Nuclear Monitoring of Muslim Americans Done
Without Search Warrants
US News and World Reports
By David E. Kaplan
December 22, 2005
In search of a terrorist nuclear bomb, the federal government since 9/11 has
run a far-reaching, top secret program to monitor radiation levels at over a
hundred Muslim sites in the Washington, D.C., area, including mosques, homes,
businesses, and warehouses, plus similar sites in at least five other cities,
U.S. News has learned. In numerous cases, the monitoring required investigators
to go on to the property under surveillance, although no search warrants or
court orders were ever obtained, according to those with knowledge of the
program. Some participants were threatened with loss of their jobs when they
questioned the legality of the operation, according to these accounts.
Federal officials familiar with the program maintain that warrants are
unneeded for the kind of radiation sampling the operation entails, but some
legal scholars disagree. News of the program comes in the wake of revelations
last week that, after 9/11, the Bush White House approved electronic
surveillance of U.S. targets by the National Security Agency without court
orders. These and other developments suggest that the federal government's
domestic spying programs since 9/11 have been far broader than previously
The nuclear surveillance program began in early 2002 and has been run by the
FBI and the Department of Energy's Nuclear Emergency Support Team (NEST). Two
individuals, who declined to be named because the program is highly classified,
spoke to U.S. News because of their concerns about the legality of the program.
At its peak, they say, the effort involved three vehicles in Washington, D.C.,
monitoring 120 sites per day, nearly all of them Muslim targets drawn up by the
FBI. For some ten months, officials conducted daily monitoring, and they have
resumed daily checks during periods of high threat. The program has also
operated in at least five other cities when threat levels there have risen:
Chicago, Detroit, Las Vegas, New York, and Seattle.
FBI officials expressed concern that discussion of the program would expose
sensitive methods used in counterterrorism. Although NEST staffers have
demonstrated their techniques on national television as recently as October,
U.S. News has omitted details of how the monitoring is conducted. Officials
from four different agencies declined to respond on the record about the
classified program: the FBI, Energy Department, Justice Department, and
National Security Council. "We don't ever comment on deployments," said Bryan
Wilkes, a spokesman for DOE's National Nuclear Security Administration, which
manages NEST.
In Washington, the sites monitored have included prominent mosques and
office buildings in suburban Maryland and Virginia. One source close to the
program said that participants "were tasked on a daily and nightly basis," and
that FBI and Energy Department officials held regular meetings to update the
monitoring list. "The targets were almost all U.S. citizens," says the source.
"A lot of us thought it was questionable, but people who complained nearly lost
their jobs. We were told it was perfectly legal."
The question of search warrants is controversial, however. To ensure
accurate readings, in up to 15 percent of the cases the monitoring needed to
take place on private property, sources say, such as on mosque parking lots and
private driveways. Government officials familiar with the program insist it is
legal; warrants are unneeded for monitoring from public property, they say, as
well as from publicly accessible driveways and parking lots. "If a delivery man
can access it, so can we," says one.
Georgetown University Professor David Cole, a constitutional law expert,
disagrees. Surveillance of public spaces such as mosques or public businesses
might well be allowable without a court order, he argues, but not private
offices or homes: "They don't need a warrant to drive onto the property -- the
issue isn't where they are, but whether they're using a tactic to intrude on
privacy. It seems to me that they are, and that they would need a warrant or
probable cause."
Cole points to a 2001 Supreme Court decision, U.S. vs. Kyllo, which looked
at police use -- without a search warrant -- of thermal imaging technology to
search for marijuana-growing lamps in a home. The court, in a ruling written by
Justice Antonin Scalia, ruled that authorities did in fact need a warrant --
that the heat sensors violated the Fourth Amendment's clause against
unreasonable search and seizure. But officials familiar with the FBI/NEST
program say the radiation sensors are different and are only sampling the
surrounding air. "This kind of program only detects particles in the air, it's
non directional," says one knowledgeable official. "It's not a whole lot
different from smelling marijuana."
Officials also reject any notion that the program specifically has targeted
Muslims. "We categorically do not target places of worship or entitles solely
based on ethnicity or religious affiliation," says one. "Our investigations are
intelligence driven and based on a criminal predicate."
Among those said to be briefed on the monitoring program were Vice President
Richard Cheney; Michael Brown, then-director of the Federal Emergency
Management Administration; and Richard Clarke, then a top counterterrorism
official at the National Security Council. After 9/11, top officials grew
increasingly concerned over the prospect of nuclear terrorism. Just weeks after
the World Trade Center attacks, a dubious informant named Dragonfire warned
that al Qaeda had smuggled a nuclear device into New York City; NEST teams
swept the city and found nothing. But as evidence seized from Afghan camps
confirmed al Qaeda's interest in nuclear technology, radiation detectors were
temporarily installed along Washington, D.C., highways and the Muslim
monitoring program began.
Most staff for the monitoring came from NEST, which draws from nearly 1,000
nuclear scientists and technicians based largely at the country's national
laboratories. For 30 years, NEST undercover teams have combed suspected sites
looking for radioactive material, using high-tech detection gear fitted onto
various aircraft, vehicles, and even backpacks and attaché cases. No
dirty bombs or nuclear devices have ever been found - and that includes the
post-9/11 program. "There were a lot of false positives, and one or two were
alarming," says one source. "But in the end we found nothing."