Bush: Theory, Instead of
The Washington Post
Our Own Philosopher-King
By Harold Meyerson
Wednesday, November 24, 2004; Page A21
Though his reelection campaign brilliantly
marketed President Bush's anti-intellectualism, the truth is that
his administration has trusted more to pure theory than virtually
any modern president's. The Iraq war is a triumph of ideology
over the facts on the ground (it's certainly not a triumph of
anything else). And, as it's currently shaping up, Bush's second
term looks to be even more theory-driven than his first.
Theory certainly is driving the administration's tax policies.
In his first term, Bush took an ax to the taxes on dividends and
mega-estates. In his second term, according to a story by The
Post's Jonathan Weisman and Jeffrey H. Birnbaum, the president is
looking at eliminating taxes on dividends and capital gains and
creating generous tax shelters for all investment income. The
theory here is that investment, not labor, is the real creator of
wealth -- so the taxes on investment income will be scrapped,
while those on wages will keep rolling along.
And in the name of this theory, Bush seems willing to
sacrifice much of the social compact that made America, in the
second half of the 20th century, the first majority middle-class
nation in human history.
To pay for his investment tax cuts, Weisman and Birnbaum
report, the president is considering scrapping the tax deduction
for employer-provided health insurance. This could mean that
businesses would no longer be able to deduct from their tax bills
the value of the health coverage they provide. Or it could mean
that employees would have to pay taxes not just on their wages
but on the value of the health coverage they receive. Or it could
mean both.
It's hard to imagine a greater disruption of the way we live
now. According to a September report from the Kaiser Commission
on Medicaid and the Uninsured, 156 million Americans currently
receive individual or family health coverage through an employer.
Workers, of course, pay a share of their coverage, and that share
is growing as employers shift the burden toward their employees
in the face of rising health care costs.
According to a survey from the Labor Research Association,
unionized workers on average pay $2,341 yearly for family
coverage, while nonunionized workers pay $3,282. But the total
average family annual premium now comes to $9,950 -- a figure
well beyond the reach of median income families if their
employers stopped providing coverage or greatly curtailed it.
Employer-provided health insurance in America is something of
a historical accident.
During World War II, when wages were frozen, the United Steel
Workers and United Auto Workers won health coverage for their
members at the bargaining table, setting a pattern for much of
the rest of the economy. Today the pattern is being set by
nonunion Wal-Mart rather than unionized General Motors. Fewer
employers offer health coverage these days. Most employers scale
back benefits, and the number of medically uninsured Americans
has risen to 45 million. Either the government must step in to
pick up a greater share of the cost, or individuals will just
have to go it on their own.
The Bush administration has made it abundantly clear that it
thinks government should play a smaller role in providing health
care. Now, if it goes ahead with plans to tax employer-provided
health benefits, it will significantly reduce the role of
businesses in providing health coverage, too.
Never mind that the 45 million Americans who are currently
without insurance haven't declined coverage as a matter of
preference; on the whole, they simply can't afford it. Never mind
that families with incomes of $50,000 cannot find an additional
$6,000 or $7,000 for health coverage, or that families with
incomes of $80,000 will be trading off their kids' college
tuition savings to purchase their health care. These are mere
facts, which are as nought in the realm of high theory where
Bush's unworldly philosophers reside.
There are other theories out there, of course, theories that
propound that health care is a right and should not be rationed
on the basis of income. But to this president, the sanctity of
wealth accumulation eclipses such other doctrines as
egalitarianism. And to this president, the sanctity of theory --
his theories -- obviates the need for anything so small-minded as
an empirical test. The Bush presidency is shaping up as the
golden age of half-baked philosophes, from neocon adventurers to
free-market snake-oil vendors.
The Iraqis have already seen how the champions of American
unilateralism have failed to secure their nation. Now, with the
capital uber-alles whizzes unleashed for the president's second
term, we'll see how far our philosopher-king can go to undermine
economic security in our own nation.