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Reagan's Ex-Navy Secretary seeks to be Democratic nominee for Senate
Times Dispatch
February 8, 2006

Former Navy Secretary James H. Webb Jr. said yesterday that he will file papers this week to seek the Democratic nomination to run for the U.S. Senate this year.

Webb, who lives in Arlington County, would join Harris N. Miller, a Fairfax County computer executive, in seeking the party's nomination.

The nominee will oppose U.S. Sen. George Allen, a Republican who is seeking a second six-year term in the Senate. Allen is a strong favorite.

Webb, who was secretary of the Navy under Republican President Ronald Reagan, resigned in protest of cutbacks in the Navy fleet. He has been a strong critic of the war in Iraq, saying that the Bush administration has never developed an exit strategy.

Webb is a graduate of the U.S. Naval Academy and served in the Marines in the Vietnam War. He is the author of the nonfiction book "Born Fighting, How the Scots-Irish Shaped America," as well as six novels.

In an e-mail message, Webb said he would have more to say about his candidacy next week.

Allen has raised more than $5 million to support his candidacy. He also is exploring a bid for the Republican nomination to run for president in 2008.

The Democratic Party hasn't yet decided on the nominating process, but party leaders are expected to choose a primary when they meet Saturday.

"Both men will need to make themselves known to Virginians," said Kevin Griffis, a spokesman for the Democratic Party of Virginia.

Contact staff writer Tyler Whitley at twhitley@timesdispatch.com or (804) 649-6780.
