Greenspan Says Budget Gap May Have 'Severe'
Effects on Economy
December 2, 2005
Dec. 2 (Bloomberg) -- Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan said widening
federal budget deficits may have "severe" consequences for the U.S. economy and
recommended spending cuts to close the gap.
Greenspan cited the rise in retirement and medical costs, including Social
Security and Medicare, as major threats, and said concern about the budget
looms over a "positive" outlook for the economy. The remarks came in the text
of a videotaped speech to be shown at a Philadelphia Fed bank conference
The speech is one of the final opportunities for Greenspan, 79, chief of the
central bank since 1987, to repeat his concern about the budget before he steps
down Jan. 31. His nominated successor, former Fed governor Ben Bernanke, told a
Senate panel Nov. 15 that he probably won't comment on specific federal budget
"Crafting a budget strategy that meets the nation's longer-run needs will
become more difficult the more we delay," Greenspan said in today's speech. "In
the end, the consequences for the U.S. economy of doing nothing could be
Greenspan said the U.S. economy "has delivered a solid performance thus far
in 2005." Even after the disruptions from the hurricanes, "economic activity
appears to be expanding at a reasonably good pace as we head into 2006."
Greenspan will retire after the Fed's January rate-setting meeting, when his
non-renewable term on the Board of Governors ends. He will speak in London
later today on international imbalances at the U.K. government's Advancing
Enterprise Conference.
Greenspan told Congress Nov. 3 that lowering the deficit further in the near
term "will be difficult in light of the need to pay for post-hurricane
reconstruction and relief."
In his remarks today, Greenspan said "tax increases of sufficient dimension
to deal with our looming fiscal problems arguably pose significant risks to
economic growth." Such risks are "sufficiently worrisome to warrant aiming, if
at all possible" to use mainly spending cuts to close the gap.
To contact the reporter on this story:
Scott Lanman in Washington at
Last Updated: December 2, 2005 09:01 EST