Paul Bremer: Not Enough
Troops on the Ground
The Washington Post
Bremer's Leap Into the Greenbrier Patch
By Al Kamen Wednesday, October 6, 2004; Page A25
Former Iraq viceroy L. Paul Bremer, President Bush's close
pal, sure kicked up a bit of a fuss Monday when he talked about
how "we never had enough troops on the ground" to effectively
occupy Iraq.
This left White House aides scrambling Monday night to deny he
said that, or if he did say it, that it was off the record or
that he was misquoted or that it really wasn't Bremer but someone
claiming to be Bremer.
That gaffe alone may not have been enough to deep-six Bremer's
chances for a top job in a second Bush term. But then Bremer also
put in a good word for the president's Democratic challenger,
John F. Kerry, on Iraq.
So while Bush is out there campaigning, saying Kerry's
policies "are dangerous for world peace," Bremer is at the
Greenbrier resort, telling the Council of Insurance Agents and
Brokers on Monday that he thought things in Iraq would be okay no
matter who wins the election.
Bremer said, "My impression is that both the candidates have
more or less the same plan": building up Iraq's security, keeping
U.S. troops there until the country is stable and working to
defeat terrorism around the world.
"America's not a nation of quitters," he said, according to an
account provided by the CIAB. "Both candidates have made it clear
we will see it through."
We trust this means Bremer has definitely decided to join the
private sector, if not the Kerry campaign.
Don't Cross These Eyes
People on the Hill had been talking about how House Majority
Leader Tom DeLay (R-Tex.) is looking different these days.
Something about his eyes.
Turns out he has had plastic surgery to touch them up a bit.
The Hammer has "joined the nip-and-tuck club," Roll Call reports,
and everyone says he looks great.
"I had my eyes checked by my ophthalmologist," he told the
paper's "Heard on the Hill" column. His upper lids had become so
heavy, as apparently they are prone to do with age, that they
were "blocking my vision."
Ah, the old "vision" thing.
Pardon Me?
Spin of the Week award: The winner, despite intense
competition, is national security adviser Condoleezza Rice. Rice,
chatting Sunday with CNN's Wolf Blitzer, was asked about Bush's
claim that Pakistani scientist Abdul Qadeer Khan, who sold
nuclear secrets to North Korea, Iran, and Libya, had been
"brought to justice."
"To 'justice'?" Blitzer asked, saying that seemed to be very
"sloppy wording," since Khan had been "pardoned by President [
Pervez] Musharraf."
Khan, who has done more damage to the security of the United
States than anyone since Benedict Arnold, "himself lives in a
villa," Blitzer noted -- actually five of them. "And the
[International Atomic Energy Agency] would like to question him,
and the Pakistani government doesn't even allow that to
"A.Q. Khan, in a sense, has been brought to justice,"
Rice said with a straight face, "because he is out of the
business that he loved most. . . . And if you don't think that
his national humiliation is justice for what he did, I think it
is. He's nationally humiliated."
Well, so is Ken Lay. So is Martha Stewart, and she's going to
the slammer. But we hanged Arnold's co-conspirator. And if we
could have found Arnold.
Speaking of Kerry, there's a new Web site appealing to a
critical block of voters: the Web site Kerry Haters for Kerry