Approval for Cheney Stands at 29% in
Angus Reid Global
February 21, 2006
(Angus Reid Global Scan) – Few adults in the United States are
satisfied with the performance of their vice-president, according to a poll by
SRBI Public Affairs published in Time. 29 per cent of respondents
approve of the job Dick Cheney has done in the Bush administration, down three
points since January.
Cheney served in the U.S. House of Representatives from 1978 to 1989, and as
defence secretary from 1989 to 1993 under George H. Bush, directing "Operation
Just Cause" in Panama an "Operation Desert Storm" in Iraq. From 1993 to 2000,
Cheney headed the Halliburton company.
On Feb. 11, Cheney accidentally shot and injured lawyer Harry
Whittington—an acquaintance and campaign contributor—during a quail
hunt at a South Texas ranch. Whittington sustained injuries to his face, chest
and neck, and spent six days in a hospital. According to ranch owner Katharine
Armstrong, Cheney turned around to shoot at a bird, but did not know that
Whittington "was in the line of fire."
On Feb. 15, Cheney discussed the incident during an interview with Fox News,
saying, "The image of him falling is something I'll never be able to get out of
my mind. I fired, and there's Harry falling. And it was, I'd have to say, one
of the worst days of my life, at that moment." 52 per cent of respondents
approve of the way Cheney handled the shooting incident, while 42 per cent
On Feb. 18, U.S. president George W. Bush said he was satisfied with the way
Cheney dealt with the situation, saying, "I thought the vice president handled
the issue just fine."
Polling Data
Do you approve or disapprove of the job vice-president Dick Cheney has done
in the Bush administration?