GOP Prism Distorts Some Kerry
The Washington Post
By Glenn Kessler and Dan Morgan
Washington Post Staff Writers
Friday, September 3, 2004; Page A01
Speakers at this week's Republican convention have
relentlessly attacked John F. Kerry for statements he has made
and votes he has taken in his long political career, but a number
of their specific claims -- such as his votes on military
programs -- are at best selective and in many cases stripped of
their context, according to a review of the documentation
provided by the Bush campaign.
As a senator, Kerry has long been skeptical of big-ticket
weapons systems, especially when measured against rising budget
deficits, and to some extent he opened himself to this line of
attack when he chose to largely skip over his Senate career
during his acceptance speech at the Democratic convention last
month. But the barrage by Republicans at their own convention has
often misportrayed statements or votes that are years, if not
decades, old. spacer
For instance:
Kerry did not cast a series of votes against individual
weapons systems, as Sen. Zell Miller (D-Ga.) suggested in a
slashing convention speech in New York late Wednesday, but
instead Kerry voted against a Pentagon spending package in 1990
as part of deliberations over restructuring and downsizing the
military in the post-Cold War era.
Both Vice President Cheney and Miller have said that
Kerry would like to see U.S. troops deployed only at the
direction of the United Nations, with Cheney noting that the
remark had been made at the start of Kerry's political career.
This refers to a statement made nearly 35 years ago, when Kerry
gave an interview to the Harvard Crimson, 10 months after he had
returned from the Vietnam War angry and disillusioned by his
experiences there. (President Bush at the time was in the Air
National Guard, about to earn his wings.)
President Bush, Cheney and Miller faulted Kerry for
voting against body armor for troops in Iraq. But much of the
funding for body armor was added to the bill by House Democrats,
not the administration, and Kerry's vote against the entire bill
was rooted in a dispute with the administration over how to pay
for $20 billion earmarked for reconstruction of Iraq.
In remarks prepared for delivery last night, Kerry denounced
the Republican convention for its "anger and distortion" and
criticized Cheney for avoiding the military draft during the
Vietnam era.
Bush campaign spokesman Terry Holt defended the statements
made by convention speakers, though he declined to address
details beyond supplying the campaign's citations of votes.
"Whether it was in the '70s, '80s or '90s, Sen. Kerry has
demonstrated a general pattern of hostility to a strong national
defense," Holt said.
Votes cast by lawmakers are often twisted by political
opponents, and both political parties are adept at combing
through legislative records to score political points. Former
senator Robert J. Dole's voting record was frequently distorted
by the Clinton campaign eight years ago -- as well as by his GOP
rivals for the Republican nomination.
One document frequently cited by Republicans is a 350-word
article in the Boston Globe, written when Kerry was lieutenant
governor of Massachusetts and battling to win the Democratic
nomination for senator in 1984 -- a period of soaring deficits in
the wake of a huge defense buildup by President Ronald Reagan.
Calling for a "strong defense," the article said, Kerry proposed
to slow the rate of growth in defense spending by canceling 27
weapons systems, in part to reduce the deficit and also restore
cuts Reagan had made in domestic programs.
While Cheney said Kerry opposed Reagan's "major defense
initiatives," the campaign does not cite any votes against such
defense programs while Reagan was president, relying instead on a
campaign speech before he was elected senator.
Six years later, Kerry took part in a complex and serious
debate in Congress over how to restructure the military after the
Cold War.
Cheney, at the time defense secretary, had scolded Congress
for keeping alive such programs as the F-14 and F-16 jet fighters
that he wanted to eliminate. Miller said in his speech that Kerry
had foolishly opposed both the weapons systems and would have
left the military armed with "spitballs." During that same
debate, President George H.W. Bush, the current president's
father, proposed shutting down production of the B-2 bomber --
another weapons system cited by Miller -- and pledged to cut
defense spending by 30 percent in eight years.
Though Miller recited a long list of weapons systems, Kerry
did not vote against these specific weapons on the floor of the
Senate during this period. Instead, he voted against an omnibus
defense spending bill that would have funded all these programs;
it is this vote that forms the crux of the GOP case that he
"opposed" these programs.
On the Senate floor, Kerry cast his vote in terms of fiscal
concerns, saying the defense bill did not "represent sound
budgetary policy" in a time of "extreme budget austerity." Much
like Bush's father, he singled out the B-2 bomber for specific
attention, saying it is "one of the most costly, waste-ridden
programs in a long history of waste, fraud and abuse scandals
that have plagued Pentagon spending."
Asked why the campaign was attacking Kerry for having similar
positions as Cheney, White House communications director Dan
Bartlett responded: "I don't have the specifics of [when]
then-Secretary of Defense Dick Cheney was in charge of the
Pentagon, but I think we'd be more than willing to have a debate
on whether Dick Cheney or John Kerry was stronger on
Appearing on CNN, Miller said he had "gotten documentation on
every single one of those votes that I talked about."
Cheney, in his own speech, skipped over that period, going
directly from Kerry's vote against authorization for the first
Persian Gulf War to the post-Sept. 11, 2001, period.
Republican documents also cite a long list of Kerry votes
against various weapons systems, including the B-2 bomber. But
Kerry's opposition in the 1990s often hinged on his concerns
about the impact on the budget deficit of congressional efforts
to add money for the plane.
"We are going to build B-2 bombers even though the Pentagon
does not want the B-2 bombers, even though the Pentagon never
submitted a request for the B-2 bombers," Kerry said during a
budget debate in October 1995.
Kerry's vote last year against the administration's $87
billion proposal to fund troops in Iraq and pay for Iraqi
reconstruction has also been the focus of Republican attacks. "My
opponent and his running mate voted against this money for
bullets, and fuel, and vehicles, and body armor," Bush said last
Kerry actually supported all those things, but as part of a
different version of the bill opposed by the administration. At
the time, many Republicans were uncomfortable with the
administration's plans and the White House had to threaten a veto
against the congressional version to bring reluctant lawmakers in
In a floor statement explaining his vote, Kerry said he
favored the $67 billion for the troops on the ground -- "I
support our troops in Iraq and their mission" -- but faulted the
administration's $20 billion request for reconstruction. He
complained that administration "has only given us a set of goals
and vague timetables, not a detailed plan."
Yesterday, the State Department said that only $1 billion of
that money has been spent in the 11 months since the bill was
Researcher Madonna Lebling contributed to this report.