Spying and lying in 21st-century
Asia Times/Foreign Policy in Focus
By Daniel Smith
January 27, 2006
"Most people just don't understand how pervasive [US] government
surveillance is. If you place an international phone call, the odds that the
National Security Agency is looking are very good. If it goes by oceanic
fiber-optic cable, they are listening to it. If it goes by satellite, they are
listening to it. If it is a radio broadcast or a cell-phone conversation, in
principle, they could listen to it. Frankly, they can get what they want." -
John Pike (US military analyst)
John Pike made that observation in late February 2002, a mere five months
after nearly 3,000 people were killed by the explosive force of fuel-laden jets
plowing into the New York World Trade Center and the subsequent collapse of the
Twin Towers.
But more than buildings were brought down that September 11. Historical
protections of speech, assembly, protest and privacy enjoyed by US citizens and
legal residents ("US persons") also came under attack as a stampeded Congress,
goaded by a panicked and paranoid administration, abdicated its constitutional
role - rather, its constitutional duty - to prevent the undue concentration of
power in the chief executive. The immediate result was the Uniting and
Strengthening America by Providing Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept and
Obstruct Terrorists Act of 2001 - better known by its acronym, USA Patriot
This law, as has become more and more clear over the past three months, was
but the initial move by the administration of President George W Bush in what
has become an extended and coordinated attack on the civil liberties of US
persons in the name of national security and - ironically - in the name of
bringing democracy and civil liberties to Iraq.
The extent of this frontal assault suggests the depth of the ideological
aversion of many Bush advisers and confidants to the underlying principles on
which the entire US democratic experiment rests. These include protecting the
rights of all citizens, especially those of various minorities, against an
overbearing majority; providing basic services and infrastructure on an
equitable basis; and being responsive to the concerns and safety of the people.
In short, it seems that key administration figures and confidants have
difficulty with the proposition that "government of the people and for the
people" refers to all the people.
A bit of history
The very structure of government outlined in the US constitution reflects
another principle that was quite real in the American colonies in the 1700s:
skepticism of executive power, whether king or president, which the Founding
Fathers distrusted. After September 11, in part because of uncertainty about
possible additional attacks, skepticism among the electorate all but
disappeared - regrettably but understandably. But what should have been a
short-term reaction - akin to what triggers the "fight or flight" instinct -
was prolonged and so magnified by Bush administration rhetoric and "alerts"
that the public failed to reclaim its role as the ultimate arbiter of the
balance between freedom and security that is at the heart of the social
Instead, those occupying positions of power blithely claimed that only by
invading and restricting traditional civil liberties would they be able
efficiently to safeguard constitutional liberties from foreign foes. They
remain fond of citing president Abraham Lincoln's justification for suspending
habeas corpus during the American Civil War - that the suspension is necessary
to provide for the public safety (what today we call "national security") -
without going to Congress, which alone under the constitution can suspend
habeas corpus during rebellion or invasion, or to the courts. Administration
advocates conveniently ignore chief justice Roger Taney's Ex parte Merryman
(1861), which notes previous Supreme Court opinions that only Congress has the
power to suspend habeas corpus for reasons of "public safety" (chief justice
John Marshall) and this power includes the exclusive "right to judge whether
the exigency had arisen" (justice Joseph Story). Advocates also failed to
reveal the extent to which they would go themselves to undercut the safeguards
provided in the constitution and in law.
The apparent disdain in which at least some advisers appear to hold
individual rights and an active civil society may stem from the inefficiencies
these concepts introduce into the art and practice of truly effective
government. Look at the background of key Bush administration figures. Most
have extensive experience in business, where efficiency can be the difference
between success and failure. (Pundits not infrequently compare the Bush style
of political governance to corporate governance.) Some have extensive
connections to the military, not as high-ranking career officers but as
Pentagon civilians at or near the top of the ladder, where responsiveness to
their preferences and direction is rapid if not automatic - and invariably
Unfortunately for civil liberties and democracy, efficient government is
more characteristic of unchecked (or minimally checked) power. At the extremes,
such power becomes tyranny, whose trademark activities include spying on
citizens because the tyrant dare not trust anyone. Indeed, tyranny thrives on
the fear and distrust created when ostensible external threats to national
survival (eg, al-Qaeda) are declared to have an unknowable number of tentacles
deep within society, waiting to strike at an opportune time.
(Ironically, in mid-18th-century colonial America, resentment over the
suppression of the civil rights of the colonists as British citizens was
initially directed at parliament, not the crown - witness "no taxation without
representation". And Benjamin Franklin, as late as June 1775, well after blood
ran at Lexington from "the shot heard 'round the world", seemed to have had
more regard for and trust in the British monarchy than in the British
The Patriot Act
The United States is still far from the extreme of tyranny. Nonetheless, many
observers find highly problematic the Bush administration's drive to extend
permanently (unless some future Congress countermands the pending legislation)
the curtailment of civil liberties by the USA Patriot Act. What this all-out
effort suggests is that government now sees threats everywhere and, in so
doing, has lost its footing in the real world.
Having painted itself into a psychological corner, unsure of its information
and its ability to collect information and interpret what is collected, the
Bush administration pounded Congress throughout December with rhetorical
imperatives ("Congress must ...") and apocalyptic predictions of disaster
should the United States go unprotected by the act for even one day. In the
end, Congress extended the act by five weeks (until February 3, 2006) and the
president, who had adamantly declared he would never approve a short-term
extension, signed the legislation.
Publicly, the USA Patriot Act remained the focus and justification for
government's intrusion into daily activities of citizens and others who are in
the United States legally. What most in Congress, let alone the public, didn't
know until the past few weeks is the extent to which the administration
stretched its new powers through self-serving and secret administrative
rulings, advisory memos and opinions from the attorney general's office, and
legal interpretations of statutes from the White House counsel. Not satisfied
with these "justifications", the White House decided to reorganize - and in the
process expand - domestic intelligence and counter-intelligence activities
wherever possible by as many agencies as possible within the "spook" world.
The public face of this expansion is the Intelligence Reform and Terrorism
Prevention Act of 2004 (PL 108-458). Among other provisions, the law increases
the number of individuals engaged in collecting and analyzing information -
what is known as human intelligence, or HUMINT. (One estimate is that 4,000
agents were added just to the military programs.) This was an almost inevitable
response to the virtually unanimous conclusion of all post-September 11
inquiries that HUMINT capabilities had severely atrophied. Structural changes
were also made, chief among which was the creation of a new "intelligence czar"
- the director of national intelligence. In terms of process, the bureaucratic
"wall" purposefully erected in the 1970s after the last bout of illegal spying
to separate domestic criminal investigations and foreign intelligence
collection was also eliminated as joint counter-terror analysis centers staffed
by Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and
military analysts were created.
Given the revelations about widespread abuse of detainees in Iraq and
Afghanistan, the rolling litany of justifications for invading and occupying
Iraq, and the practice of "rendition" (transporting a suspect to a third
country where prisoners have been known to be tortured), the fact that the
White House and its allies maintained such a supercharged "anti-terror"
atmosphere for more than three years should have been a red flag for Congress
that something was amiss.
Army spying
With barely a ripple of congressional "oversight", those newly empowered must
have thought almost any practice would be permitted. After all, the president
and most other officials insisted that in the much-changed post-September 11
world the old rules and the old legal signposts were completely outdated and
had to be rewritten.
The problem? The White House and the Pentagon didn't want to wait for the
rules to be changed. In fact, as chronicled by the New York Times (December
11), NBC Nightly News (December 13), and the Los Angeles Times, US Army
counter-intelligence agents undertook a nationwide program to infiltrate
organizations the military deemed potential "threats" to military personnel and
Of course, this is not the first time the military has engaged in domestic
spying. Successive US administrations in the 1960s and 1970s exhibited profound
distrust, even disdain, for those who challenged government by exercising the
civil and political rights provided in the constitution. Impassioned Vietnam
War protesters and civil-rights advocates believed they could force changes in
government policy and practice if they but persisted in mass civil
disobedience. Fearing the same outcomes, officials secretly tasked intelligence
agencies normally focused on external enemies - the Pentagon and the CIA - to
gather, record and exchange information with US law-enforcement agencies about
"US persons" (citizens and legal residents) participating in anti-Washington
events anywhere in the country. By the time the illegal army snooping ended in
1971, it had records on more than 100,000 civilians.
Although Christopher Pyle of the New York Times broke the story of the
secret spying in 1970, official inquiries did not begin until 1974. The first,
the President's Commission on CIA Activities within the United States (also
known as the Rockefeller Commission after its chairman, vice president Nelson
Rockefeller), looked at the role of the CIA in domestic spying and other secret
domestic programs (eg, the MKULTRA Project involving psychological experiments
on humans). Many observers at the time regarded the 1975 report as a whitewash
of the CIA's directorate of operations. The next year, senator Frank Church led
a new and much broader enquiry into the activities of the CIA and the Pentagon
and their interactions, including the sharing of information with local
law-enforcement agents. Reforms were put in place that barred the CIA and the
Pentagon from spying on and maintaining records on US persons residing in the
United States.
The army's current activities appear to be less extensive, but that may be
simply because the media obtained evidence much more quickly. This came in the
form of a 400-page dossier of 1,519 "suspicious" organizations or activities
the army labeled "threats". To date, NBC Nightly News, which has a copy of the
report, has released only eight pages. However, included in the gatherings
"penetrated" by army counter-intelligence agents was a November 2004 planning
session of locally known, non-confrontational, part-time counter-recruiting
activists who openly gathered in the Quaker Meeting House in Lake Worth,
Reports from the army's field agents are sent to a central
Counter-Intelligence Fusion Unit (CIFU) established outside Washington, DC, in
2004. Its size and budget are not known. Information from field agents arrive
as TALON (Threat and Local Observation Notice) reports usually classified
"secret" no matter what "information" they might have. Generally, what is
"classified" is the fact that the military is spying on citizens who are doing
nothing more than exercising their rights under the first and fourth amendments
of the constitution. Two days after the story broke, the Pentagon promised to
"review" the TALON database.
Lest we forget, TALON is not the first post-September 11 attempt to expand
human-intelligence collection inside the United States. In 2002, attorney
general John Ashcroft's Justice Department tried to initiate a "Terrorism
Information and Prevention System" (Operation TIPS). This program would have
used civilians such as electric- and gas-meter readers and postal employees to
report "unusual" activities in a neighborhood. Attacked for its similarities to
communist "neighborhood block" watch groups such as Cuba's Committees for the
Defense of the Revolution (CDRs), which the State Department criticizes in its
annual human-rights reports, the scheme collapsed when the postal service
refused to participate.
Undeterred, the Pentagon announced in 2002 the launch of its Total
Information Awareness (TIA) data-mining project to "re-create" the lives of
every terrorist to preempt future attacks. As criticism of this new assault on
privacy and civil liberties mounted, the Pentagon retitled the project
"Terrorism Information Awareness". Either way, since anyone theoretically might
be a terrorist, TIA potentially applied to everything done by everyone
Nor has the administration been at all reticent about supplementing human
agents with electronic collection programs. Shortly after September 11, the
government began monitoring Muslim business, family, and even religious sites
for "excessive radiation emissions" in at least six major US cities. The
problem was - and remains - that the FBI neither obtained court approval nor
had probable cause for invading the privacy of offices and homes.
Some in Congress are calling for expanding the use of military assets in
domestic spying. As recorded in the Congressional Record (May 21, 2002),
Congressman Curt Weldon proposed creating a National Operations and Analysis
Hub (NOAH) within the army's Intelligence and Security Command. Linking 28
federal agencies, NOAH would be a national-level intelligence "fusion" center
that would develop and offer alternative courses of action for policymakers to
consider. Left unstated are what controls would be imposed and who would decide
what options to forward to decision-makers.
NSA eavesdropping
As invasive as these practices have been, the spying program that has caused
such uproar in legal and judicial circles is the presidentially directed
warrantless interception by the National Security Agency (NSA) of electronic
communications involving "people with known links to al-Qaeda and related
terrorist organizations". Citing still-secret internal - and therefore
undoubtedly highly biased - administration legal opinions, Bush declared he was
empowered by the constitution, statute, and legal precedent to order the
surveillance without seeking warrants from the Foreign Intelligence
Surveillance Court. Although few outside the administration agree, Bush has
remained defiant - which makes one wonder what super-secret unknown exists
behind the NSA program.
Like the CIA, the NSA and its predecessor military service communications
intercept organizations that have a history of violating laws. For example,
although the Communications Act of 1934 prohibits anyone from intercepting and
revealing private radio transmissions, the Army Security Agency did just that
in the 1960s - and continued to do so even when it was told by the Federal
Communication Commission that its activity was illegal. According to Frank
Bamberg, who has written about the NSA from the "insider's" perspective, Cold
War programs such as "Shamrock" and "Minaret" produced copies of telegrams sent
from or to the United States and tracked "persons of interest".
More recently many governments, especially in Europe, have become concerned
about "Echelon", a worldwide electronic intercept network that includes the NSA
and its equivalents in the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia and New Zealand.
Using computers programmed to spot predetermined words, phrases, names and
locations, these agencies are able to examine mountains of data and find
possible high-value messages. And the fact that five nations are involved also
enables the NSA to "plausibly deny" it is eavesdropping illegally on
conversations because a request to another country to conduct the intercept
allows the NSA technically to remain within the law.
While the domestic collection of information by the US Army had come under
close scrutiny by the Church Committee, its final report omitted consideration
of "the monitoring of international communications by the National Security
Agency". A Justice Department investigation of NSA practices, although not
returning indictments, impelled Congress in 1978 to pass the Foreign
Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA), which specifies when warrantless
intercepts of electronic conversations or data transfers are permitted. The act
created the secret Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court, which approves
requests for eavesdropping for national-security reasons, and a Foreign
Intelligence Appeals Court. The latter has never heard a case, while the former
has approved more than 18,745 applications. More telling about the use of the
FISA Court by the Bush White House is the report that, since 2001, the court
has felt obliged to modify 179 of 5,645 warrant applications and defer or
reject six more. By comparison, only two applications were modified between
1978 and 2000 and none were turned down.
Under FISA, after a declaration of war by Congress, the president may
initiate warrantless electronic surveillance for 15 days. In other cases,
warrantless national-security electronic surveillance can be maintained for 72
hours. Under all other circumstances or at the end of these time periods,
authorities must have in hand a FISA court warrant. But since early 2002, these
timelines and requirements have not been followed by virtue of a presidential
directive. Once again, Bush asserted that a president possesses in wartime
"inherent powers" under the constitution to circumvent traditional,
"slow-moving" legal processes. He also claims that the Authorization for the
Use of Military Force (AUMF) resolution, passed by Congress right after the
attacks of September 11, gave him wide latitude for action as it authorized him
"to use all necessary and appropriate force against those nations,
organizations, or persons" implicated in the attacks.
Many if not most legal experts outside the administration reject this
presidential interpretation as stretching congressional intent. The
constitutional "inherent power" has generally been interpreted as limited to
the president's commander-in-chief function, which is germane to military
forces and battlefield situations outside the homeland. Nonetheless, Bush has
allowed eavesdropping on conversations beginning and ending in the United
States as well as electronic intercepts of communications originating, passing
through, or terminating in the United States, far from any "battlefield" as
that term is normally understood. Moreover, the FISA statute itself specifies
that the act is "the exclusive means by which electronic surveillance ... may
be conducted" and makes no exceptions.
When asked why the administration chose to rely on presidential dictate
rather than seek legislative remedies, Attorney General Alberto Gonzales, who
at the time was White House counsel, replied, "We were advised that that
[obtaining a legislated change to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act]
would be difficult, if not impossible."
FISA is not the only law the Bush administration has flouted. In the 2003
United Nations debate prior to Security Council consideration of a resolution
authorizing the use of force against Iraqi president Saddam Hussein, the US and
the UK intercepted communications from other council members. UN officials have
long assumed that their offices are bugged and their communications routinely
intercepted by the United States, but in this instance it was quite evident
that the US was violating treaty provisions (and hence US law) against spying
on UN officials and UN delegations.
Media reports that have not been challenged by the NSA indicate other
"irregularities" if not full-blown violations of law. As a high-level State
Department official in the first Bush term, John Bolton, now serving as US
ambassador to the UN, received "raw" (unanalyzed) intercepts of conversations
of US government officials and private citizens opposed to going to war with
Iraq. To hide the intercepts, the collection effort was reportedly run as an
exercise. In accordance with the law, NSA destroyed its records when the
"exercise" ended, but this was after copies had been provided to Bolton and
other key pro-war supporters.
Other reports describe an NSA practice of attaching persistent "cookies" to
inquiries by those who log on to the agency's unclassified website. Attaching
"cookies" is not a problem as long as they are temporary. Permanent ones would
allow the NSA to follow any subsequent Web surfing by a person who had visited
NSA on the Web - a clear case of invading privacy. An agency spokesperson
called the practice a "mistake".
As pervasive as is the US government's disregard of the constitution, laws and
treaties, and the expressed intent of Congress with respect to civil rights,
the administration has also engaged in manipulating and even creating news
under cover of "information warfare".
One of the first indications of what was to come was the uproar over the
Pentagon's Office of Strategic Influence. Created in February 2002 to bolster
the US image abroad, the office suffered a fatal image blow itself when word
leaked that it would provide false news items to foreign media. Secretary of
Defense Donald Rumsfeld closed the operation quickly, all the while protesting
that there were no plans to manipulate news stories.
Meanwhile, the White House was trumpeting the explosion of independent media
outlets in Afghanistan and Iraq. At the same time, as outlined in an October
30, 2003, Defense Department directive titled "Information Operations Roadmap",
the US Army's 4th Psychological Operations Group located at Fort Bragg, North
Carolina, was busy churning out positive "news" stories (ie, propaganda) about
coalition activities that were sent to non-US media worldwide - but without
revealing the source. At the same time, the Pentagon hired US public relations
firms to "help" foreign governments relay US-friendly messages, help that not
infrequently included paying newspapers US$40 to $2,000 to run the stories or
foreign journalists to write stories from information given them. Separately,
the US Agency for International Development has been funding the operation of
30 radio stations in Afghanistan. And all this was in addition to the
officially acknowledged radio and television stations run by US and other
coalition authorities in Iraq and Afghanistan.
On the battlefield, deception and propaganda are tools available to
commanders to confuse the enemy, perhaps induce surrender, and warn or reassure
civilian non-combatants. And while it is legal to disseminate propaganda
abroad, it is illegal in the US to do so at home. The Pentagon insists that it
has strict guidelines in play that will prevent any false reports it sends to
foreign media from being subsequently picked up by US outlets. (Of course, US
allies might not be pleased to learn news has been manipulated, especially if
the "news" is false.)
Such assurances give little comfort, especially after revelations that Bush
administration officials sent videos to US television outlets extolling
domestic policies without making clear that the videos' source was the
government. According to the Government Accountability Office, omitting
attribution to the source changes the message from one of fact to propaganda,
which by law cannot be distributed inside the United States.
Other instances of misrepresentations by various administration
representatives are not hard to find. Criticism of the wars in Afghanistan and
Iraq would undercut troop morale, according to Bush. Yet a 2005 year-end survey
by the Military Times found that "four years of combat have done little to dent
the morale of the professional military". The president also has repeatedly
asserted that Congress sees the same intelligence he gets. The bipartisan
Congressional Research Service states that "the president, and a small number
of ... cabinet-level officials ... in contrast to members of Congress, have
access to a far greater overall volume of intelligence and to more sensitive
intelligence information".
Just as the constitutionality of the 1970s War Powers Act has never been
tested, it seems unlikely that Bush's expansive claim that the congressional
AUMF resolution empowered him to redefine the boundaries of executive action
vis-a-vis the two other branches of government will be challenged.
Congress did err in leaving to the president the right to determine who
around the globe was in any way a participant in September 11 and bring them to
justice. However, neither the AUMF nor other resolutions circumscribe the 1978
FISA statute, which Congress clearly intended to remain in force during
conflicts. Similarly, the president's declaration in the signing statement,
issued when he signed legislation containing the anti-torture amendment
sponsored by Republican Senator John McCain, that he would view the
requirements within the context of his powers as commander in chief tries to
end-run the prohibitions against torture or degrading and inhumane treatment of
detainees regardless of their "war" status.
To its credit, the US judiciary is now acting as a brake on administration
actions justified as within the "inherent powers" of the commander-in-chief
function. One member of the FISA panel resigned from the secret court to
protest administration actions. Moreover, at least with regard to the
anti-torture legislation and FISA, since the US Supreme Court ruled in 1952
that presidential power to act unilaterally is, in the words of justice Robert
Jackson, "at its lowest ebb" in light of "the expressed or implied will of
Congress" - new revelations that either statute has been ignored willfully just
might drive the "war powers" issue to the Supreme Court. As Jackson wrote in
the 1952 decision, "There are indications that the Constitution did not
contemplate that the title Commander in Chief of the Army and Navy will
constitute him also Commander in Chief of the country, its industries, and its
In 1975, the Rockefeller Commission Report stated: "The individual liberties
of American citizens depend on government observance of the law ... the mere
invocation of the 'national security' does not grant unlimited power to the
government." Just over 30 years later, in January, responding to questions at
his confirmation hearings for a position on the US Supreme Court, Judge Samuel
Alito strongly affirmed that no one, president or Supreme Court justice, is
above or outside the law.
Freedom rests on the principle of the rule of law and equality before the
law. So when government, fearing the citizenry in the exercise of their
constitutional rights, ignores its duty to safeguard those rights and even
undercuts them, despotism looms in the future and democracy becomes an
endangered species.
Dan Smith is a military-affairs analyst for Foreign Policy In Focus, a
retired US Army colonel, and a senior fellow on military affairs at the Friends
Committee on National Legislation.