Rep. Jean Schmidt Weathers
The Washington Post
By Charles Babington Washington Post Staff Writer Wednesday, November 23, 2005;
Page A03
Rep. Jean Schmidt flung the word "coward" at a decorated war veteran from
Pennsylvania last week, but the Ohio Republican's comments landed with a splat
in her own Cincinnati district, where some supporters are backing away as she
scrambles to explain what she meant.
Judging by her words yesterday -- the first after avoiding the public for
three days -- Schmidt doesn't understand what the fuss is about, and sees
herself more as victim than villain. "I am amazed at what a national story this
has become," she said in a statement. "I have been attacked very personally,
continuously since Friday evening."
"There's no way that I remotely tried to impugn his character," Rep. Jean
Schmidt said of her remarks on the House floor directed to Rep. John P. Murtha
during debate on Iraq war policy.
Many people are unsympathetic. NBC's "Saturday Night Live" lampooned her,
the Cincinnati Enquirer's editorial page -- which endorsed her congressional
bid -- said she was "way out of line," and the friend she claimed to be quoting
on the House floor last week declared yesterday that he had said no such
Schmidt, Congress's newest member, vaulted from obscurity with inflammatory
comments during a House debate over whether to promptly withdraw U.S. troops
from Iraq, as has been proposed by Rep. John P. Murtha (D-Pa.). Murtha is a
31-year House veteran and longtime military hawk who fought in Vietnam and
Korea as a Marine.
Schmidt said in her brief speech: "A few minutes ago, I received a call from
Colonel Danny Bubp. He asked me to send Congress a message: Stay the course. He
also asked me to send Congressman Murtha a message: that cowards cut and run,
Marines never do."
The chamber exploded in boos and catcalls from Democrats, and within minutes
Schmidt had withdrawn her words and sent a note of apology to Murtha. But
waters were still roiling when she went home Saturday to start a two-week
congressional recess.
Schmidt stayed largely out of sight until yesterday, when she issued her
statement and spoke with reporters. "There's no way that I remotely tried to
impugn his character," she said in a telephone interview. She said she was
simply trying to register her strong belief that U.S. troops must stay in Iraq
until their mission is completed.
Noting that criticism has poured in via phone calls, e-mails and TV reports,
she said in her statement: "I am quite willing to suffer those attacks if in
the end that policy I so strongly oppose is exposed as unsound. First and
foremost, I support the troops. They dodge bullets and bombs while I duck only
hateful words."
Bubp, a GOP state legislator and Marine Corps Reserve officer, had
campaigned for Schmidt. He put out his own statement yesterday: "The comments
and concerns I shared with Congresswoman Schmidt were never meant as a personal
reference to Mr. Murtha. . . . We never discussed anyone by name and there was
no intent to ever disparage the congressman or his distinguished record of
service for our nation." Bubp, through a spokeswoman, declined an interview
Schmidt recalls their Friday phone conversation somewhat differently. "I
wrote down what he was saying," she said in the interview. "He did ask me to
send a message to Congress, and he also said send a message to 'that
congressman.' He did not know that congressman's name, but I did. Neither one
of us knew he was a Marine."
Schmidt said she had not noticed the numerous references to Murtha's
military background in the newspaper, radio and TV accounts of his
troop-withdrawal proposal, made Thursday. "They keep us pretty busy," she
Paul Hackett, a veteran of the Iraq war who lost the August special election
to Schmidt, said her comments on the House floor "were at best irresponsible
and at worst grossly unpatriotic." Hackett, who has sharply criticized
President Bush's Iraq war policy, is running for the U.S. Senate in Ohio, but
some Democrats are trying to talk him into a rematch against Schmidt.
Opponents had dubbed her "Mean Jean" for the sharp tongue she wielded in the
August campaign to replace Rob Portman (R), the new U.S. trade representative.
Bubp campaigned for her in his Marine dress uniform, rebuking Hackett for
criticizing "their commander in chief."
Yesterday, Schmidt said she hoped the hubbub will have faded by the time
Congress reconvenes next month. Asked if she would change anything if she could
do it over again, she replied: "I wouldn't have used Congressman Murtha's