Majority Dissatisfied With U.S. Position in World
by Lydia Saad
February 22, 2006
PRINCETON, NJ --According to Gallup's annual World Affairs survey, updated
Feb. 6-9, 2006, a majority of Americans today are dissatisfied with the United
States' position in the world -- a significant change from the pre-Sept. 11,
2001 climate when most were satisfied. Also, Americans are now divided as to
whether the United States is viewed favorably or unfavorably internationally.
This represents a downturn in perceptions, especially when compared with the
period from 2000-2002 when most Americans believed the United States had a
favorable image.
Two-thirds of Americans now believe that President George W. Bush is not
respected by his fellow world leaders. Although Bush's earliest ratings on this
dimension from 2001 were not high (and not dissimilar to those received by
President Bill Clinton when he was in office), they are significantly lower
On the plus side, a majority of Americans still have at least a fair amount
of confidence in the United States' ability to handle international problems.
This is down from the high levels recorded between 2000 and 2002, but the
current level is similar to that recorded in the late 1990s under Clinton's
U.S. Role in World Affairs
As part of its annual World Affairs poll, Gallup routinely asks Americans
whether they are satisfied or dissatisfied with the position of the United
States in the world. This question originated in the 1960s during the Vietnam
War era, at which time as many Americans were dissatisfied as satisfied with
the United States' position.
Gallup resurrected this trend in 2000 and since then it appears that public
opinion about the United States' role in the world has gone through five stages
-- with changes linked to the Sept. 11 attacks and 2003 Iraq War. These stages
can be classified as "Pre-9/11," "Post- 9/11," "Pre-Iraq War," "Iraq-War
Rally," and "Post-Iraq War."
Before 9/11, Americans were mostly satisfied with the U.S. position in the
world. In Gallup's 2000 and 2001 World Affairs surveys, approximately
two-thirds of Americans were satisfied. Although the 9/11 attacks sparked
unusually positive attitudes about the U.S. government, leaders, and culture
for an extended period, Gallup's February 2002 survey found Americans'
attitudes about the U.S. role only slightly more positive than they had been
the year earlier. In the Post-9/11 period captured in Gallup's February 2002
survey, 71% were satisfied, up from 67% the year before.
Public opinion turned more negative in the months leading up to the U.S.-led
invasion on Iraq, initiated March 20, 2003 -- a change that could be tied to
controversy about the apparent U.S. determination to go to war with Iraq
despite substantial international opposition. As of late February 2003, 50% of
Americans were dissatisfied with the U.S. position in the world; only 48% were
Once the military invasion began, public satisfaction on this measure surged
in what might be called an Iraq-War rally. However, as a result, renewed
controversy about the Iraq War and mounting U.S. casualties in the "post-war"
period (after Bush declared the end of major combat on May 1, 2003), attitudes
in February 2004 were slightly more negative than positive, and they remain
negative in the current poll.
U.S. Image in the World
Prior to 9/11, most Americans believed the United States was viewed
favorably in the eyes of the world. This continued through February 2002 (four
months after 9/11) suggesting Americans felt the world was supporting the
United States following the terrorist attacks.
Between February 2002 and February 2003, Americans' perception of how the
world sees the United States became much less positive. The percentage saying
the United States is viewed favorably dropped from 79% to 57% over this period.
However, a large part of this change occurred between February and March 2002,
when the perceived favorability fell 13 points, from 79% to 66%.
A possible explanation for this abrupt decline in early 2002 is a Gallup
survey released in late February 2002 documenting strong anti-U.S. sentiment
throughout much of the Muslim world. As widely reported in the U.S. media at
the time, residents of the nine countries included in the project -- Lebanon,
Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Turkey, Pakistan, Iran, Morocco, and Indonesia --
had strongly unfavorable opinions of the United States and/or President
Americans' impression of the country's image fell further, to 57% favorable,
by February 2003. Perceptions remained at about this level through February
2004. Perceptions of U.S. favorability dropped further in February 2005 to 48%
and remain at that lower level today.
International Respect for Bush
Perceptions about President Bush's international reputation follow a
somewhat different path from perceptions about the image of the United States.
The difference is that prior to 9/11, Americans had fairly subdued confidence
that the leaders of other countries around the world respected Bush -- whereas
they had fairly robust impressions of the United States' image more
In February 2001, shortly after Bush took office, only 49% of Americans
believed world leaders respected Bush, but this was in part because a high
number (13%) had no opinion of how he would be viewed. This jumped to 75% in
the aftermath of 9/11. However, this perception quickly subsided, perhaps in
part because of Bush's promotion of the 2003 Iraq War. By late February 2003,
more Americans believed Bush was not respected than said he was respected. This
doubt has intensified in recent years. Today, only a third think Bush is
respected internationally, while 63% disagree.
By way of comparison, on the two occasions when Gallup measured public
perceptions of President Clinton's world image, the majority thought he did not
garner much respect. Only 41% in September 1994 and 44% in May 2000 thought
world leaders respected Clinton.
Confidence in Federal Government
Public confidence in the federal government to handle international problems
is positive on balance. A combined 59% say they have either a great deal (10%)
or fair amount (49%) of confidence in the federal government when it comes to
handling international problems. However, confidence is low relative to recent
readings on this measure.
The current level of confidence is similar to the 62% confidence level
recorded in 2004 and 2005. However, it is substantially lower than the 68%
level Gallup recorded immediately prior to the 9/11 attacks in September 2001.
At that time, 68% of Americans expressed a fair amount or great deal of
confidence on this measure. The events of Sept. 11 then triggered a rally of
public support for the U.S. government that sent this rating to its highest
level (83%) in October 2001. Public confidence in the government on this
measure has gradually declined since then.
The annual World Affairs survey also measures public confidence in federal
handling of domestic problems. As shown in the graph below, this has followed a
pattern similar to that of confidence in the government on international
problems. Confidence surged for several months after Sept. 11, but has since
dropped below where it stood just prior to 9/11.
Public confidence in the government on domestic affairs was particularly
strong relative to international affairs from 1998-2000 when America was
experiencing an economic boom of sorts. In most other periods, the public has
had greater confidence in the federal government's handling of international
problems than of domestic problems, most recently by a margin of three to six
Survey Methods
These results are based on telephone interviews with a randomly selected
national sample of 1,002 adults, aged 18 and older, conducted Feb. 6-9, 2006.
For results based on this sample, one can say with 95% confidence that the
maximum error attributable to sampling and other random effects is
±3 percentage points. In addition to sampling error, question
wording and practical difficulties in conducting surveys can introduce error or
bias into the findings of public opinion polls.