1. All in all, do you think that things in the nation are generally headed in
the right direction, or do you feel thatn things are off on the wrong
track?WSJ November 05, 2005 Headed in the right direction 26 Off on the wrong track 63 Mixed (VOL) 8 Not sure 3 2a How old are you? (IF "REFUSED," ASK:) Well, would you tell me which age group you belong to? [139-140] 18-24 12 25-29 10 30-34 7 35-39 7 40-44 9 45-49 12 50-54 11 55-59 9 60-64 7 65-69 5 70-74 5 75 and over 6 Refused - 2b To ensure that we have a representative sample, would you please tell me whether you are from a Hispanic or Spanish-speaking background? Yes, Hispanic 11 No, not Hispanic 89 Not sure/refused - 2c And again, for statistical purposes only, what is your race--white, black, Asian, or something else? White 75 Black 11 Asian 1 Other 3 Hispanic (VOL) 10 Not sure/refused - 3a In general, do you approve or disapprove of the job that George W Bush is doing as president? 11/05 Approve 38 Disapprove 57 Not sure 5 3b Do you generally approve or disapprove of the job that George W Bush is doing in handling the economy? Approve 34 Disapprove 60 Not sure 6 3c In general, do you approve or disapprove of the job that George W Bush is doing in handling our foreign policy? Approve 35 Disapprove 59 Not sure 6 3d When it comes to dealing with the war on terrorism, do you approve or disapprove of the job George W Bush is doing? Approve 39 Disapprove 55 Not sure 6 3e In general, do you approve or disapprove of the job that George W Bush is doing in handling the situation in Iraq? Approve 32 Disapprove 64 Not sure 4 4 Thinking about events of the past couple months, do you feel that President Bush is facing a short-term setback from which things are likely to get better for him, that he is facing a longer-term setback from which things are unlikely to get better for him, or that he is not facing a setback at this time? Short-term setback/likely to get better 30 Longer-term setback/unlikely to get better 53 Not facing a setback 12 Not sure 5 5 In general, do you approve or disapprove of the job that Congress is doing? Approve 28 Disapprove 57 Not sure 15 6 Now I'm going to read you the names of several public figures and organizations, and I'd like you to rate your feelings toward each one as either very positive, somewhat positive, neutral, somewhat negative, or very negative If you don't know the name, please just say so Very Somewhat Neutral Somewhat Very Don't Positive Positive Negative Negative Know George W Bush 20 18 12 15 35 - Democrat Party 8 25 29 20 16 2 Republican Party 9 23 23 19 24 2 Dick Cheney 10 17 19 16 33 5 Karl Rove 3 7 18 10 25 37 Scooter Libby 1 5 21 12 27 34 Sam Alito 9 10 18 6 6 51 7a Let me list some issues that have been proposed for the federal overnment to address Please tell me which one of these items you think should be the top priority for the federal government (IF "ALL," ASK:) Well, if you had to choose just one, which do you think should be the top priority? (ASK ONLY OF RESPONDENTS WHO CHOOSE A PRIORITY IN Q7a) 7b And which of these issues do you think should be the next highest priority for the federal government to address? Top COMBINED Priorities Top/Second Priorities The war in Iraq 21 40 Job creation and economic growth 20 37 Terrorism 14 28 Rebuilding the areas hit by Hurricane Katrina 14 28 The budget deficit 9 21 The cost and the supply of energy 8 21 Illegal immigration 7 16 Bird or avian flu 3 6 Other (VOL) -1 8 What is your preference for the outcome of the 2006 congressional elections--a Congress controlled by Republicans or a Congress controlled by Democrats? Republican-controlled Congress 37 Democrat-controlled Congress 48 Not sure 15 9 In the 2006 election for US Congress, do you feel that your representative deserves to be reelected, or do you think it is time to give a new person a chance? Deserves to be reelected 37 Give new person a chance 51 Not sure 12 10 Will your vote for Congress in November 2006 be a vote to send a signal of support for President Bush, a signal of opposition to President Bush, or not a signal either way about President Bush? A vote to send signal of support for Bush 21 A vote to send signal of opposition to Bush 39 Not a signal either way about Bush 36 Do not plan to vote (VOL) 1 Not sure 3 11 How would you rate George W Bush on the following qualities, using a five-point scale, on which a "5" means a very good rating, a "1" means a very poor rating, and a "3" means a mixed rating? 5 4 3 2 1 No Rate Being easygoing and likable 30 19 24 11 16 Having high personal standards 32 16 21 11 20 Strong leadership qualities needed to be president 21 18 20 14 27 - Having the ability to handle a crisis 18 18 23 13 27 1 Being honest and straightforward 20 13 19 15 32 1 Appointing qualified people to serve in government positions 9 17 28 17 28 1 12a Generally speaking, do you think of yourself as a Democrat, a Republican, an independent, or something else? (IF "DEMOCRAT" OR "REPUBLICAN," ASK:) Would you call yourself a strong (Democrat/Republican) or not a very strong (Democrat/Republican)? (IF "INDEPENDENT," ASK:) Do you think of yourself as closer to the Republican Party, closer to the Democratic Party, or do you think of yourself as strictly independent? Strong Democrat 17 Not very strong Democrat 10 Independent/lean Democrat 11 Strictly independent 21 Independent/lean Republican 9 Not very strong Republican 8 Strong Republican 16 Other 6 Not sure/nothing 2 (ASK ONLY OF RESPONDENTS WHO SAY INDEPENDENT, OTHER, OR NOT SURE IN Q12a) 12b If there were a presidential primary election in your state, would you vote in the Democratic primary, the Republican primary, or would you wait to vote in the general election? Vote in the Democratic primary 17 Vote in the Republican primary 7 Wait until the general election 65 Neither/other (VOL) 3 Not sure 8 (ASK ONLY OF RESPONDENTS WHO SAY THEY ARE A DEMOCRAT IN Q12a OR THAT THEY WOULD VOTE IN THE DEMOCRATIC PRIMARY IN Q12b) 13a Let me mention some people who might seek the Democratic nomination for president in 2008 If the next Democratic primary for president were being held today, for which one of the following candidates would you vote? (IF "NOT SURE," ASK:) Well, which way do you lean? + Hillary Clinton 41 John Edwards 14 Al Gore 12 John Kerry 10 Joe Biden 5 Wesley Clark 4 Bill Richardson 3 Other (VOL) 1 None (VOL) 4 Not sure 6 + Results shown reflect responses among registered voters (ASK ONLY OF RESPONDENTS WHO SAY THEY ARE A DEMOCRAT IN Q12a OR THAT THEY WOULD VOTE IN THE DEMOCRATIC PRIMARY IN Q12b) 13b Are there any candidates on this list for whom you would definitely NOT vote for the 2008 Democratic presidential nomination? + Al Gore 17 John Kerry 14 Hillary Clinton 13 Wesley Clark 9 Joe Biden 6 Bill Richardson 4 John Edwards 3 None (VOL) 31 Not sure 13 Results shown reflect responses among registered voters (ASK ONLY OF RESPONDENTS WHO SAY THEY ARE A REPUBLICAN IN Q12a OR THAT THEY WOULD VOTE IN THE REPUBLICAN PRIMARY IN Q12b) 14a Let me mention some people who might seek the Republican nomination for president in 2008 If the next Republican primary for president were being held today, for which one of the following candidates would you vote? (IF "NOT SURE," ASK:) Well, which way do you lean? + Rudy Giuliani 34 John McCain 31 Newt Gingrich 8 Bill Frist 5 Mitt Romney 3 George Allen 3 Sam Brownback 1 Other (VOL) 2 None (VOL) 2 Not sure 11 (ASK ONLY OF RESPONDENTS WHO SAY THEY ARE A REPUBLICAN IN Q12a OR THAT THEY WOULD VOTE IN THE REPUBLICAN PRIMARY IN Q12b) 14b Are there any candidates on this list for whom you would definitely NOT vote for the 2008 Republican presidential nomination? + Newt Gingrich 21 John McCain 19 Rudy Giuliani 8 Bill Frist 5 Mitt Romney 3 Sam Brownback 2 George Allen 1 None (VOL) 26 Not sure 17 + Results shown reflect responses among registered voters Thinking some more about the 2008 election for president 15a If the next election for president were held today, and Bill Frist was the Republican candidate and Hillary Clinton was the Democratic candidate, for whom would you vote? * + Bill Frist 37 Hillary Clinton 50 Depends (VOL) 2 Neither/other (VOL) 7 Not sure 4 15b If the next election for president were held today, and John McCain was the Republican candidate and John Kerry was the Democratic candidate, for whom would you vote? * + John McCain 53 [209] John Kerry 35 Depends (VOL) 1 Neither/other (VOL) 6 Not sure 5 15c If the next election for president were held today, and Bill Frist was the Republican candidate and John Kerry was the Democratic candidate, for whom would you vote? ** + Bill Frist 35 [210] John Kerry 45 Depends (VOL) 2 Neither/other (VOL) 7 Not sure 11 ** Asked of one-half the respondents (FORM B) + Results shown reflect responses among registered voters 15d If the next election for president were held today, and John McCain was the Republican candidate and Hillary Clinton was the Democratic candidate, for whom would you vote? ** + John McCain 44 Hillary Clinton 42 Depends (VOL) 1 Neither/other (VOL) 6 Not sure 7 ** Asked of one-half the respondents (FORM B) + Results shown reflect responses among registered voters Changing subjects 16 As you may know, President Bush recently nominated Sam Alito to serve as a justice on the Supreme Court Do you strongly support, somewhat support, somewhat oppose, or strongly oppose Sam Alito's serving as a justice on the Supreme Court, or do you not know enough about him to say? Strongly support 16 Somewhat support 16 Somewhat oppose 10 Strongly oppose 10 Do not know enough to say 47 Not sure 1 17 Based on what you have heard so far, do you think that Sam Alito is qualified or not qualified to be a Supreme Court justice, or do you not know enough about him to say? Qualified 51 Not qualified 6 Do not know enough to say 41 Not sure 2 18 How much confidence do you have that, if he is confirmed by the Senate to sit on the Supreme Court, Sam Alito will reflect your views about most issues--a great deal of confidence, quite a bit of confidence, some confidence, very little confidence, or no confidence at all? If you have no opinion, please just say so * A great deal of confidence 8 Quite a bit of confidence 10 Some confidence 24 Very little confidence 16 No confidence at all 11 No opinion 29 Not sure 2 * Asked of one-half the respondents (FORM A) 19 Do you feel that President Bush's selection of Sam Alito to be his nominee for associate justice of the Supreme Court was more of a choice aimed at getting broad support from both Democrats and Republicans, or more of a choice aimed at appealing to the conservative base of his party? ** More aimed at getting broad support 20 [215] More aimed at the conservative base 55 Not sure 25 ** Asked of one-half the respondents (FORM B) 20 Does the fact that President Bush did not nominate another woman to serve on the Supreme Court bother you or not bother you? Bothers 25 [216] Does not bother 74 21 Generally speaking do you feel that (READ ITEM) has the same priorities for the country as you do, or do you think that (READ ITEM) has different priorities for the country than you do? Same Different Some/Both Not Sure Priorities Priorities Bush 29 65 4 2 Democrats/Congress 26 54 12 8 Republicans/Congress 24 58 11 7 Congress 19 65 10 6 22 Now let me read you a number of proposals that are before the Congress For each one, please tell me whether you feel that Congress should enact this proposal now, that Congress should enact this proposal, but it is not a good time to do so now, or whether you feel that Congress should NOT enact this proposal Enact Now Not Now Should Not Not Sure Extending to the nation's high schools the federal testing and accountability requirements that now apply to elementary and middle schools ** 51 16 24 9 Making permanent the tax cuts of the past few years, which are currently set to expire in twenty-ten * 37 22 30 11 Changing Social Security to allow workers to invest some of their Social Security taxes in the stock market * 35 16 44 5 Cutting spending for all federal government programs by two percent ** 34 23 37 6 Allowing foreigners who have jobs but are staying illegally in the United States to apply for legal, temporary-worker status * 33 15 47 5 23 When it comes to (READ ITEM), which party do you think would do a better job--the Democratic Party, the Republican Party, or both about the same? If you think that neither would do a good job, please just say so Party Advantage Dems GOP Both Neither Not Sure Protecting the environment D-39 49 10 21 13 7 Dealing with Social Security D-22 44 22 13 16 5 Dealing with health care D-26 43 17 17 18 5 Dealing with taxes D-10 40 30 14 12 4 Dealing with gas prices D-28 39 11 19 24 7 Dealing with education D-19 39 20 20 15 6 Reducing the federal deficit D-19 38 19 15 22 6 Dealing with foreign policy D-9 36 27 18 11 8 Dealing with energy policy D-12 34 22 14 26 4 Dealing with abortion D-8 33 25 13 16 13 Dealing with Iraq D-3 33 30 14 17 6 Trade Issues D-10 31 21 23 14 11 Ethics in government D-5 27 22 19 26 6 Dealing with the war on terrorism R-9 26 35 23 11 5 Dealing with immigration D-6 25 19 21 2 9 Strong Defense R-21 22 43 20 9 6 Moral Values R-17 18 35 22 21 4 24 Do you believe that (READ ITEM) has a very clear message and vision for the future, has a somewhat clear message and vision for the future, or does it NOT have a clear message and vision for the future? Very Clear Somewhat Not Clear Not Sure Republican Party 18 42 36 4 Democratic Party 11 40 45 4 25a As you may know, a grand jury has been investigating the leaking of a CIA officer's name to the press. Vice President Cheney's chief of staff, Lewis Libby, has been indicted in this case for perjury and obstruction of justice Do you believe that this is a serious matter or not that serious a matter? Serious matter 79 Not that serious a matter 17 Not sure 4 25b Which of the following comes closer to what you think about this investigation and indictment? Lewis Libby is the only person in the Bush administration who may have acted illegally 8 Others in the Bush administration may have acted illegally as well 78 Not sure 14 25c Do you think that there should be a public investigation and hearings by Congress into the leaking of the CIA officer's name to the press, or do you think that a public investigation and hearings by Congress are not necessary? * Should be public investigation and hearings 60 Public investigation not necessary 35 Not sure 5 25d How personally responsible, if at all, do you think (READ ITEM) is for what has happened in this situation--very responsible, somewhat responsible, not too responsible, or not responsible at all? ** Very Somewhat Not Too Not at All Not Sure Bush 22 32 18 22 6 Cheney 32 37 11 13 7 26 When it comes to the war in Iraq, do you think that removing Saddam Hussein from power was or was not worth the number of US military casualties and the financial cost of the war? Worth it 40 Not worth it 52 Depends (VOL) 5 Not sure 3 27a Do you think that the United States should maintain its current troop level in Iraq to help secure peace and stability, or should the United States reduce its number of troops now that Iraq has adopted a constitution? (ASK ONLY OF RESPONDENTS WHO SAY "REDUCE NUMBER OF TROOPS" IN Q27a) 27b And do you think that the United States should reduce its number of troops but NOT have a timeline for withdrawal of all troops, or should the United States reduce its number of troops and have a target deadline for withdrawal of all troops within a year? Maintain current troop level 36 Reduce number of troops 57 WITHOUT timeline for withdrawal 12 WITH timeline for withdrawal 42 Depends/not sure when to reduce (VOL) 3 Depends/some of both (VOL) 4 Not sure 4 28 Thinking about Iraq six months ago compared with today, is Iraq closer to having a stable, democratic government, farther from having a stable, democratic government, or is it pretty much in the same place Closer to having a stable, democratic government 38 Farther from having stable, democratic government 10 Same place it was six months ago 47 Not sure 5 29 And do you feel more confident or less confident that the war in Iraq will come to a successful conclusion? More confident 32 Less confident 58 Depends/some of both (VOL) 6 Not sure 4 30a Do you think that President Bush gave the country the most accurate information he had before going to war with Iraq, or do you think that President Bush deliberately misled people to make the case for war with Gave the most accurate information he had 35 Deliberately misled people to make the case for war 57 Not sure 8 30b Do you think that President Bush has or has not given good reasons for why the United States must keep troops in Iraq? Has given good reasons 38 [262] Has not given good reasons 58 Not sure 4 31 As you may know, suspected terrorists and foreign fighters are being kept at prison facilities that are located outside the United States but are run by the United States government Do you think the Bush administration has taken the right course of action or has it gone too far in its imprisonment and treatment of suspected terrorists and foreign fighters? Has taken the right course of action 55 Has gone too far 30 Depends/some of both (VOL) 4 Not sure 11 32 Changing subjects, how prepared, if at all, do you think that the United States is for a possible outbreak of the bird or avian flu--very prepared, somewhat prepared, not too prepared, or not prepared at all? Very prepared 4 Somewhat prepared 39 Not too prepared 25 Not prepared at all 27 Not sure 5 Commentary: |