets, and in some areas, came face to face with groups of
pro-administration demonstrators, who held up signs expressing support for the
Organizers of the rally and march had a permit for 100,000 people, but the
National Park Service no longer provides official estimates for large
gatherings in Washington.
Rallies held on Saturday in Los Angeles, San Francisco, Seattle and other
cities drew considerably smaller crowds, but unlike the more varied themes of
recent protests against administration policies, antiwar sentiment on Saturday
was consistent throughout. In Washington, it was evident from the start, as an
organizer screamed over the microphone, "Let Bush and Cheney and the White
House hear our message: Bring the troops home now."
Mr. Bush was in Colorado and Texas monitoring hurricane developments, and
Mr. Cheney was undergoing surgery at George Washington University hospital.
"It's significant that Bush is out of town," said William Dobbs, an
organizer of the march. "It shows that he's turned his back on the peace
movement, which represents a majority of the American public right now."
Dana Perino, a spokeswoman for the administration, said: "The White House is
certainly aware of the protest. The president believes that one of the most
treasured rights of Americans is to peacefully express yourself, and there are
differences of opinion about the way forward. He understands that."
Speakers at the rally included a newcomer to the modern antiwar movement,
Cindy Sheehan, the California mother whose son was killed last year fighting in
Iraq. Ms. Sheehan has become the face of the movement because of her efforts
over the summer, camping near Mr. Bush's ranch in Crawford, Tex. Her appearance
and brief remarks drew a thunderous response.
"I really haven't had a chance to digest all this," she said in an interview
after her speech, referring to the attention she has received. "I hope I'm a
catalyst for change, but I don't want to be the focus of change."
But the crowd also heard from old lions of the antiwar movement, like the
Rev. Jesse Jackson, the actress Jessica Lange, Ralph Nader and former Attorney
General Ramsey Clark, who has endorsed impeaching Mr. Bush.
Mr. Jackson reminded the crowd that the war proceeded without proof that
Iraq had unconventional weapons or a connection to Al Qaeda, saying, "We
deserve another way and better leadership."
The protests here and elsewhere were largely sponsored by two groups, the
Answer Coalition, which embodies a wide range of progressive political
objectives, and United for Peace and Justice, which has a more narrow, antiwar
For months in planning, the theme was Iraq. But as Hurricane Katrina struck
the Gulf Coast, followed by Hurricane Rita, the rally quickly embraced domestic
themes as well. One sign held high said, "Make levees, not war."
"To me, there is an ideological connection," said Sheri Leafgren, a
professor of education at Kent State University in Ohio who held a sign that
said, "From New Orleans to Iraq: Stop the war on the poor." "If you care about
people losing lives and being devastated by grief, it's all human
In San Francisco, as protesters marched toward downtown, David Miles, 49,
pumped up the volume on his iPod, attached to a 12-volt battery and large
speakers on wheels. "War," the Vietnam-era protest song by Edwin Starr,
suddenly filled the air.
The lyrics, "War, what is it good for?" blared from the speakers, and
protesters joined in, shouting back: "Absolutely nothing."
Reporting for this article was contributed by Holli Chmela and Lakiesha Carr
in Washington, Carolyn Marshall in San Francisco and Chris Dixon in Los