Has Bush run out of political
By Peter Baker and Jim VandeHei
Updated: 11:49 p.m. ET May 30, 2005
Two days after winning reelection last fall, President Bush declared that he
had earned plenty of "political capital, and now I intend to spend it." Six
months later, according to Republicans and Democrats alike, his bank account
has been significantly drained.
In the past week alone, the Republican-led House defied his veto threat and
passed legislation promoting stem cell research; Senate Democrats blocked
confirmation, at least temporarily, of his choice for U.N. ambassador; and a
rump group of GOP senators abandoned the president in his battle to win floor
votes for all of his judicial nominees.
With his approval ratings in public opinion polls at the lowest level of his
presidency, Bush has been stymied so far in his campaign to restructure Social
Security. On the international front, violence has surged again in Iraq in
recent weeks, dispelling much of the optimism generated by the
purple-stained-finger elections back in January, while allies such as Egypt and
Uzbekistan have complicated his campaign to spread democracy.
Summer of discontent
The series of setbacks on the domestic front could signal that the president
has weakened leverage over his party, a situation that could embolden the
opposition, according to analysts and politicians from both sides. Bush faces
the potential of a summer of discontent when his capacity to muscle political
Washington into following his lead seems to have diminished and few easy
victories appear on the horizon.
"He has really burned up whatever mandate he had from that last election,"
said Leon E. Panetta, who served as White House chief of staff during President
Bill Clinton's second term. "You can't slam-dunk issues in Washington. You
can't just say 'This is what I want done' and by mandate get it done. It's a
lesson everybody has to learn, and sometimes you learn it the hard way."
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Through more than four years in the White House, the signature of Bush's
leadership has been that he does not panic in the face of bad poll numbers. Yet
many Republicans on Capitol Hill and in the lobbyist corridor of K Street worry
about a season of drift and complain that the White House has not listened to
their concerns. In recent meetings, House Republicans have discussed putting
more pressure on the White House to move beyond Social Security and talk up
different issues, such as health care and tax reform, according to Republican
officials who asked not to be named to avoid angering Bush's team.
"There is growing sense of frustration with the president and the White
House, quite frankly," said an influential Republican member of Congress. "The
term I hear most often is 'tin ear,' " especially when it comes to pushing
Social Security so aggressively at a time when the public is worried more about
jobs and gasoline prices. "We could not have a worse message at a worse
Many experienced Washington hands believe that Bush has the opportunity to
reestablish his clout if he focuses his efforts. "Every president goes through
patches like this," Newt Gingrich, the Republican former House speaker, said in
an interview. "Reagan had a difficult patch in August '81, but he came back and
was strongly successful. Clinton, if you'll remember, in June or July of '95
looked like he couldn't get anything done and then won reelection. These things
come and go."
To get back on track, Gingrich said, Bush should pare down his Social
Security plan to its central element, personal investment accounts funded by
payroll taxes. "I don't think he can get complex reform through," Gingrich
said. "It's too hard with the AARP opposing you and all of the Democrats lined
up against it."
‘Rumblings' of a lame duck presidency
Bush has had a hard time persuading Congress to go along with his agenda, in
part because surveys show that much of the public has soured on him and his
priorities. In the most recent Washington Post poll, taken last month, 47
percent of Americans approved of Bush's performance, tying the lowest marks he
ever received in that survey, back in mid-2004, when Democrats were airing tens
of millions of dollars' worth of campaign attack ads.
Similarly, just 31 percent approved of his handling of Social Security, an
all-time low in the Post poll, while only 40 percent gave him good marks for
his stewardship of the economy and 42 percent for his management of Iraq, both
ratings close to the lowest ever recorded in those areas. Other surveys have
recorded similar findings, with Bush's approval rating as low as 43
Such weakness has unleashed the first mutterings of those dreaded
second-term words, "lame duck," however premature it might be with 3 1/2 years
left in his tenure. "The Democrats are doing everything they can to make this
president a lame duck," Republican consultant Ed Rollins complained on Fox News
on Friday. William Kristol, editor of the conservative Weekly Standard, wrote
recently about "the impression — and the reality — of disarray" in
urging Bush to wage a strong fight for the nomination of John R. Bolton as U.N.
"He's not a lame duck yet, but there are rumblings," said Robert Dallek, a
presidential historian. Dallek said Bush's recent travails remind him of
Franklin D. Roosevelt, who overreached in his second term by trying to pack the
Supreme Court, a move that backfired. "Second terms are treacherous, and
presidents enter into a minefield where they really must shepherd their
credibility and political capital," he said.
Bush started off his second term with a string of important victories,
pushing through measures to make it harder to file class-action lawsuits
against big corporations and to wipe out debts by filing for personal
bankruptcy. Congress passed its first budget resolution in years, largely along
the lines of Bush's proposals, and gave him nearly everything he asked for in
an $82 billion supplemental appropriations bill to pay for war costs in Iraq
and Afghanistan.
The White House rejects talk of drift by pointing to such victories. Asked at a
briefing last week about the possible "onset of lame-duck status around here,"
White House press secretary Scott McClellan ticked off a list of
"This Congress has been in place for just over four months now, and we have
made significant progress," he said. Addressing the troubled Social Security
plan, he added: "Sometimes the legislative process isn't going to move as fast
as we would all like, particularly on an issue that was this difficult."
Another senior White House official, who asked to remain anonymous to offer
a franker assessment, acknowledged the perception problem. "I will admit it's a
challenge to shine the light on the progress," the official said. "The
victories have been overshadowed by partisan drama."
Setbacks mount
Nowhere was there more drama than in the Senate last week, when 14 senators
from both parties forged a deal without White House approval that would allow
some, but not all, of Bush's stalled judicial nominees to receive floor votes.
The deal on judges was followed quickly by a vote to shut down a filibuster on
Bolton's nomination, a vote that Bush and the GOP lost.
The House also rejected Bush by passing a measure easing his restrictions on
federal funding for embryonic stem cell research, with 50 Republicans joining
most Democrats despite the threat of a presidential veto. The Senate has also
advanced a more expensive highway bill than Bush has deemed acceptable, while
his efforts to win passage for a Central American trade pact and an immigration
guest worker program are stalled.
Overseas, violence in Iraq has killed about 700 civilians and at least 63
U.S. troops this month, frustrating efforts to stabilize the situation after
January's successful parliamentary elections. The governments of two U.S.
allies resorted to crackdowns on opponents. In Uzbekistan, government forces
opened fire on demonstrators, killing hundreds, while in Egypt, pro-government
gangs beat up protesters after a visit by Laura Bush.
In some ways, allies said, Bush has run into resistance because he swings
for the fences, taking on especially hard issues. By making Social Security the
centerpiece of his domestic blueprint, he guaranteed a tough legislative
campaign. But it has begun to take its toll on the rest of his agenda as well.
The White House had hoped to be far enough along with Social Security by summer
to launch his second top priority, overhaul of the tax code. That is likely to
be delayed until next year.
Staying the course
Bush's chief strategist, Karl Rove, is said by colleagues to remain optimistic
that Congress will deliver Social Security legislation that includes personal
accounts. But other aides privately are beginning to talk about whether they
could accept a deal that does not include the accounts.
John D. Podesta, a top Clinton aide who runs the Center for American
Progress, a research institute that promotes ideas that counter conservative
policies, said Bush made the mistake of trying to turn a successful election
strategy of catering to his base into a governing philosophy that excludes
"What surprises me is that they seem to be unable to adjust particularly to
the circumstances," Podesta said. "They promoted their Social Security case. It
bombed. I would have thought they would have tried to change the subject or
tried a different strategy. 'You're with us or against us' works well when
you're fighting al Qaeda, but it doesn't with Social Security, and they don't
seem to have another play in the book."
Kenneth M. Duberstein, who was White House chief of staff during Reagan's
second term, said after the congressional recess Bush needs "to seize the
momentum" on energy legislation, the Central American free trade pact, spending
bills and a Social Security solvency plan.
"After all, the president is always in the driver's seat, as all presidents
are, and he cannot be distracted by speed bumps and detours along the way,"
Duberstein said. "The president needs to define victories in ways that he can
achieve them."
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