In letter to Congress, Justice Dept.
defends illegal spying on Americans
Yahoo News/USA Today
By Kevin Johnson, USA TODAY
December 23, 2005
The Bush administration outlined an unflinching defense of the president's
recently disclosed domestic spying program in a letter to Congress asserting
that the action is a "reasonable" strategy to secure the nation during a time
of war.
The Justice Department letter, transmitted late Thursday to leaders of the
House and Senate intelligence committees, comes in response to criticism
challenging the legal authority of a program that allows for surveillance of
suspected terrorists and spies in the USA without a court-ordered warrant.
"Foreign intelligence collections, especially in the midst of an armed
conflict in which the adversary has already launched catastrophic attacks
within the United States, fits squarely within the 'special needs' exception to
warrant requirement," Assistant Attorney General William Moschella wrote in the
five-page letter.
Moschella said the presidential authority allowing for the surveillance
conducted by the super-secret National Security Agency was deeply rooted in
what is known as the Authorization for the Use of Military Force approved by
Congress Sept. 14, 2001, before the U.S. invasion of Afghanistan.
That authorization, Moschella wrote, provided President Bush broad
authority, including the power "to order warrantless foreign intelligence
surveillance within the United States."
Bush acknowledged the existence of the secret operation after it was
revealed last week in The New York Times.
Bush said the program was reserved for monitoring the international
communications of people in the USA with suspected links to al-Qaeda.
"Intercepting communications into and out of the United States of persons
linked to al-Qaeda in order to detect and prevent a catastrophic attack is
clearly reasonable," Moschella said.
Moschella's letter also marks a likely preview of the administration's
strategy to defend the program in upcoming hearings on the matter promised by
congressional leaders.
Bush, Moschella's letter said, determined the nation needed "an early
warning system" after the 9/11 attacks.