Human Rights Watch: torture and
mistreatment have been a deliberate part of the Bush
January 18, 2006
(Washington, D.C, January 18, 2006) – New evidence demonstrated in
2005 that torture and mistreatment have been a deliberate part of the Bush
administration's counterterrorism strategy, undermining the global defense of
human rights, Human Rights Watch said today in releasing its World Report 2006.
The evidence showed that abusive interrogation cannot be reduced to the
misdeeds of a few low-ranking soldiers, but was a conscious policy choice by
senior U.S. government officials. The policy has hampered Washington's ability
to cajole or pressure other states into respecting international law, said the
532-page volume's introductory essay.
"Fighting terrorism is central to the human rights cause," said Kenneth
Roth, executive director of Human Rights Watch. "But using illegal tactics
against alleged terrorists is both wrong and counterproductive."
Roth said the illegal tactics were fueling terrorist recruitment,
discouraging public assistance of counterterrorism efforts and creating a pool
of unprosecutable detainees.
U.S. partners such as Britain and Canada compounded the lack of human rights
leadership by trying to undermine critical international protections. Britain
sought to send suspects to governments likely to torture them based on
meaningless assurances of good treatment. Canada sought to dilute a new treaty
outlawing enforced disappearances. The European Union continued to subordinate
human rights in its relationships with others deemed useful in fighting
terrorism, such as Russia, China and Saudi Arabia.
Many countries – Uzbekistan, Russia and China among them – used
the "war on terrorism" to attack their political opponents, branding them as
"Islamic terrorists."
Human Rights Watch documented many serious abuses outside the fight against
terrorism. In May, the government of Uzbekistan massacred hundreds of
demonstrators in Andijan, the Sudanese government consolidated "ethnic
cleansing" in Darfur, western Sudan, and persistent atrocities were reported in
the Democratic Republic of Congo and Chechnya. Severe repression continued in
Burma, North Korea, Turkmenistan, and Tibet and Xinjiang in China, while Syria
and Vietnam maintained tight restrictions on civil society and Zimbabwe
conducted massive, politically motivated forced evictions.
There were bright spots in efforts to uphold human rights by the Western
powers in Burma and North Korea. Developing nations also played a positive
role: India suspended most military aid to Nepal after the king's coup, and the
Association of Southeast Asian Nations forced Burma to relinquish its 2006
chairmanship because of its appalling human rights record. Mexico took the lead
in convincing the United Nations to maintain a special rapporteur on protecting
human rights while countering terrorism. Kyrgyzstan withstood intense pressure
from Uzbekistan to rescue all but four of 443 refugees from the Andijan
massacre, and Romania gave them temporary refuge.
The lack of leadership by Western powers sometimes ceded the field to Russia
and China, which built economic, social and political alliances without regard
to human rights.
In his introductory essay to the World Report, Roth writes that it became
clear in 2005 that U.S. mistreatment of detainees could not be reduced to a
failure of training, discipline or oversight, or reduced to "a few bad apples,"
but reflected a deliberate policy choice embraced by the top leadership.
Evidence of that deliberate policy included the threat by President George
W. Bush to veto a bill opposing "cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment," Roth
writes, and Vice President Dick Cheney's attempt to exempt the Central
Intelligence Agency from the law. In addition, Attorney General Alberto
Gonzales claimed that the United States can mistreat detainees so long as they
are non-Americans held abroad, while CIA Director Porter Goss asserted that
"waterboarding," a torture method dating back to the Spanish Inquisition, was
simply a "professional interrogation technique."
"Responsibility for the use of torture and mistreatment can no longer
credibly be passed off to misadventures by low-ranking soldiers on the
nightshift," said Roth. "The Bush administration must appoint a special
prosecutor to examine these abuses, and Congress should set up an independent,
bipartisan panel to investigate."
The Human Rights Watch World Report 2006 contains survey information on
human rights developments in more than 70 countries in 2005. In addition to the
introductory essay on torture, the volume contains two essays: "Private
Companies and the Public Interest: Why Corporations Should Welcome Global Human
Rights Rules" and "Preventing the Further Spread of HIV/AIDS: The Essential
Role of Human Rights."