GOP Lawmaker Condemns NASA Over Scientist's
Accusations of Censorship
NY Times
Published: January 31, 2006
The chairman of the House Science Committee sharply criticized NASA
yesterday after the agency's top climate scientist and several public affairs
officers complained of political pressure intended to prevent public
discussions of global warming.
"Good science cannot long persist in an atmosphere of intimidation," the
chairman, Representative Sherwood Boehlert, Republican of New York, said in a
letter to NASA's administrator, Michael D. Griffin.
"Political figures ought to be reviewing their public statements to make
sure they are consistent with the best available science," Mr. Boehlert said.
"Scientists should not be reviewing their statements to make sure they are
consistent with the current political orthodoxy."
The New York Times first reported the complaints on Saturday.
The climate scientist, James E. Hansen, director of NASA's Goddard Institute
for Space Studies in Manhattan, and several other National Aeronautics and
Space Administration employees said Bush administration appointees at
headquarters had demanded to review his lectures and publications in advance.
Moreover, senior agency officials were to have had the right to stand in for
him in interviews with reporters.
"NASA is clearly doing something wrong, given the sense of intimidation felt
by Dr. Hansen and others who work with him," Mr. Boehlert said in his letter.
"Even if this sense is a result of a misinterpretation of NASA policies —
and more seems to be at play here — the problem still must be
Dean Acosta, Dr. Griffin's press secretary, said in the article Saturday and
repeated yesterday that officials were not trying to censor Dr. Hansen or
anyone else but were simply reinforcing rules that applied to everyone at the
"NASA is committed to open and full communications," Mr. Acosta said. "Our
policy, which is similar to that of any other federal agency, corporation or
news organization, is that any NASA employee speaking on the record, issuing a
press release, or posting information on our Web site, must coordinate such
activities with the Office of Public Affairs. No exceptions."
Some Republican lawmakers defended the agency and criticized Dr. Hansen.
"It seems that Dr. Hansen, once again, is using his government position to
promote his own views and political agenda, which is a clear violation of
governmental procedure in any administration," said Bill Holbrook, a spokesman
for Senator James M. Inhofe of Oklahoma, the chairman of the Senate Committee
on the Environment and Public Works. "Public affairs offices exist to
coordinate communications with the press, and it appears that NASA
communicators are simply fulfilling their professional obligations."
For nearly 20 years, Dr. Hansen has called for action to limit heat-trapping
smokestack and tailpipe emissions linked to global warming.
But during the last two years, citing growing evidence of dangerous climate
shifts ahead, he occasionally criticized the administration's approach to the
climate problem, and in October 2004 he said in a lecture that he planned to
vote for Senator John Kerry, the Democratic presidential nominee.
Web logs and e-mail exchanges on climate science and science policy buzzed
yesterday with various opinions on the imbroglio over Dr. Hansen, from those
asserting that Dr. Hansen had simply succeeded in drawing attention to his
views to those saying the whole matter was a side show compared with the more
important quandary of how to act to avoid dangerous climate change.
"Now the debate is all about whether Hansen should be able to speak or not,"
said Roger A. Pielke Jr., the director of the Center for Science and Technology
Policy Research at the University of Colorado. "And what we're not talking
about is what we can actually do about climate change."