UN Commission on Human Rights Condemnes
UPI UK Correspondent
LONDON, Nov. 18 (UPI) -- The United States government was roundly condemned
by the United Nations Commission on Human Rights Friday for refusing to allow
it full access to its detention camp at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. "The writ of
international human rights does not stop at the gates of Guantanamo Bay," said
the U.N. special rapporteur on the right to health, Paul Hunt, announcing a
full investigation into the human rights of detainees at the Cuban camp.
Speaking at a human rights conference hosted by Amnesty International in
London, Hunt said he had been requesting access to Guantanamo for two years,
and was "extremely disappointed" at the decision.
"I am very anxious for this access because of consistent and credible
reports of alleged serious violations of the rights and cultures of detainees.
According to reports there has been a worrying and alarming deterioration in
the mental health of many detainees. It is alleged that there are dozens of
suicide attempts, reportedly medical staff have assisted in the design of
interrogation strategies, including sleep deprivation and other coercive
Hunt stressed: "The writ of international human rights does not stop at the
gates of Guantanamo Bay. It is imperative to the integrity of the United
Nations and its human rights mechanisms that Guantanamo Bay and similar
facilities elsewhere do not escape the international accountability that has
been carefully constructed by states in recent decades to safeguard the human
rights of individuals."
In a tacit reference to statements made by U.S. President George W. Bush on
the Guantanamo detainees, Hunt said that to those who argued they were "bad
people," he replied that "whether they are good or bad, the rule of law extends
to them because they are human beings."
"That is what distinguishes a system of government based on the rule of law
from one that is based on publicly exercised punishment. The rule of law cannot
be applied selectively. A state cannot apply the rule of law in one place, but
not another, to one group of people but not another. The rule of law is not to
be turned on and off like a tap."
It was for these reasons that the U.N. Commission on Human Rights had no
alternative but to open a full investigation into the health and human rights
of detainees at the camp, he said.
The commission continued to hope that the U.S. authorities would grant
access on acceptable conditions, he said, a move which would confirm
Washington's commitment to human rights and the rule of law.
Amnesty International Secretary General Irene Khan also condemned the U.S.
refusal of access, which she said was "totally unacceptable."
"Guantánamo is just the visible tip of an iceberg of abuse, the most
notorious link in a chain of detention camps including Bagram Air Base in
Afghanistan, prisons in Iraq and secret facilities elsewhere, she said.
While terrorist acts were a threat to security and gross violations of human
rights in themselves, she said, "Adopting counter-terrorism measures which
create legal black holes and violate more human rights is not the answer.
"Picking people up at random, detaining them for prolonged periods without
charge or trial, holding them in secret locations, shunting them around the
world from one black site to another, exposing them to torture and
ill-treatment, undermines human rights principles, destroys the values of the
rule of law and its democratic values, and we resoundingly feel, it leads to
more violence."
Khan cited the case of three Yemeni nationals, who had allegedly been picked
up in Tanzania and Jordan, and handed over to the United States. The men were
held in locations unknown to them for almost two years in total isolation,
tortured and beaten, and eventually handed over to the Yemeni authorities, who
had told Amnesty "very openly" that they were being held at the request of the
United States, she said.
Amnesty had flight logs from the CIA which corroborated the men's stories,
she added.
"We believe that there are many more detainees like them being in secret
locations, which the CIA calls "black sites,"" she said.
There were reports that some individuals had died while in such facilities,
in circumstances suggesting they were tortured, she continued.
"This is totally unacceptable and unlawful. Torture and ill-treatment,
incommunicado and secret detentions are all prohibited under international law.
Disappearances are crimes under international law, yet all are being committed
with impunity by governments, including the United States, which is the
self-professed defender of democracy and freedom around the world."
Amnesty's demand was simple, she said: "Shut down Guantanamo or open it
up... and disclose the rest."
Clive Stafford Smith, legal director of Reprieve, said his organization
could prove several other cases of "extraordinary rendition" -- whereby terror
suspects were taken to countries around the world to be interrogated and
tortured -- using CIA flight records.
Reprieve could now identify 14,000 prisoners in U.S. custody in locations
around the world whose identity had been kept secret, he said.
Referring to the alleged CIA network of so-called "black sites," first
reported by the Washington Post earlier this month, Stafford Smith said he was
reliably informed that one such location was in Poland, a democratic state
which was obliged to uphold human rights conventions as part of its European
Union membership.
Moazzam Begg, one of four Britons who were eventually released from
Guantanamo after British pressure, said he had seen things in the camp "that
you would believe were out of a Nazi manual, or a Stalinist detention
"Is this going to proliferate terrorism, and hate and ignorance? Yes."
United Press International spoke to former Guantanamo detainee Rustam
Akhmiarov, a 26-year-old Russian who was held in Pakistan and Afghanistan
before being transferred to the Cuban camp.
Ahmiarov said he was studying Arabic at the Islamic university in Karachi
when he was picked up by the Pakistani police and imprisoned with no
After three weeks, he was handed over to U.S. officials for a sum of $5,000,
he claimed. He was then taken to Kandahar in Afghanistan where he spent six
months in a "concentration camp," and was later transferred to Guantanamo for a
further 18 months.
He was kept in solitary confinement for months on end and interrogated on an
almost daily basis, he told UPI. He never saw any official charges, or received
an explanation as to why he was being held.
"All they wanted me to do was to confess to being a member of al-Qaida, or
incriminate someone else," he said.
Ahmiarov claimed he was subjected to a variety of torture techniques,
including the administration of mind -altering drugs.
"I was beaten myself, and I saw other people being beaten. I was subjected
to torture by cold and by insomnia, and by mind-changing medicines, and dogs as
well." Interrogators also insulted and desecrated the Qu'ran, he said.
"I was told I was going to die there, or that by the time I was released my
parents would be dead," he continued.
Ahmiarov was eventually extradited to Russia, where he was held for a
further four months. He was then released, told by Russian authorities that
there was "no evidence against him."
Before his detention, Ahmariov was studying with the aim of becoming an
interpreter. Now, however, life would never be normal again, he said.
"At the moment I feel my life is in suspense, because I'll be branded
forever as an international terrorist, so I don't know how I can lead a normal
life with that brand. Also my family, my relatives, they will be the family and
relatives of an international terrorist."
"It can't be erased, it will stay with me forever," he concluded.
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