"What the President Ordered in This Case
Was a Crime"
The Nation
January 23, 2006
While Judge Sam Alito's testimony before the Senate Judiciary Committee has
confirmed that he is not one of their number, a dwindling cadre of public
servants still take seriously the dictates of the Constitution and the intents
of it authors. And there is no more serious dictate of the document -- and no
more solidly established intent -- than the one that requires the Congress to
serve as a check and a balance against the excesses of the executive branch.
Most particularly in a time of war, the founders intended for the Congress to
question, challenge and constrain the president and his aides so that never
again would Americans be subjected to the illegitimate, unwarranted and illegal
dictates of a King George.
This mandate, so well-established and so thoroughly grounded in history and
tradition, places a particularly high demand on the chairman of the House
Judiciary Committee. It is in the House, the Constitution tells us, that the
work of holding an out-of-control president to account, must begin -- and it is
on the Judiciary Committee that the process is initiated.
The committee's current chair, Representative James Sensenbrenner,
R-Wisconsin, should understand this charge better than most. After all, he was
at the center of the effort in 1998 and 1999 to impeach former President Bill
No matter what one thought of the Clinton impeachment process, it should now
be beyond debate that if the misdeeds of the former president required both
examination and action by the Judiciary Committee -- as Sensenbrenner so
obvioualy believed-- then the misdeeds of the current president must surely
merit a similar response.
The memory of the Clinton impeachment has already inspired the most
delicious sloganeering, beginning with the t-shirt that declares: "Impeachment:
It's Not Just for Oral Sex Anymore." But this is about more than t-shirts and
fingerpointing. As the chair of the Judiciary Committee, Sensenbrenner has a
Constitutionally-mandated responsibility to take seriously the charges of
executive lawbreaking and impropriety that are currently in play. If he cannot
execute this responsibility in a reasoned and bipartisan manner, then he has a
duty to step aside.
That is a serious choice. But, surely, the issues that are at stake demand
such seriousness -- as the American people have clearly indicated. A new Zogby
Poll shows that 52 percent of Americas believe that, if George Bush violated
the law when he ordered security agencies to engage in warrantless wiretaps on
the communications of U.S. citizens who were accused of no crimes, the
president should be impeached. So widespread is this faith that almost one
quarter of those who identified themselves as "very conservative" expressed
support for impeachment as a response to the spying scandal.
So far, however, Sensenbrenner has allowed his partisanship to prevent him
from even beginning to execute his Constitutional duties. When Democratic
members of the Judiciary Committee demanded that the body conduct an inquiry
into illegal spying by the Bush administration, Sensenbrenner refused them.
Because of the consequence of the issues involved, Representative John
Conyers, the ranking Democrat on the committee, convened an extraordinary
session last week without the official sanction that only the committee
chairman can convey.
"Last month all 17 House Judiciary Democrats called on Chairman
Sensenbrenner to convene hearings to investigate the President's use of the
National Security Agency to conduct surveillance involving U.S. citizens on
U.S. soil, in apparent contravention of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance
Act. As our request has since been ignored, it is our job, as Members of
Congress, to review the program and consider whether our criminal laws have
been violated and our citizen's constitutional rights trampled upon," explained
Conyers, who has played a critical role in investigations of wrongdoing by
Democratic and Republican presidents since the days when Lyndon Johnson
occupied the White House. "We simply cannot tolerate a situation where the
Administration is operating as prosecutor, judge and jury and excluding
Congress and the courts from providing any meaningful check or balance to the
Members of Congress who attended the hearing -- Conyers and a half dozen
other Democrats -- heard George Washington University law professor Jonathan
Turley refer to the wiretapping ordered by Bush as "an intelligence operation
in search of a legal rationale." Without a doubt, Turley added, "What the
president ordered in this case was a crime," said Turley, who bluntly told the
gathering that Sensenbrenner and other House Republicans have set a dangerous
precedent by refusing to permit oversight hearings.
Turley's comments on the troubling nature of the president's wiretapping
initiative -- and the failure of House Republicans to aggressively investigate
and challenge that initiative -- were echoed by Bruce Fein, who served as a
deputy Attorney General for the Reagan administration. In addition to
suggesting that the implausibility of Bush's claim that he was acting within
the law should be self evident, Fein warned presidential powers must always be
regulated in order to halt abuses of the moment and to prevent the development
over time of an imperial presidency that can no longer be checked by
The Conyers hearing had an impact on the members who bothered to attend it.
Representative Jerrold Nadler, D-New York, the senior Democrat on the Judiciary
Committee's panel on the Constitution, responded to the testimony by announcing
that the Judiciary Committee needs to explore whether President Bush should be
the subject of an impeachment inquiry for high crimes and misdemeanors stemming
from his authorization of illegal spying.
Sensenbrenner might well disagree with that assessment. He has every right
to such a sentiment. But he does not have a right to prevent the Judiciary
Committee as a whole from entertaining these most fundamental questions about
the abuse of presidential power. If Sensenbrenner does not recognize this
standard, then he has no place chairing the committee that is charged with
taking the lead in the application of Congressional checks and balances -- up
to and including impeachment -- as an antidote to executive excess.