Has today's political discourse come to
USA Today
February 2, 2006
NASHVILLE (USATODAY.com) — Last Tuesday night, a group of about 40
hard-core Democrats who live in this bustling country-music capital gathered in
The 5 Spot, a neighborhood bar east of downtown, to watch President Bush's
State of the Union speech.
Bush was coming to town the next day to promote his proposals, so interest
here was heightened.
How hard-core were these Democrats?
Before Bush came on TV, the group sat watching a videotape of a Martin
Luther King Day speech delivered recently in Washington by former Vice
President Al Gore.
Over on the bar, Joyce Kisner, a Katrina refugee from New Orleans and now a
Nashville resident, had set up a potluck buffet.
Scalloped potatoes, sunflower seeds, plastic tubs of hummus, pepperoni and
cheese, some fried greens and a paper bowl of what appeared to be dried
cranberries or cherries. For dessert there were vanilla-and-chocolate sandwich
cookies. Miller Lite and Rolling Rock were the beers of choice.
When the Gore tape was halted for Bush's live broadcast, there was a
collective groan.
And when the president was introduced to the packed House chamber, a chorus
of lusty boos rang out in the saloon.
It was going to be an interesting hour.
When Bush called for a more civil tone in political discourse, listeners
here shouted, "No!"
And when he mentioned "enemies of freedom," someone called out, "Like
Every time the president spoke the word "freedom," a mocking chorus sang in
unison, "Freee-dum"
The same was true for presidential mentions of "evil."
If Bush stumbled on a word, like he did when he talked of "vicious
attackers," the critics laughed derisively. When he mispronounced "nuclear" as
"nuc-u-lar," as he always does, they repeated, "nuc-u-lar," and heh-hehed
About halfway through the speech, a couple got up to leave.
"His policies are terrible, and his enunciation drives me crazy," said Allen
May, 30, a computer technician who moved here with his wife, Andrea, from
Seattle six months ago.
Bush said Iran was being held hostage "by a small clerical elite that is
isolating and repressing its people." A shout rang out, "Like here!"
There was hissing when newly confirmed Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito
appeared on the screen. And there were cheers and applause when a scowling New
York Democratic Sen. Hillary Clinton was shown — biggest cheers of the
At one point, Bush introduced the wife and parents of Marine Staff Sgt Dan
Clay, who was killed in Iraq. Bush read from a letter Clay sent home to his
family shortly before his death. "It has been an honor to protect and serve all
of you."
When the crowd in the chamber stood and applauded the family in tribute to
the sergeant's sacrifice, someone at The 5 Spot yelled out, "You're being
A silver-haired man who looked a little like Defense Secretary Donald
Rumsfeld jumped up during another applause break and gave the Nazi salute.
"Sieg Heil!"
And so it went.
After the speech, a demure Sherry Sloan, appearing embarrassed by the
raucous crowd, said she liked what Bush said about supporting more research
into solar and wind energy. But she feared it was just a "token" mention.
Mark Naccarato, a union organizer, got before the audience and asked, "How
many times did he say 'freedom?' "
Naccarato then urged his comrades to go out and work hard to elect Democrats
in the November congressional elections.
"If we gain back the House, we can impeach Bush," he said.
There you have the loyal opposition. It says something about the level of
political discourse in our country today.