Fox News Won't Show Ad Opposing
Media Matters
November 22, 2005
WASHINGTON - Fox News is refusing to air an ad critical of Supreme Court
nominee Samuel Alito, citing its lawyers' contention that the spot is factually
A spokesman for the groups sponsoring the ad said the network's decision
reflects the political right's effort to shield President Bush's choice for the
high court.
The ad says that as an appellate court judge, Alito has "ruled to make it
easier for corporations to discriminate ... even voted to approve strip search
of a 10-year-old girl." Referring to a document Alito wrote in 1985 while
seeking a job in the Reagan administration, it quotes him as saying that "the
Constitution does not protect a right to an abortion."
The groups backing the ad include the Alliance for Justice, the Leadership
Conference on Civil rights, People for The American Way and abortion rights
In a 2004 decision, the 3rd Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals ruled in the case
of four police officers who faced a lawsuit after the search of a mother and
her 10-year-old daughter in the course of executing a search warrant for
The court said "searching Jane and Mary Doe for evidence beyond the scope of
the warrant and without probable cause violated their clearly established
Fourth Amendment rights." The court pointed out that "a search warrant for a
premises does not constitute a license to search everyone inside."
Alito dissented in the case, saying the best reading of the warrant is that
it authorized the search of anyone found on the premises. He added that even if
the warrant didn't explicitly give that authorization, "a reasonable police
officer could certainly have read the warrant as doing so."
Paul Shur, a spokesman for Fox, said that according to the network's
lawyers, the ad is "factually incorrect and we've given them an opportunity to
fix it."
Said Jim Jordan, a spokesman for the groups: "The entire right wing
establishment, from Pat Robertson to Jerry Falwell to Fox News, has circled the
wagons around Sam Alito."
Asked about changing the ad in response to Fox's request, Jordan said,
"Roger Ailes doesn't get to edit our ads." Ailes is chairman of Fox News.
Officials said the ad would run on cable television news programs nationally
as well as in Maine and Rhode Island, two states that have three moderate
Republican senators.
They declined to say how much would be spent, but officials at rival
organizations placed the expenditure at less than $65,000, an amount unlikely
to make a significant impact.