Bush to Propose Trimming Army
Yahoo News/AP
By LOLITA C. BALDOR, Associated Press Writer
January 28, 2006
WASHINGTON President Bush will use his new budget to propose cutting the
size of the Army Reserve to its lowest level in three decades and stripping up
to $4 billion from two fighter aircraft programs.
The proposals, likely to face opposition on Capitol Hill, come as the
Defense Department struggles to trim personnel costs and other expenses to pay
for the war in Iraq and a host of other pricey aircraft and high-tech programs.
Bush will send his 2007 budget to Congress on Feb. 6.
The proposed Army Reserve cut is part of a broader plan to achieve a new
balance of troop strength and combat power among the active Army, the National
Guard and reserves to fight the global war on terrorism and to defend the
The Army sent a letter to members of Congress on Thursday outlining the
plan. A copy was provided to The Associated Press.
Under the plan, the authorized troop strength of the Army Reserve would drop
from 205,000 — the current number of slots it is allowed — to
188,000, the actual number of soldiers it had at the end of 2005. Because of
recruiting and other problems, the Army Reserve has been unable to fill its
ranks to its authorized level.
Army leaders have said they are taking a similar approach to shrinking the
National Guard. They are proposing to cut that force from its authorized level
of 350,000 soldiers to 333,000, the actual number now on the rolls.
Some in Congress have vowed to fight the National Guard cuts. Its soldiers
and resources are controlled by state governors unless Guard units are
mobilized by the president for federal duty, as Bush did after the Sept. 11,
2001 terrorist attacks.
"I remain convinced that we do not have a large enough force," Rep. Ike
Skelton (news, bio, voting record), D-Mo., said in a letter to Defense
Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld.
Proposals to cut funding in two key jet fighter programs were described by
defense analysts and congressional aides, some of whom spoke on condition of
anonymity because the reductions have not been announced.
One plan would eliminate funding for an alternative engine for the Joint
Strike Fighter, the military's next-generation combat plane.
The second would cut money for F-22 fighters during 2007. But it is actually
a contract restructuring that would add that money back — and more
— over the long run by stretching out the program for an additional two
years and buying up to four more planes. The new plan calls for buying 60
aircraft through 2010, rather than 56 in the next two years.
The Joint Strike Fighter engine is being built by General Electric and
England-based Rolls Royce, and the plan to dump them as suppliers has triggered
intense lobbying, including a handwritten note from British Prime Minister Tony
Blair to Bush.
On the homefront, the close to $2 billion cut would hit General Electric
engine plants, and possibly jobs, in Ohio and Massachusetts and a Rolls Royce
plant in Indiana.
"This is a big question for GE," said Loren Thompson, military analyst with
the Lexington Institute think tank. "They could get shut out of the fighter
engine business over the next 10 years."
The proposal would benefit Connecticut-based Pratt & Whitney, which got
the original contract for the Lockheed Martin aircraft, and delivered its first
engine last month.
GE spokesman Dan Meador said the alternate engine program provides
competition for Pratt & Whitney, helping to drive down costs while also
providing a back-up if problems arise.
"It's very important to GE and Rolls Royce, and we're performing well," he
Defense officials, however, said the Pratt & Whitney engine has
performed well and within budget, and noted that a number of other jet fighter
programs — including the F-22 — have just one engine maker. Pratt
& Whitney also makes the engines for the F-22.
AP Military Writer Robert Burns contributed to this report.