Iraq Receives 27 Cents out of
Every Dollar We spend on Reconstruction
Iraq Reconstruction Funds Come Up Short
Published on 10/7/2004
Washington — As little as 27 cents of every dollar spent
on Iraq's reconstruction has actually filtered down to projects
benefiting Iraqis, a statistic that is prompting the State
Department to fundamentally rethink the Bush administration's
troubled reconstruction effort.
Between soaring security costs, corruption and mismanagement,
contractors' profits, and U.S. governmental costs, reconstruction
funding is being drained away, leaving little left to improve the
lives of Iraqis, according to an analysis by the nonpartisan
Center for Strategic and International Studies, based in
Senior administration officials and congressional experts on
the reconstruction effort called the analysis credible. One
senior U.S. official familiar with reconstruction suggested as
little as a quarter of the funding is reaching its intended
The Bush administration is still not meeting the goal it set
this summer to inject $300 million to $400 million monthly into
Iraq's economy by Sept. 1, the officials said.
"We're moving funds faster, but not at the rate we set
for ourselves,' a senior U.S. official involved in Iraq
policy said.
With little fanfare, Congress last week approved the Bush
administration's request to reallocate $3.46 billion from
long-term infrastructure projects to more pressing security and
job-creation programs. The transfer marks a significant
refocusing of the year-old, $18.4 billion effort to rebuild
But administration officials, lawmakers and think tanks say
major changes are needed not only in what the reconstruction
money is spent on, but also how it is spent. Too much money has
been filtered through major American businesses such as
Halliburton Co. and Bechtel Corp. on large-scale electricity,
water and oil infrastructure projects, and not nearly enough has
gone to smaller, more decentralized reconstruction efforts that
could be handled by Iraqis, they say.
"When you're doing these large-scale programs, these
design-and-build contracts and mega-program projects, you eat up
a lot of money in administration and management costs,'
said a senior U.S. official familiar with the reconstruction
"What we've learned is that we have to use Iraqis,
provide more employment, lower our costs and deliver a project
that would be close enough to what they want, even if it's not
perfect by American standards. We're moving in that direction
— finally.'
Politically unpopular foreign aid programs have traditionally
been sold to taxpayers as ultimately benefiting them because most
of the money goes to U.S. companies, said Rep. Jim Kolbe,
R-Ariz., chairman of the Appropriations Committee's subcommittee
on foreign operations, which is responsible for the
reconstruction funding. Iraq has been no different.
"We have to have a complete change of mind-set,'
Kolbe said.
In a report released a week ago, Iraq Revenue Watch, a
watchdog group funded by liberal philanthropist George Soros,
analyzed contracts worth more than $5 million that have been
funded with Iraqi oil revenue over the past year.
Of the 39 contracts so far, American and British firms have
received 85 percent of the value, the group said. Iraqi firms
have received 2 percent.
Of the $7.1 billion so far obligated to reconstruction
projects, nearly a third will be spent on security, according to
the CSIS. Roughly 6 percent will be taken as contractor profit,
10 percent finances U.S. government overhead, and more than a
quarter will be lost to mismanagement, corruption, insurance
costs and the soaring salaries of non-Iraqi workers.