Pentagon Calling up Sick
Democratic Underground
November 11, 2005
By Gene C. Gerard
Last week the Government Accountability Office (GAO), the investigative unit
of Congress, released a report indicating that the Pentagon has been calling up
reserve soldiers who are ill or medically unfit to serve. The reservists are
serving primarily in Iraq and Afghanistan. Although the Office of the Under
Secretary of Defense for Personnel and Readiness is responsible for managing
medical and physical fitness policy and procedures, the report determined that
this office has no way to determine if reserve soldiers are fit to serve or
have pre-existing medical conditions prior to deployment.
Consequently, the GAO found that the Pentagon couldn't confirm to the
Secretary of Defense or Congress that reserve forces are medically and
physically fit when they are called to active duty. Yet under federal law
reserve forces are required to have a medical exam every five years and an
annual review of their medical status.
The report also found that the Defense Department has not even determined
what type of pre-existing medical conditions would preclude a reservist from
being called to duty. Consequently, it doesn't track the pre-existing
conditions of reserve soldiers being deployed. According to the surgeon's
office of the commander of the U.S. Central Command "there were many instances
of individuals who deployed into Iraq and Afghanistan with conditions for which
they should have been considered non-deployable."
Given the recruitment shortages that the armed services currently face, it
shouldn't be surprising that reservists in poor health are being called up.
When the 2005 fiscal year ended in September the Army was 7,000 recruits short
of its annual goal. This was the largest gap in recruitment since 1979 when the
draft was abolished. And it was the first recruitment shortage for the Army
since 1999. The Army National Guard and the Army Reserve had even greater
recruitment shortages this year.
The Army has taken various approaches to its lackluster recruitment efforts.
It increased it advertising budget by $130 million for 2006. Over the course of
fiscal year 2005 the Army handed out $207 million in bonuses to recruits and
those who re-enlisted. This was a sizable increase over 2004, when $125 million
was distributed as bonuses. The Army gave a bonus of a least $1,000 to 53
percent of new recruits between October 2004 and June 2005; the average bonus
was $5,589.
The Army's maximum bonus of $20,000 was distributed to six percent of new
recruits. And the Pentagon has already made a request to Congress to double the
maximum bonus for 2006 to $40,000. The Army is also handing out bonuses of $400
per month for three years for soldiers with much-needed skills, such as
Last Month, Army Secretary Francis J. Harvey announced that due to the
recruitment shortages the Army will now double the number of recruits it
accepts who score the lowest on the intelligence test administered to all
potential recruits. Secretary Harvey also announced that the Army was
decreasing its requirement that the recruiting class each year be comprised of
at least 67 percent of applicants who scored in the top half of the
intelligence test. The portion has now been lowered to 60 percent.
What has not been known until now is that recruitment shortages have
resulted in the Pentagon calling up reservists who are ill or medically unfit.
According to the GAO report, this includes reservists who have suffered from
heart attacks, those with severe asthma (weather conditions in the desert
exacerbates this condition), hernias, severe hypertension, and a woman who was
four months into chemotherapy treatment for breast cancer. It also includes
reservists suffering from sleep apnea who need medical equipment to help them
breath, yet large portions of Iraq and Afghanistan lack the electricity
necessary to run the equipment.
Reserve forces that are diabetic and require insulin pumps have been called
to active duty. A soldier was called up only two weeks after receiving a kidney
transplant. Other reservists have required kidney dialysis. The GAO report also
found that reserve soldiers have been called to active duty that suffer from
psychiatric problems, including bipolar disorder. By one estimate as much as
ten percent of the reservists who have been medically evacuated out of the
Middle East was attributable to pre-existing medical conditions that could not
be treated properly.
The GAO report ominously concluded, "The impact of those who are not
medically and physically fit for duty could be significant for future
deployments as the pool of reserve members from which to fill requirements is
dwindling and those who have deployed are not in as good health as they were
before deployment." The findings of this report are particularly ironic,
considering that one year ago President Bush won re-election in large part
because he convinced military families that he would protect the armed forces
better than Senator Kerry. Consequently, veterans voted for President Bush by a
16-point margin. Many of them are likely having second thoughts today.
Gene C. Gerard taught history, religion, and ethics for 14 years at a number
of colleges and universities in the southwest. He is a contributing author to
the forthcoming book Americans at War, to be published by Greenwood Press. His
previous articles have appeared in Political Affairs Magazine, The Free Press,
Dissident Voice, Intervention Magazine, Orb Standard, and Democratic