U.S. Campaign Produces Few Convictions on
Terrorism Charges
Washington Post
By Dan Eggen and Julie Tate
Washington Post Staff Writers
Sunday, June 12, 2005; A01
On Thursday, President Bush stepped to a lectern at the Ohio State Highway
Patrol Academy in Columbus to urge renewal of the USA Patriot Act and to boast
of the government's success in prosecuting terrorists.
Flanked by Attorney General Alberto R. Gonzales, Bush said that "federal
terrorism investigations have resulted in charges against more than 400
suspects, and more than half of those charged have been convicted."
Those statistics have been used repeatedly by Bush and other administration
officials, including Gonzales and his predecessor, John D. Ashcroft, to
characterize the government's efforts against terrorism.
But the numbers are misleading at best.
An analysis of the Justice Department's own list of terrorism prosecutions
by The Washington Post shows that 39 people -- not 200, as officials have
implied -- were convicted of crimes related to terrorism or national
Most of the others were convicted of relatively minor crimes such as making
false statements and violating immigration law -- and had nothing to do with
terrorism, the analysis shows. For the entire list, the median sentence was
just 11 months.
Taken as a whole, the data indicate that the government's effort to identify
terrorists in the United States has been less successful than authorities have
often suggested. The statistics provide little support for the contention that
authorities have discovered and prosecuted hundreds of terrorists here. Except
for a small number of well-known cases -- such as truck driver Iyman Faris, who
sought to take down the Brooklyn Bridge -- few of those arrested appear to have
been involved in active plots inside the United States.
Among all the people charged as a result of terrorism probes in the three
years after the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks, The Post found no demonstrated
connection to terrorism or terrorist groups for 180 of them.
Just one in nine individuals on the list had an alleged connection to the al
Qaeda terrorist network and only 14 people convicted of terrorism-related
crimes -- including Faris and convicted Sept. 11 plotter Zacarias Moussaoui --
have clear links to the group. Many more cases involve Colombian drug cartels,
supporters of the Palestinian cause, Rwandan war criminals or others with no
apparent ties to al Qaeda or its leader, Osama bin Laden.
But a large number of people appear to have been swept into U.S.
counterterrorism investigations by chance -- through anonymous tips, suspicious
circumstances or bad luck -- and have remained classified as terrorism
defendants years after being cleared of connections to extremist groups.
For example, the prosecution of 20 men, most of them Iraqis, in a
Pennsylvania truck-licensing scam accounts for about 10 percent of individuals
convicted -- even though the entire group was publicly absolved of ties to
terrorism in 2001.
"For so many of these cases, there seems to be much less substance to them
than we first assume or have first been told," said Bruce Hoffman, a terrorism
expert who heads the Washington office of Rand Corp., a think tank that
conducts national security research. "There's an inherent deterrent effect in
cracking down on any illicit activity. But the challenge is not exaggerating
what they were up to -- not portraying them as super-terrorists when they're
really the low end of the food chain."
Justice Department officials say they have not sought to exaggerate the
importance or suspected associations of those prosecuted in connection with
terrorism probes, and they argue that the list provides only a partial view of
their efforts.
Officials said all the individuals were first put on the list because of a
suspected connection or allegation related to terrorism. Last week, they also
said that the department had tightened the requirements for including a case on
the terrorism list.
Barry M. Sabin, chief of the department's counterterrorism section, said
prosecutors frequently turn to lesser charges when they are not confident they
can prove crimes such as committing or supporting terrorism. Many defendants
also have been prosecuted for relatively minor crimes in exchange for
information that is not public but has proved valuable in other terrorism
probes, he said.
"A person could not have been put on this list if there was not a concern
about national security, at least initially," he said. "Are all these people an
ongoing threat presently? Arguably not. . . . We are not trying to overstate or
understate what we're doing. You don't want to put language or a label on
people that is inconsistent with what they have done."
The Numbers
Since the Sept. 11 attacks, the Justice Department database has served as
the key source of statistics on the status of terrorism investigations in the
United States and has been cited frequently in official speeches and testimony
to Congress. The list obtained by The Post includes 361 cases defined as
terrorism investigations by the department's criminal division from Sept. 11,
2001, through late September 2004. Thirty-one entries could not be evaluated
because they were sealed and blacked out. (The list does not include about 40
cases filed since then that account for Bush's total of about 400.) The Post
sought to update and correct data whenever possible, including noting
convictions or sentences handed down within the past nine months.
The list of domestic prosecutions does not include terrorism suspects held
at the Guantanamo Bay military prison in Cuba or at secret locations around the
world. Nor does it include many of the approximately 50 people the Justice
Department has acknowledged detaining as "material witnesses," or three men
held in a military prison in South Carolina, one of whom has been released.
The Post identified 180 cases in which no connection to al Qaeda or another
terrorist group could be found in court records, official statements, the 9/11
commission report or news accounts. Even some of the terrorism-related cases
featured early allegations of terrorist connections that were later
Of the 142 individuals on the list linked to terrorist groups, 39 were
convicted of crimes related to terrorism or national security. More than a
dozen defendants were acquitted or had their charges dismissed, including three
Moroccan men in Detroit whose convictions were tossed out in September after
the Justice Department admitted prosecutorial misconduct.
Not surprisingly, these minor crimes produced modest punishments. The median
sentence for all cases adjudicated, whether or not they were terrorism-related,
was 11 months. About three dozen other defendants were given probation or were
deported. The most common convictions were on charges of fraud, making false
statements, passport violations and conspiracy.
Two life sentences have been handed down so far: to Richard Reid, the
British drifter who was foiled by passengers in his attempt to blow up an
aircraft over the Atlantic Ocean; and Masoud Khan, a Maryland man convicted of
traveling to Pakistan and seeking to fight with the Taliban against U.S.
forces. Two others convicted of terrorism-related crimes face life sentences:
Ahmed Abdel Sattar, an Egyptian-born postal worker convicted of conspiring to
kill and kidnap in a foreign country; and Ali Timimi, a Northern Virginia
spiritual leader convicted of encouraging others to attend terrorist camps.
(Timimi was indicted in late September and was not on the list obtained by The
Only 14 of those convicted of crimes related to terrorism or national
security have clear links to bin Laden's network, most notably Moussaoui and
Reid. Others include Faris, an admitted member of al Qaeda who sought to
sabotage the Brooklyn Bridge, and six Yemeni men from Lackawanna, N.Y.,
convicted of providing material support to terrorists by attending an al Qaeda
training camp before Sept. 11.
In addition, Taliban fighter John Walker Lindh, who is most closely
associated with Afghanistan's deposed government, trained at an al Qaeda
The patterns discovered by The Post are similar to findings in studies of
Justice Department terrorism cases by New York University and Syracuse
University, each of which examined more limited sets of data.
More than a third of the cases on the list arose from a post-Sept. 11 FBI
dragnet, which resulted in the arrests of hundreds of Muslim immigrants for
minor violations unrelated to the hijackings or terrorism.
"What we're seeing over time is the equivalent of mission creep: Cases that
would not be terrorism cases before Sept. 11 are swept onto the terrorism
docket," said Juliette Kayyem, a former Clinton administration Justice official
who heads the national security program at Harvard University's John F. Kennedy
School of Government. "The problem is that it's not good to cook the numbers. .
. . We have no accurate assessment of whether the war on terrorism is actually
Tracking Al Qaeda
Before the Sept. 11 attacks, many veteran U.S. counterterrorism officials
assumed that al Qaeda sleeper cells were hiding in the country, awaiting orders
to launch attacks. The strikes -- carried out by 19 hijackers who arrived in
the United States and trained here undetected -- prompted an aggressive
campaign by the Justice Department, the FBI and other agencies to identify al
Qaeda operatives on U.S. soil.
The results from the Justice Department database, however, raise the
possibility that the presence of al Qaeda operatives and sympathizers within
the United States is either limited or largely undetected, many terrorism
experts say. "These kind of statistics show that we really don't know if they
exist here in any significant way," said Martha Crenshaw of Wesleyan University
in Connecticut, who has studied terrorism since the late 1960s. "It's possible
that they could have sleepers planted here for a long time and we could always
be very surprised. But I'd say that's less likely compared with them trying to
repeat a 9/11-style infiltration from the outside."
Other experts and government officials say the relatively small number of
domestic terrorism prosecutions is partly the result of the administration's
strategy to handle some of its most dangerous suspects -- such as Sept. 11
mastermind Khalid Sheik Mohammed -- outside U.S. courts.
As a result, only a limited number of potentially significant cases have
been pursued publicly in U.S. courts.
Viet D. Dinh, a Georgetown law professor who headed the Office of Legal
Policy at Justice before and after the attacks, said the primary strategy is to
use "prosecutorial discretion" to detain suspicious individuals by charging
them with minor crimes.
"You're talking about a violation of law that may or may not rise to the
level of what might usually be called a federal case," Dinh said, referring to
credit-card fraud and other offenses. "But the calculation does not happen in
isolation; you are not just talking about the crime itself, but the suspicion
of terrorism. . . . That skews the calculation in favor of prosecution."
Bush administration officials have frequently compared the strategy to the
anti-Mafia campaign by former attorney general Robert F. Kennedy, who vowed to
prosecute mobsters for crimes as minor as spitting on a sidewalk. But many
defense lawyers and civil liberties advocates argue that the Mafia analogy is
David Z. Nevin represented Idaho graduate student Sami Omar Al-Hussayen, a
Saudi national who was acquitted of federal terrorism charges in a closely
watched trial last summer but agreed to be deported rather than fight
immigration charges. Nevin said there are key differences between current
counterterrorism cases and the prosecutions of gangsters such as Al Capone, who
was famously convicted of tax evasion to get him off the street. "Everybody
knew that Al Capone was committing murders and was doing all sorts of things.
They just couldn't convict him," Nevin said.
"That's fine if you take it as a given that you have the devil here," he
continued. "The problem is that you end up with people like Sami Al-Hussayen. .
. . Whenever you live in that realm, you're going to make mistakes and you're
going to hurt innocent people."
Using One Case to Build Another
In the end, most cases on the Justice Department list turned out to have no
connection to terrorism at all.
They include Hassan Nasrallah, a Dearborn, Mich., man convicted of
credit-card fraud who has the same name as the leader of Hezbollah, or Party of
God. Abdul Farid of High Point, N.C., was arrested on a false tip that he was
sending money to the Taliban and was deported after admitting he lied on a loan
application. Moeen Islam Butt, a Pakistani jewelry-kiosk employee in
Pennsylvania, spent eight months in jail before being deported on
marriage-fraud and immigration charges.
And there is the case of Francois Guagni, a French national who made the
mistake of illegally crossing the Canadian border on Sept. 14, 2001, with box
cutters in his possession. It turned out that Guagni used the knives in his job
as a drywall installer. He was deported in March 2003 after pleading guilty to
unlawfully entering the country.
"His case had nothing to do with terrorism, as far as I've ever been told,"
said Guagni's attorney, Christopher D. Smith.
Some of the cases, however, remain murky. The question of involvement in
terrorism lingers even after formal allegations of such ties have been
Consider the case of Enaam Arnaout, director of the Illinois-based
Benevolence International Foundation, who was indicted amid great fanfare in
October 2002 for allegedly helping to funnel money and equipment to al Qaeda
operatives on three continents. The charity was shut down.
Less than a year later, prosecutors dropped six of the seven charges against
Arnaout, and he pleaded guilty to a single count of racketeering for funding
fighters in Bosnia and Chechnya. During a sentencing hearing in August 2003,
U.S. District Judge Suzanne B. Conlon told prosecutors they had "failed to
connect the dots" and said there was no evidence that Arnaout "identified with
or supported" terrorism.
The administration views the case differently. Bush, in a speech Friday at
the National Counterterrorism Center in Northern Virginia, said investigators
had "helped close down a phony charity in Illinois that was channeling money to
al Qaeda."
Sabin, the Justice Department's counterterrorism chief, said he could not
discuss the specifics of most cases. But he said one case in particular
illustrates the government's strategy: the conviction of Abdurahman Alamoudi,
who admitted to taking $1 million from Libya and using it to pay conspirators
in a scheme to kill Saudi Crown Prince Abdullah.
Alamoudi, who once worked with senior U.S. officials as head of the American
Muslim Council, has agreed to cooperate with federal investigators as part of a
plea agreement. Sabin said the case is "a significant success story" that shows
how prosecutors can use one case to help build others.
"We have been successful in obtaining information and fueling our
intelligence gathering efforts with many of these cases," Sabin said.
Research database editor Derek Willis contributed to this report.
TOMORROW: Authorities have increasingly turned to immigration charges in the
battle against terrorism.
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