Interview with Michael
Michael Smith is the UK reporter many are likening to Woodward
and Bernstein for his work in uncovering the Downing Street Memo
and other leaked UK government documents.
recently interviewed Smith via email to ask him about how he came
into those documents, what they mean, and what he would ask
George W. Bush if he had the chance.
Q: There is some confusion as to what exactly was destroyed.
RawStory reports that you burned YOUR copies of the original
government documents. Other sites, such as Newsmax, are reporting
that you burned the ORIGINAL government documents. See story
here. Can you clarify? If you destroyed the copies, do you know
if the originals you returned to the source are still in
A: I was given the first six documents in September 2004. I
have referred to these documents as the originals because they
were the first documents that I was given. But these were of
course not the "originals" of the actual documents. They were
photocopies of the original documents.
Such documents have to be registered and the source could not
have walked off with them without being found out. Quite apart
from that there were a number of different copies of the
documents in circulation within government. There was always more
than one copy of each of the original documents held by the
government. For instance, the Straw letter to Blair was marked
strictly personal. But there would still have to have been at
least two copies of it, one held by Blair's office and one by
So the source made photocopies which he gave to me. I was told
by the lawyers on the Daily Telegraph where I then worked that I
had to copy them all and send the photocopies I had been given
back to the source. This was because the photocopy paper used for
the copies I was given by the source were made on a government
photocopier. The paper they were printed on therefore in law
belonged to the government and we could have been accused of
theft and had the documents taken off us.
So having sent back those copies, we now have several
photocopies of each document which are on paper that belongs to
us. I worked from one of these. The editor has another, and the
third goes to the lawyers, who have a secretary type the text up
using a manual typewriter. This is not done in the same format as
the original document. It is just a record of what the document
actually says which we can keep without putting the source in
danger. I did not at any time work from the typed up texts. I
always worked from the photocopies.
There are any number of ways that the authorities could have
tracked down the source using the photocopies of the documents.
Photocopiers have their own signature, so the photocopier that
was used could have been tracked down. A crease or mark of some
sort on the original document the source copied could appear on
the photocopy. Highly classified documents are often typed up
again rather than photocopied, with deliberate mistypes inserted
so that documents can be tracked down to a particular person. It
was essential we destroyed any evidence.
At 6pm on the evening before the paper appeared, having
finished off the two articles I was writing, I shredded the
photocopies which I had made, leaving me with only the typed up
versions. I then passed that typed up text version to two
political parties, the Liberal Democrats and Plaid Cymru (the
Welsh Nationalists). Plaid Cymru gave them to an academic who put
them on his own website. That website was taken down immediately
by the British Police Special Branch, who also began
investigating me for a potential breach of the official secrets
Under British law, anyone who passes on material which they
know to be classified to someone else is guilty of breaching the
official secrets act, whether or not they have signed it, and in
fact I have signed it anyway while in the army. The typed up
texts had also been passed by the academics Plaid Cymru were
dealing with to the Cryptome website, which could not be taken
down by the British police because it is not based in the UK.
That is how they came to be passed into circulation a couple of
weeks ago. I had nothing to do with the process whereby they have
recently come into the public domain, although I am happy that
When I received the latest batch of documents I followed a
very similar procedure, typing up the text and shredding the
copies I had. At no point was I ever in possession of an original
document, only photocopies of those original documents.
Everything I did was designed solely to protect the source. That
is a responsibility that every journalist has.
Long answer but it is a complex issue and simplifying it only
led to unscrupulous people deliberately, and rather desperately,
misconstruing my motives for destroying leaked documents that
could have led the authorities to my source.
One thing we did do was to scan in the front pages of three of
the documents, clean any identification marks off them and then
reproduce them in the paper. Two of these can still be seen on
the Telegraph website alongside my original story. Although this
does not authenticate the text, it does show that the documents
actually existed. This is the url.
Q: Given the intense scrutiny on the language in the
documents, how can the public be sure that the transcription of
the copies of the documents is word-for-word accurate?
A: The Washington Post, the LA Times and the Associated Press
have all authenticated the documents independently.
Q: Without divulging any information that would jeopardize
your source for the DSM, is this a person who supported the war
or who was against it? In other words, what to you say to the
possibility that the "original" documents you were given were
initially forgeries themselves?
A: I am not going to go into the source's motives but it is
self-evident that they were unhappy about the way Blair took
Britain to war. It is also difficult to see why I would have been
investigated by the Special Branch for passing on information if
the documents were fakes. Finally, there were a number of people
at the July 23 meeting all of whom received a copy of the
document. Surely one of them would come forward to say it was a
fake. Surely Blair would have said the document didn't
exist when he was asked about it at the White House press
briefing rather than dismiss it as an old document. The documents
are authentic and the text is accurate.
Q: In your LA Times article, you cite two separate sources,
each giving you a separate batch of documents. Did either source
give you special instructions or state a reason as to why they
were disclosing this information?
A: No
Q: As you have pointed out in your articles, the RAF and US
bombing of Iraq started in the May 2002, with a large escalation
of activity after the July meeting described in the DSM.
Specifically, you wrote "By the end of August the raids had
become "a full air offensive.' Do you believe that
this intense bombing had anything to do with the fact that Saddam
Hussein offered to hold internationally-monitored elections and
full weapons inspections by the UN and US troops in the weeks
before the "formal" launch of the war? See story here.
A. No. The missions were planned to destroy as much of Iraq's
defences as possible beforehand. Nothing Saddam did had any
effect on them. They were going to happen anyway. Lt-Gen T
Michael Moseley's briefing to allied officers at Nellis air base,
Nevada, on 17 July 2003 (as reported in today's Sunday Times)
made it very clear that this was the air war.
Q: Some are equating the Bush administration's bombing in 2002
with the air strikes launched against Iraq under the Clinton
administration. Is there any real difference? If so, what makes
one more legal (or illegal) than the other?
A: The Desert Fox operation was launched by Clinton and Blair
in December 1998 to punish Iraq for forcing out the weapons
inspectors. Thereafter Iraqi air defences were attacked whenever
the allies came under attack. The legality of this is disputed
but the Foreign Office legal advice makes clear that both Britain
and the US believed it to be legal. The period between December
1998 and May 2002 saw more bombs dropped than had been dropped
before Desert Fox but nowhere near as many bombs as were dropped
from May 2002 to the start of the war, or should I say the
official start of the war. While what was going on between
December 1998 and May 2002 was borderline legal. Spikes of
activity to put pressure on the regime is illegal plain and
simple. They were there to protect the ethnic minorities by
preventing Iraqi aircraft overflying the areas inhabited by those
minorities under UNSCR 688. That was not an Article VII
resolution, which is the only type of UN resolution that allows
for the use of military force to enforce it and the no-fly zones
were certainly not put there to put pressure on the regime, for
which read provoking the regime into giving the allies an excuse
for war.
Q: At the bottom of the Options Paper (ods020808.pdf) on page
7, are the words "Eid festival." Do you know what the
significance, if any, that has?
A: I don't. It is ten months since I looked at these documents
last and that part of the document did not figure in my reporting
at the time. It may be the title for that section of the
document. It is likely to refer to the Eid al-Fitr festival that
brings an end to Ramadan. There was a belief that we should not
attack during Ramadan as this would offend other Arab nations.
But I cannot find any other references to the festival.
Q: The "Iraq: Options" paper was written by the Overseas and
Defence Secretariat Cabinet Office. Would the head of that office
be Geoff Hoon? If not, who?
A: No it would not have been Geoff Hoon, who was British
Defence Secretary. The Defence and Overseas Secretariat is a
department within the Cabinet Office staffed by officials from
the Foreign Office and the Ministry of Defence and its job is to
provide options and briefing papers for cabinet ministers.. It is
headed by the Prime Minister's Foreign Policy Adviser who at that
time was Sir David Manning, who of course appears in the Downing
Street Memo as the recipient. He is also the recipient of the
memo from the then ambassador Sir Christopher Meyer in which
Meyer describes telling Paul Wolfowitz that they have to have "a
clever plan" that will allow them to "wrongfoot" Saddam. It is
also Manning who writes the secret memo telling Blair that the
Americans seem to have no idea of what happens "on the morning
Q: Regarding the RAF and US bombings/airstrikes in his article
of May 29th, you wrote:
"THE RAF and US aircraft doubled the rate at which they were
dropping bombs on Iraq in 2002 in an attempt to provoke Saddam
Hussein into giving the allies an excuse for war, *new evidence
has shown*."
What was that 'new evidence'? Is it publicly available? If so,
A: Yes it is available on Hansard in the form of written
answers at the following urls. Although the questions were posed
an answered some time ago, they have only recently emerged into
the public light, hence the reference to new evidence.
Journalistic licence I'm afraid but it was new to the reader.
Link 1
Link 2
Link 3
Q: And finally, if you were a member of the White House Press
Corps, what would you ask President Bush with respect to the
Downing Street Documents?
A: Mr President. Did you in any way whatsoever authorise
Donald Rumsfeld to order US aircraft to step up bombing attacks
on targets in southern Iraq during the summer of 2002 and if not
why did you not point this out at the National Security Council
meeting on August 5, 2002 at which Tommy Franks said he was using
the increased flights over the southern no-fly zone to make the
Iraqi defences "as weak as possible" in preparation for war?
I have a follow-up question Mr President. When did Congress
authorise you to take military action against Iraq?