Murtha Says Iraq Is Now a 'Civil
Yahoo News/AP
January 27, 2006
PITTSBURGH - U.S. troops will leave Iraq by the end of the year due to
political pressure in a Congressional election year, Rep. John Murtha
Murtha, a decorated Vietnam veteran from Johnstown, created a firestorm in
November when he called for troops to be pulled out of Iraq. On Thursday, he
told editors and reporters from the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review that the war in
Iraq is a civil war and the U.S. should disengage.
"Our troops are the target," Murtha told the newspaper. "We're not fighting
terrorism in Iraq. We're fighting a civil war in Iraq. We've got to give them
an incentive. We fought our Civil War. Let them fight their civil war."
Murtha, the senior Democrat on the House appropriations defense panel, said
many Iraqis think "it's all right to kill Americans" and that most Iraqis want
U.S. troops out of the country.
"There is no reason in the world we couldn't do what we're doing (in Iraq)
from the periphery," Murtha said. "I've just come to the conclusion it's going
to happen and it's just a matter of time."
Murtha, who voted in 2002 to give President Bush the authority to go to war,
said he believes Iraq had no weapons of mass destruction, had no ties to
al-Qaida and wasn't a threat to the United States.
He wants U.S. troops to be redeployed to Kuwait and areas around Iraq. He
predicted there will be fewer than 100,000 troops by midsummer and that the
pullout by the end of the year.
"We're not cutting and running. We're giving the Iraqis incentive to take
over," he said.
Murtha also weighed in on other topics during the meeting, saying the United
States should use diplomacy in combating the threats Iran poses to Mideast
stability. He also said Sen. Hillary Clinton, D-N.Y., could win the Democratic
nomination for president in 2008, but that she would lose in the general