Congress talks tough to Gonzales—and
then turns and runs.
By Emily Bazelon
Posted Monday, Feb. 6, 2006, at 8:10 PM ET 6
"This is really not a good way to begin these hearings," Senate judiciary
committee Chairman Arlen Specter, R-Pa., sighed this morning, only a few
minutes after he opened them. Specter was talking about the kerfuffle over
whether to swear in Attorney General Alberto Gonzales before his testimony. But
he could have been talking about the parameters he had agreed to for the
hearing: No witnesses other than Gonzales. No new details of the National
Security Agency spying program that the committee was supposed to be inquiring
about. No request for the Justice Department's internal legal memorandums about
the legality of the NSA program.
Given the box Specter constructed for the hearings, what could be learned
from them? Actually, the day was pretty instructive, not on the topics of
spying or national security, but on the bizarre embrace into which the
legislature and the executive have locked themselves since Sept. 11. Congress
claims that it wants to exercise its war powers and help set rules for NSA
spying—but in fact it's afraid to, for fear of appearing to undermine the
president. And the Bush administration acts like it wants to undo the Foreign
Intelligence Surveillance Act—but it fears the public uproar that
amending the act would create.
The fuss over whether Gonzales should testify under oath seemed to be about
the possibility, at least in Specter's mind, that the attorney general was
about to say something that could get him into trouble for lying. Gonzales had
been sworn in when he testified twice before, as have other Department of
Justice officials. Today, though, Specter said such an oath was "unwarranted"
(though Gonzales had agreed to take it). Specter cited the federal-code
provisions for perjury and for making a false statement to Congress, mentioned
the prosecutions of Oliver North and Adm. John Poindexter, and alluded to
accusations that Gonzales had made past statements to the Senate, during his
confirmation hearing, that are at odds with his defense of the president's
authorization of the NSA wiretaps. (At his confirmation hearing, Gonzales
demurred when he was asked by Sen. Richard Durbin, D-Ill., whether the
president had ever invoked his authority "to conclude that a law was
unconstitutional, and refused to comply with it." Gonzales would have known
because at the time, he was White House counsel.)
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The Democrats wanted Gonzales sworn in. They made Specter take a roll-call
vote, and he had to vote on behalf of two absent Republican senators to break a
tie. "Mr. Chairman, I request to see the proxies given by the Republican
senators," Sen. Russ Feingold, D-Wis., piped up. That led to Specter's
hand-wringing and a speech by Sen. Jeff Sessions, R-Ala., about "propriety and
good taste and due respect from one branch to the other." Everyone seemed to be
rolling up their sleeves for a partisan square-off.
But then some of the Republicans changed their stance. They seemed more
worried about a loss of senatorial power than about fighting with the
Democrats. And that meant taking issue with Gonzales' theory of executive
authority. According to the Justice Department, the specifics of FISA are
trumped by the generality of the Authorization to Use Military Force. After
Sept. 11, Congress said the president should "use all necessary and appropriate
force" against al-Qaida and other terrorist organizations, and that includes
warrantless eavesdropping at home as well as abroad. As the president reads it,
the AUMF is a bad deal for Congress. It takes Congress out of the war on
terror, perhaps forevermore.
Sen. Lindsey Graham of South Carolina was one of the Republicans who wasn't
going for it. "When I voted for [the AUMF], I never envisioned that I was
giving to this president or any other president the ability to go around FISA
carte blanche," he said. "I would suggest to you, Mr. Attorney General, it
would be harder for the next president to get a force resolution if we take
this too far." Gonzales said he understood Graham's concern. But he didn't
budge—how could he? Specter also had a question that Gonzales didn't want
to answer. "Why not take your entire program to the FISA court within the broad
parameters of what is reasonable and constitutional and ask the FISA court to
approve it or disapprove it?" Specter asked. Gonzales muttered something about
commending the FISA court for its service. "Now on to my question," Specter
prodded. "What do you have to lose if you're right?" Gonzales promised that the
administration is "continually looking at ways that we can work with the FISA
court in being more efficient and more effective in fighting the war on
terror." And then Specter let him off the hook. There was a time—remember
when Anita Hill was in the witness chair?—Specter loved to strut his
prosecutorial stuff. But now he's got a president who doesn't like him much and
a chairmanship to protect.
Sen. Edward Kennedy, like other Democrats, took the tack of a spurned lover.
He spoke longingly of the Republican administration that was in office when
Congress drafted and passed FISA in the late 1970s and then said plaintively,
"They came down and worked with us on FISA. … Why didn't you follow that
kind of pathway, which was so successful?"
Gonzales' answer wasn't what most of the senators wanted to hear. "We didn't
think we needed to, quite frankly," the attorney general said. Take that,
co-equal branch. Then Gonzales treated his audience to the odd sight of the
administration as FISA champion. The FISA statute has been a "wonderful tool,"
Gonzales said fervently. So wonderful, in fact, that not one hair on its legal
head should be touched. "I don't know that FISA needs to be amended per se,"
Gonzales told Sen. Orrin Hatch, R-Utah. At another point, the attorney general
stressed the importance of FISA's "peacetime safeguards." The statute as a
means of law enforcement? "I don't want these hearings to conclude with the
idea that FISA hasn't been effective." The judges on the special FISA court?
"Heroes who are killing themselves, quite frankly, to make themselves available
to us." And so "when you're talking about amending FISA because FISA's broke,
well, the procedures in FISA under certain circumstances I think seem quite
Except, apparently, when they're not. Gonzales also called the law
"cumbersome and burdensome," as the administration has many times previously.
"Layers of lawyers" have to sign off on a warrant application. "But even this
is not the end of the story." The government also has to put up with that
annoyance, judicial review. Sure, the law gives the president 72 hours after
conducting a search to apply for a warrant. But the lawyers still have to write
up all those tedious legal briefs. "All of these steps take time. Al-Qaida,
however, does not wait." To do what exactly—keep talking on phone lines
that have already been tapped?
Gonzales' dance on FISA—it's the best of laws; it's the worst of
laws—makes the administration's defense of the NSA program seem all the
more like a power grab. The most important thing isn't to make sure that the
agency has undisputed legal authority to spy as it says it needs to. It's to
make sure that Congress doesn't tell the president what he can and can't do.
So, what's a responsible lawmaker to do? More than hold a one-day hearing. If
Congress doesn't take back some of its war powers soon, there won't be anything
left to fight over.
But while Republicans like Graham and Specter talk tough at times, they're
not really up for the fight. And it's not entirely clear that the Democrats
are, either. How should FISA be amended? Where do you draw the line to protect
civil liberties while allowing all the searches that could ever snare a
potential terrorist? Those are hard questions—too hard for Congress, it
seems. You have to hand it to Bush and Gonzales. They don't have much to work
with, legally speaking. But they're playing the politics just right.
Related in SlateJacob Weisberg argues that President Bush's reading of the
AUMF is dictatorial. Dahlia Lithwick goes to the Supreme Court arguments for
Hamdi v. Rumsfeld and muses about why the government eventually decided to
release Hamdi. Phillip Carter explains what the Supreme Court's terrorism
decisions mean for the war effort.
Emily Bazelon is a Slate senior editor.
Photograph of Attorney General Alberto Gonzales by Chip Somodevilla/Getty