Liberal Wins Southern Red
Sun Times
November 10, 2005
House Speaker J. Dennis Hastert and the House Republican campaign chairman,
Rep. Tom Reynolds, were given a sobering warning last week by senior GOP
political operatives. They were told that on Tuesday, Nov. 8, the Democrats
were sure to win the governorship of Virginia. After that, the warning
continued, the watchword within the House majority would be: Every man for
The victory of Democrat Tim Kaine over Republican Jerry Kilgore was the only
contest in scattered off-year elections that was carefully monitored on Capitol
Hill. For a liberal Virginian to win a Southern red state signaled that
cherished Republican majorities in both House and Senate, plus all the
perquisites they entail, could be lost in 2006. Eyeing the Democratic landslide
in suburban northern Virginia just over the Potomac from Washington that gave
Lt. Gov. Kaine the governorship, Republicans in Congress envision their own
The antidote to avoid that fate is to keep as far away from President Bush
as possible, a lesson underlined by the president's failed election rescue
mission for former Virginia state Attorney General Kilgore. The consequences
may be profound. As his approval rating dipped, Bush increasingly has been
treated in Congress as a lame duck. Tuesday's Virginia outcome increases the
propensity of Republican senators and House members not only to avoid their
president on the campaign trail but also to ignore his legislative
Tuesday's off-year election outcomes do not approximate the clear warning
signal given Democrats 12 years ago when the 1993 flip from Democrat to
Republican for governor of Virginia and New Jersey and mayor of New York
presaged the 1994 GOP landslide. This year's expected Democratic win in New
Jersey and retention of a nominal Republican in New York's City Hall did not
constitute a national sea change.
The political message read on Capitol Hill came strictly from the Virginia
governor's race. How to explain that Democratic victory in a red state where
both U.S. senators, eight out of 11 House members and comfortable margins in
both houses of the legislature are Republican, and a Republican won for
lieutenant governor Tuesday?
They blame Kilgore's defeat on Bush's popularity dipping below 50 percent in
Virginia. After avoiding the president on Bush's recent visit to Norfolk, a
desperate Kilgore asked for eleventh-hour help. The Monday night appearance in
Richmond by a dispirited and exhausted Bush, returning from his difficult Latin
America trip, was a dud.
But reasons for the second straight Democratic triumph for governor of
Virginia go beyond Bush fatigue. ''I'm not going to blame the president,'' Jim
Gilmore, the last Republican elected to the governorship and former national
party chairman, told me on election night after Kaine's victory was apparent.
He added: ''We have to stand up for the taxpayer to present a firm and
consistent message.''
Gilmore was elected in 1997 when Democrats opposed his promised repeal of
the hated car tax. Eight years later, Democrats transmuted Gov. Mark Warner's
tax increase by claiming the mantle of fiscal responsibility thanks to
Republican waffling on taxes. Kilgore epitomized what was wrong with the
Virginia Republicans by sounding an uncertain trumpet on taxes and
There was no reason for Republican joy elsewhere Tuesday. The party's big
win was the re-election landslide in New York City of Michael Bloomberg, who
governs largely as a Democrat. The easy victory for governor of New Jersey of a
flawed candidate, Sen. Jon Corzine, represented the futility of relying on
self-financed candidate Douglas Forrester, who was despised by social
conservatives. In California, the defeat of Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger's ballot
issues represented a lost opportunity nationally to curb labor union political
Bush gets the blame. In the days immediately preceding Tuesday's elections,
Republican committee chairmen in Congress grew increasingly contemptuous of
their president. Sen. Chuck Grassley, chairman of the Senate Finance Committee,
dismissed Bush's Social Security plan as something to be shelved until after
the 2008 presidential election. Rep. Joe Barton, chairman of the House Energy
and Commerce Committee, opposed Bush's requested $7 billion to fight bird flu.
Thanks to Virginia, Bush can expect more of the same.
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