Bush Unwilling to Rein in the Racists in
his Ranks
The Atlanta Journal-Constitution
Cynthia Tucker
November 26, 2005
Among black Americans,President Bush's approval ratings are hovering near
the negatives. So it probably won't make much difference to black voters that
the president's appointees at the U.S. Justice Department approved a racially
charged voter ID law that was the brainchild of Georgia Republicans. Black
Americans have already written off the White House.
But the machinations at Justice serve as a reminder that the president's
relationship with his black constituents was strained and dysfunctional long
before his administration's languid response to Hurricane Katrina sealed that
estrangement once and for all. No matter that Bush himself is an unlikely bigot
-- no matter that he has appointed Colin Powell and Condoleezza Rice to the
highest positions black Americans have ever held in a presidential
administration -- the president has never been popular among black people.
Bush could have done more to overcome the GOP's 40-year history as the party
of Barry Goldwater, who ran for president in 1964 on a states' rights platform
that defended Southern segregation. Indeed, Bush made some gains among black
voters, mostly through his work with conservative black ministers. Given that
black voters tend to be social conservatives -- supportive of the death penalty
and suspicious of abortion rights, for example -- you'd think that Bush would
be holding his own with them.
But the president has never been willing to rein in the racists in his
party's ranks. That's because he needs them; their dirty work helps to ensure
GOP victories. Sure, the president may not be a bigot, but if you stand on
bigots' shoulders, what does that make you?
Take the Justice Department and Georgia's new voter ID law, which would
require voters to show government-issued photo IDs. It should have been easy
for the Justice Department to reject the law -- passed earlier this year over
the loud objections of most Democrats in the Georgia Legislature, who denounced
it as racist. (The Voting Rights Act requires that Georgia and eight other,
mostly Southern states receive "pre-clearance" from the Justice Department
before they make any changes affecting voting.)
A five-member team of Justice Department analysts recommended that Attorney
General Alberto Gonzales object to the new voting requirements because they
would discriminate against black Georgians, who are much less likely than
whites to have access to automobiles. (If you don't drive, you probably don't
have a driver's license to show at the polls.) The analysts pointed out that
the state made no effort to show that the law would not dilute minority voting
strength, as the Voting Rights Act requires. And, noting the cost of getting a
state-sponsored ID, they concluded Georgians would be required to pay what
amounts to a poll tax to obtain one.
As if that weren't enough evidence, state GOP legislators betrayed the law's
racist birthright. The bill's sponsor, Republican state Rep. Sue Burmeister,
told the Justice Department a strange tale about the late Ed McIntyre, a former
black mayor of Augusta, whom she claimed offered to deliver black voters to her
if she were willing to pay for them.
According to a Justice Department memo, Burmeister said that if black people
in her district aren't paid to vote, they won't go to the polls. And if the new
Georgia law resulted in black disenfranchisement, that was simply because so
many blacks had voted fraudulently before, she added.
Perhaps it's no surprise that Gonzales overruled his staff and approved
Georgia's voter ID requirements. (Last month, a federal appeals court judge
delayed implementation of the law, saying that it appears to be an
unconstitutional poll tax. A lawsuit continues.) Gonzales is nothing if not
loyal to President Bush -- who doggedly adheres to Karl Rove's Machiavellian
tactics to win victories for Republicans, no matter the cost. And
disenfranchising even a few thousand black voters in Georgia -- voters who tend
to support Democrats -- could seal the GOP's hold on the state.
In matters of race -- from his first presidential campaign to the moment you
read this -- Bush always chooses politics over principle. During the 2000
primaries, when Bush faced an unexpectedly strong challenge from John McCain,
his response was the race card. Bush appeared at Bob Jones University, a South
Carolina Bible college that, at the time, prohibited interracial dating among
its students. This sent an unmistakable signal of solidarity with a certain
segment of the white South: those who still resent the changes wrought by the
civil rights movement.
There is nothing in his record that suggests Bush is racist. But he doesn't
mind cozying up to racists if they offer political advantage. That's the
president's greatest failing: He always chooses dividing the nation if he can
plot a path to victory through the wreckage.
Cynthia Tucker is editorial page editor for The Atlanta
Journal-Constitution. She can be reached by e-mail: cynthia@ajc.com.