"Dedicated to exposing the lies and impeachable offenses of George W. Bush"

Two Britons Face Charges For Exposing Bush's Planned Attack on Civilian Targets
Voice of America
November 29, 2005

Two Britons have appeared in a London court to answer charges of leaking a sensitive government memo on reported comments by President Bush about bombing the headquarters of the Arab satellite TV channel Al-Jazeera.

Civil Servant David Keogh and former government researcher Leo O'Connor face charges of violating Britain's official Secrets Act that bans such disclosures. The court put off further hearings until January 10th.

Last week, a British newspaper, the Daily Mirror, reported that a leaked British government memo had described a 2004 meeting between Prime Minister Tony Blair and President Bush. The report quoted the memo as saying Mr. Bush discussed plans to bomb al-Jazeera headquarters in Qatar, but that Mr. Blair talked him out of it.

Monday, Mr. Blair denied receiving information about a plot to bomb the station.

The White House has dismissed the report as "outlandish."

Some information for this report provided by Reuters and AP.

Regardless of what you think of Al-Jazeer, it is a civilian target and only terrorists attack civilians. Bush wanted to destroy Al-Jazeer, but Blair talked him out of it. He did however hit them a few times and continues to hold one of their reporters (most likely for no reason). An impeachable offense.