It's time to put a fork in
Karl Rove
July 3, 2005
July 3, 2005 -- HOLLYWOOD ( -- Strap in and remove any
loose dentures, boys and girls -- this is gonna be a bumpy
How bumpy?
It could even throw Sandra Day O'Conner off the front page.
Maybe even drive Natalie Holloway off of FOX News Channel. (Well,
O'Conner, perhaps. Holloway? Not on Greta's life. But everywhere
else, it'll be in caps...)
The Lords of Loud will have to be at their best, but it just
may not be good enough. Sean Hannity can recite his tireless
litany of rude truisms the evil Democrats have pinned on the
President's war lies, mistakes and bungles all he wants -- he
still won't be able to speak over the din of righteous
indignation. Rush can quip that it's "politics as usual," elite
media tricks and Chuck Hagel liberals to his heart's content, but
the truth will be difficult to fend off even by ditto-blinded.
And no matter how many protocols Scotty McClellan laments were in
place, or how much he attempts to fetch "Steve" to block, Saint
Helen Thomas won't let him off the hook on this one. They'll all
try -- but no amount of raised terror alerts, flag-burning
amendments or 9/11 references can distract from this reality.
For all intent and purposes, the man in President's pilot seat
is a traitor -- a traitor to his county and to those who put
their lives on the line for his country. And while the Lords of
Loud, who have so often turned to this resplendent saboteur and
king-sans-le-clothes-maker for the very points that placed them
forefront in the propaganda-for-profit biz, will attempt to place
the betrayal's responsibility on the usual suspects on the left,
this wrong is too egregious to deflect no matter what the
defense. For this time, no matter how much lipstick they try to
put on this pig, he is still a swine.
It's time to put a fork in Karl Rove.
He's done.
You know the story: former ambassador Joseph Wilson was sent
to investigate reports that Iraq was seeking to buy uranium from
the African country of Niger. When he returned he had the
audacity to bring back a "there ain't no story" story. Not happy
with the Lords of Loud's demonization of Wilson for telling the
truth, "someone" in the Bush administration felt it would be
politics as usual to leak the news to certain journalists that
Wilson's wife, Valerie Plame, was a CIA official who monitors the
proliferation of weapons of mass destruction. The leaker didn't
seem concerned at all that he not only compromised an undercover
CIA agent but placed in danger those she worked with, especially
those based overseas.
Rove's lawyer has already started to dance, a whole lot better
than the insipid mouthpiece who runs the daily White House press
briefings. He's already saying that while his client might have
spoken to reporters concerning the "leak," he didn't do anything
'Course, with this White House, sending 140,000 troops into
harm's way and thousands to their death based a horrific roster
of "mistakes" isn't considered illegal. Then again, since this is
also a President who never admits a mistake, how could it be
considered anything other than illegal?
Even so, there is the question of the American public's
willingness to grant yet another pass to this White House. Bad
intelligence combined with that damn John Kerry's lack of heroism
in volunteering for war allowed for 2004's electoral
rationalization. Inasmuch as no one has ever accused Rove of bad
intelligence, nor for serving in Vietnam when he had the chance,
this may be just the straw the public needs to prop its eyes open
to the truth. The liberal media never really followed up when
Rove called MSNBC "Hardball" host Chris Matthews and told him
that Wilson's wife was "fair game." President Bush put off the
easily acquiesced media with his ripple of concern: "If there's a
leak in my administration," said the President, "I want to know
who it is. And that person would be taken care of."
With this administration, that means awarding yet another
Medal of Freedom.
This coming week as the Lords of Loud attempt to blame the
messenger, Newsweek will reveal Rove to be the mad leaker. Puffy
McMoonface (thanks and a tip of the ole pseudonym hat to Lordess
of Loud Stephanie Miller and toyboys Jim and Chris) will blame
Newsweek for some deadly Middle East riot and Tom DeLay will
thank God that there is something worth distracting from his
Since I'm guessing that Newsweek will go far beyond the
two-source confirmation, you can expect that even the Drudge
Report might have to conclude this story is a keeper.
And as Sean Hannity sets up his live broadcast outside the
hospice maintaining Rove's political career on life support, the
question on Helen Thomas's sumptuous lips will be, "Did the
President know?" And if he did, "When?" This time no longer will
anyone be able to look to the Brain for the answer.
Steve Young is the author of "Great Failures of the Extremely
Successful" (, can be heard on L.A.'s KTLK
AM1150 (Sat 1-4PM) and read every Sunday in the L.A. Daily News
Op-Ed page (right next to Bill O'Reilly).