Has 'War' become a leading brand for United
San Francisco Chronicle
Mark Engler
December 4, 2005
We hear a lot about the government largesse flowing toward Halliburton,
Bechtel and a handful of other favored firms chosen to rebuild Iraq. Less often
do we consider the possibility that the administration's bellicosity has been a
major business blunder.
Breaking with the Clinton administration's advocacy for a cooperative,
rules-based international economy -- a multilateral order known to critics as
corporate globalization -- the Bush administration has fashioned a new model of
imperial globalization, aggressive and unilateralist. This agenda, at best,
benefits a narrow slice of the American business community and leaves the rest
exposed to a world of popular resentment and economic uncertainty.
If Bush is an oil president, he's not a Disney president, nor a Coca-Cola
one. If Vice President Dick Cheney is working diligently to help Halliburton
rebound, the war he helped lead hasn't worked out nearly so well for
A year ago, Jim Lobe of Inter Press Service reported on a survey of 8,000
international consumers released by Global Market Institute Inc. of Seattle.
The survey noted that "one-third of all consumers in Canada, China, France,
Germany, Japan, Russia and the United Kingdom said that U.S. foreign policy,
particularly the war on terror and the occupation of Iraq, constituted their
strongest impression of the United States."
"Unfortunately, current American foreign policy is viewed by international
consumers as a significant negative, when it used to be a positive," said
Mitchell Eggers, Global Market's chief operating officer and chief
Brands the survey identified as particularly at risk included Marlboro,
America Online, McDonald's, American Airlines, Exxon Mobil, Chevron, United
Airlines, Budweiser, Chrysler, Mattel, Starbucks and General Motors.
In past months, a litany of stories in the financial press featured
unnerving questions for business. Typical were the Financial Times in August
("World Turning Its Back on Brand America") and Forbes in September ("Is Brand
America In Trouble?").
A U.S. Banker magazine article in August relaying the results of an Edelman
Trust Barometer survey found that 41 percent of Canadian opinion leaders were
less likely to purchase American products because of Bush administration
policies, compared with 56 percent in the United Kingdom, 61 percent in France,
49 percent in Germany and 42 percent in Brazil.
It's not just snooty foreigners who are negative, either. American business
leaders have been starting to link economic woes to imperial policy. The U.S.
Banker article warned, the "majority of American CEOs, whose firms employ 8
million overseas, are now acknowledging that anti-American sentiment is a
Regularly featured in stories about U.S. image problems is a group of
corporate executives who have come together as Business for Diplomatic Action.
While avoiding an explicit stance on the Iraq war, the group argues: "The costs
associated with rising anti-American sentiment are exponential. From security
and economic costs to an erosion in our ability to engender trust around the
world and recruit the best and brightest, the U.S. stands to lose its
competitive edge if steps are not made toward reversing the negativity
associated with America."
Compared with the adverse impacts of Bush's imperial globalization, the
administration's efforts at Karen Hughes-style brand rehabilitation are
laughable, and Business for Diplomatic Action knows it. Taking diplomatic
matters into their own hands, spokesmen for the group flatly state, "Right now,
the U.S. government is not a credible messenger."
Is the problem just one of perception, or have the wages of war cut into
business profits?
In June 2004, USA Today reporter James Cox wrote about how financially
ailing companies are pointing to the war as the culprit: "Hundreds of companies
blame the Iraq war for poor financial results in 2003, many warning that
continued U.S. military involvement there could harm this year's performance.
In recent regulatory filings at the Securities and Exchange Commission,
airlines, home builders, broadcasters, mortgage providers, mutual funds and
others directly blame the war for lower revenues and profits last year."
Among those complaining was Hewlett-Packard, which claimed that the
occupation of Iraq has created uncertainty and hurt its stock price.
While fingering the war might just be a convenient excuse for some
underperforming executives, the level of grumbling is noteworthy, as are the
comments of outspoken fund managers profiled by Cox. "The war in Iraq created a
quagmire for corporations," David Galvan, a portfolio manager for Wayne Hummer
Income Fund, says in his letter to shareholders. Vintage Mutual Funds concludes
that "the price of these commitments (in Iraq and Afghanistan) may be more than
the American public had expected or is willing to tolerate."
In an SEC filing, Domenic Colasacco, manager of the Boston Balanced Fund,
calls the U.S. occupation "sad and increasingly risky."
Of course, we know that companies reconstructing Iraq are posting profits.
Sales of gas masks and armored Humvees are also up. But such war-supported
companies are a small minority.
On the other hand, the diverse businesses in the tourism industry have taken
a huge blow. JetBlue, Orbitz, Priceline.com, Morton's steakhouses and Host
Marriott, to name just a few, have blamed disappointing returns on the war.
Travel industry leaders have warned that the United States is losing
billions of dollars as international tourists are deterred from visiting
because of a tarnished image overseas and bureaucratic visa policies.
"It's an economic imperative to address these problems," said Roger Dow,
chief executive of the Travel Industry Association of America, tourism's main
trade body. He stressed that tourism contributes to a positive perception of
the United States. "If we don't address these issues in tourism, the long-term
impact for American brands Coca-Cola, General Motors, McDonald's could be very
The potential costs of war also include the possibility that spreading
guerrilla warfare and terrorism will include escalating sabotage against vast
and largely indefensible stretches of oil pipeline in the Middle East.
Then there's domestic spending. Whether fiscal conservatives are right that
deficits bloated by the Iraq war and tax cuts are necessarily bad for business,
or whether Military Keynesianism has actually been helping to soften a periodic
economic downturn, the idea of war without sacrifice seems suspect in the long
term. Take direct war costs running in the hundreds of billions, add in medical
bills for disabled veterans, then throw in the costs of National Guard
reservists being pulled from small businesses, and pretty soon you're talking
real money.
A year after the election, approval ratings for the victorious president
continue to sink to all-time lows, and "staying the course" remains official
Washington policy for Iraq.
In this context, it's not surprising that Republican realists like Brent
Scowcroft (who warned in a Wall Street Journal essay before the war that "it
undoubtedly would be very expensive, with serious consequences for the U.S. and
global economy") are making noise again. And it would make perfect sense if an
increasing number of those Bush CEOs were by now pining for a return to
Clinton- style multilateral globalization of a sort still championed by many
Neither of these camps will seem particularly appealing to progressives, but
they pose a genuine threat to the imperial globalists who seem incapable of
extracting themselves from Iraq. Indeed, intra-party rivalry among the
Republicans, which is likely to increase as we enter an election year, could
play a vital role in turning White House hawks into dead ducks.
All the better if this transformation is sped by dissatisfaction from
corporate leaders re-evaluating the costs of Bush foreign policy and deciding
that empire just doesn't pay.
Mark Engler, a writer based in New York City, is an analyst with Foreign
Policy In Focus. A longer version of this article appeared on www.
tomdispatch.com. Contact us at insight@sfchronicle.com.