"Dedicated to exposing the lies and impeachable offenses of George W. Bush"

Gallup: 2 Out of 3 Americans Want U.S. Pull Out from Iraq
March 2, 2006

NEW YORK While newspaper editorials remain virtually silent on the subject, the American public seems to have made up its mind. A new Gallup/CNN/USA Today poll out tonight shows that 2 out of 3 adult Americans now want U.S. troops to start to come home from Iraq. And 55% call the decision to attack Iraq in 2003 a "mistake."

The same poll found President Bush's approval rating plunging to 38%. It was even lower in a CBS poll earlier this week: 34%.

In the poll, 38% said some troops should be withdrawn from Iraq now with another 27% saying they all should come home.

Bush's handling of Iraq drew the support of just 35%, while 64% said they disapprove.

Of the 1,020 adults surveyed, 59% said President Bush can no longer manage the government effectively. An overwhelmingly number say they oppose the Dubai ports deal. Asked who they would likely vote for in November, 53% picked Democrats, 39% Republicans.

E&P Staff (letters@editorandpublisher.com)

Original Text

Now that the neocon has been shamed nearly out of existence, will the republican party abandon its other lies about tax cuts? Under Bush, the debt has risen almost $2.6 trillion in just a little over five years but he and the GOP still want more tax cuts. Bush has created more debt than was created from 1789-1987 and there are still people who support him and his party. We should call these people what they are -idiots.