Army Times: Rumsfeld Should Be Fired
May 10, 20004
(A failure of leadership at the highest
Around the halls of the Pentagon, a term of caustic derision
has emerged for the enlisted soldiers at the heart of the furor
over the Abu Ghraib prison scandal: the six morons who lost the
war. Indeed, the damage done to the U.S. military and the nation
as a whole by the horrifying photographs of U.S. soldiers abusing
Iraqi detainees at the notorious prison is incalculable.
But the folks in the Pentagon are talking about the wrong
There is no excuse for the behavior displayed by soldiers in
the now-infamous pictures and an even more damning report by Army
Maj. Gen. Antonio Taguba. Every soldier involved should be
But while responsibility begins with the six soldiers facing
criminal charges, it extends all the way up the chain of command
to the highest reaches of the military hierarchy and its civilian
The entire affair is a failure of leadership from start to
finish. From the moment they are captured, prisoners are hooded,
shackled and isolated. The message to the troops: Anything
In addition to the scores of prisoners who were humiliated and
demeaned, at least 14 have died in custody in Iraq and
Afghanistan. The Army has ruled at least two of those homicides.
This is not the way a free people keeps its captives or wins the
hearts and minds of a suspicious world.
How tragically ironic that the American military, which was
welcomed to Baghdad by the euphoric Iraqi people a year ago as a
liberating force that ended 30 years of tyranny, would today
stand guilty of dehumanizing torture in the same Abu Ghraib
prison used by Saddam Hussein's henchmen.
One can only wonder why the prison wasn't razed in the
wake of the invasion as a symbolic stake through the heart of the
Baathist regime.
Army commanders in Iraq bear responsibility for running a
prison where there was no legal adviser to the commander, and no
ultimate responsibility taken for the care and treatment of the
Gen. Richard Myers, chairman of the Joint Chiefs, also shares
in the shame. Myers asked "60 Minutes II' to hold off
reporting news of the scandal because it could put U.S. troops at
risk. But when the report was aired, a week later, Myers still
hadn't read Taguba's report, which had been completed
in March. Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld also failed to read
the report until after the scandal broke in the media.
By then, of course, it was too late.
Myers, Rumsfeld and their staffs failed to recognize the
impact the scandal would have not only in the United States, but
around the world.
If their staffs failed to alert Myers and Rumsfeld, shame on
them. But shame, too, on the chairman and secretary, who failed
to inform even President Bush.
He was left to learn of the explosive scandal from media
reports instead of from his own military leaders.
On the battlefield, Myers' and Rumsfeld's errors
would be called a lack of situational awareness — a failure
that amounts to professional negligence.
To date, the Army has moved to court-martial the six soldiers
suspected of abusing Iraqi detainees and has reprimanded six
Brig. Gen. Janis Karpinski, who commanded the MP brigade that
ran Abu Ghraib, has received a letter of admonishment and also
faces possible disciplinary action.
That's good, but not good enough.
This was not just a failure of leadership at the local command
level. This was a failure that ran straight to the top.
Accountability here is essential — even if that means
relieving top leaders from duty in a time of war.