Here at a glance are the polls on the impeachment of George Bush (question wordings, along with party breakdowns and related questions on trust and honesty are summarized here):
Date | Poll | Question | Support | Oppose | Net | |
3/18/06 | Newsweek | Ad | Impeach and remove | 26% | 69% | -43% |
3/18/06 | Newsweek | Ad | Censure | 42% | 50% | -8% |
3/15/06 | ARG | LV | Impeach | 43% | 50% | -7 |
3/15/06 | ARG | LV | Censure | 48% | 43% | +5 |
2/1/06 | MyDD | RV | Hold accountable through impeachment and removal | 50% | 39% | +11 |
1/16/06 | Zogby | Hold accountable through impeachment | 52% | 43% | +9% | |
12/14/05 | Rasmussen | Impeach and remove | 35% | 55% | -20% | |
11/4/05 | Zogby | Consider impeaching | 53% | 42% | +11% | |
10/11/05 | Ipsos | Consider impeaching | 50% | 44% | +6% | |
6/30/05 | Zogby | LV | Hold accountable through impeachment | 42% | 50% | -8% |
On 6/30/05, a Zogby poll found 42% of Americans said "if it is found that
President Bush did not tell the truth about his reasons for going to war
with Iraq, Congress should hold him accountable through
After that poll, began a campaign to urge other pollsters to ask Americans about impeachment (see below). But the pollsters refused, because they were terrified they would anger Karl Rove. So asked its supporters to contribute funds so we could commission impeachment polls from the same pollsters that provide periodic results to the media. raised over $10,000 and made history by commissioning the first polls ever funded by the netroots.
On 10/11/05, the members of paid for a poll by Ipsos Public Affairs that found Americans want Congress to consider impeaching President Bush if he lied about the war in Iraq by a margin of 50%-44% - virtually a majority!
On 11/4/05, the members of paid for a second poll by Zogby that found Americans want Congress to consider impeaching President Bush if he lied about the war in Iraq by a margin of 53%-42% - now a solid majority!
(Note: some observers have been confused by the "if he lied" part of the question. These polls show a solid majority of Americans believe Bush lied.)
On 12/14/05, members of hired Rasmussen Reports to
ask a harder-edged question: "Should President Bush be impeached and
removed from Office?" 32% said yes, 58% said no. Rasmussen also asked:
"Should Vice President Cheney be Impeached and Removed from Office?" 35% said
yes, 55% said no. A gap between support for impeachment
hearings and removal is understandable -
there was a 10% gap in similar polls for President Clinton in 1998.
Rasmussen's results probably understate support for impeachment and removal,
because Rasmussen's polls consistently show Bush's approval ratings 5-10%
higher than all other polls.
On 1/16/06, members of hired Zogby International
to ask the first poll question relating the NSA wiretapping
scandal to impeachment: "If President Bush wiretapped American
citizens without the approval of a judge, do you agree or disagree that
Congress should consider holding him accountable through impeachment." 52% said
yes, 43% said no.
This poll sends a stunning rebuke to pollsters (and pundits) who claim Americans support illegal wiretapping. "The American people are not buying Bush's outrageous claim that he has the power to wiretap American citizens without a warrant. Americans believe terrorism can be fought without turning our own government into Big Brother," said co-founder Bob Fertik.
It's time for other pollsters to ask about impeaching George Bush. When the
Lewinsky scandal broke in 1998, just about every pollster in the business
started polling on impeachment:
On 5/1/05, the Downing Street Memos proved Bush lied about war, which is infinitely worse than lying about sex. So why is Bush being treated differently by the pollsters?
I'm keeping track of the major media polls since July here. Polls that include impeachment are underlined. If we paid for the poll, you'll see ($).