Controversy grows in Europe over CIA jail
The Christian Science Monitor
Peter Ford
December 01, 2005
PARIS – A gathering storm of outrage will greet Secretary of State
Condoleezza Rice when she visits Europe next week amid allegations that the CIA
has been using airports and military bases across the Continent to secretly
transport and detain terrorist suspects.
Six countries have launched judicial investigations, Europe's top human
rights watchdog has begun a probe, and the European Union has formally asked
Washington to clarify reports that the Central Intelligence Agency's network of
clandestine jails extends to Europe.
"There is a profound shock among the public that some [European] governments
seem to have been in collusion with the CIA in assisting them to have
individuals disappear into black holes," says Magnus Ranstorp, a terrorism
expert at the Swedish National Defense College.
The row threatens to undermine recent efforts on both sides of the Atlantic
to repair US-European relations that had been badly strained by the US-led
invasion of Iraq. "This is exactly the sort of thing we do not need," comments
Guillaume Parmentier, head of the French Center on the US, a think tank in
Paris that promotes transatlantic ties. "It won't make relations easier."
German Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeyer, who raised the issue of
secret jails with Dr. Rice during a meeting Tuesday in Washington, said
afterward that she had promised to "provide a prompt and detailed response" to
the EU letter.
How far the row will weaken cooperation between US and European intelligence
services, which have worked closely in recent years, "will depend on what kind
of information emerges" from the investigations under way predicts Paul
Wilkinson, head of the Centre for the Study of Terrorism and Political Violence
at St. Andrew's University in Scotland.
Allegations that the CIA had hidden and interrogated some of its most
important Al Qaeda suspects in unidentified Eastern European countries were
first reported in a Nov. 2 Washington Post article. The next day, Human Rights
Watch said evidence suggested Poland and Romania had hosted the secret
Both countries deny any involvement. Clandestine prisons would violate the
European Convention on Human Rights, to which both are signatories. Poland is
also an EU member, which prompted EU Justice and Home Affairs Commissioner
Franco Frattini to warn Monday that any member found guilty of breaching
fundamental EU values could lose voting rights.
The controversy has broadened to include countries whose airspace or
airports were allegedly used by CIA planes carrying secret prisoners. Human
Rights Watch says it has identified 31 such planes.
Using information from Human Rights Watch, Dick Marty, investigating for the
Council of Europe - Europe's human rights watchdog - has said CIA-linked planes
appear to have stopped over at airports in Ireland, Cyprus, and Spain.
Mr. Marty is seeking data from the European air traffic control agency, to
track suspicious plane movements over the past three years, and has asked the
EU's satellite center for images that might indicate the construction of
detention facilities at Polish and Romanian military bases.
Countries where police or judicial authorities have reported or begun
investigating alleged CIA prisoner flights now include Portugal, Sweden,
Denmark, Norway, Austria, Iceland, Malta, and Germany.
"The question of flights, as such, is not something negative," Germany's new
Defense Minister, Franz Josef Jung said Monday. "It is the question 'Was there
torture?' that is justifiably causing concern, and it is that point that we are
worried about."
It's not just officials who are concerned, however; public anger is
spreading as well.
"Democracy is rather fragile in these Eastern European countries" accused of
hosting the illegal jails, points out Mr. Parmentier. "It makes the Americans
look exceptionally hypocritical to say that democracy should be spread
everywhere and then encourage their allies to do things outside the rule of
The controversy has highlighted, once again, the difference between the US
and European approaches to the threat of terrorism.
State Department spokesman Sean McCormack said Tuesday that "any government
needs to act to defend its own people. Ask yourself the question: If you were
able to detain a terrorist responsible for the deaths of thousands of people
before that act took place, absolutely a government would make every effort ...
to do that."
Launching his investigation last week, Marty said the Council of Europe had
a "moral obligation" to probe the allegations. "I think all Europeans agree
with Americans that we must fight terrorism," he told reporters. "We do not
want to weaken the fight against terrorism ... but this fight has to be fought
by legal means. Wrongdoing only gives ammunition to both the terrorists and
their sympathizers."
Some former prisoners have claimed they were tortured in the secret
facilities that constitute the CIA's "extraordinary rendition" network. They
include Khaled al-Masri, a German citizen of Lebanese origin, who says he was
kidnapped in Macedonia in 2003, flown by the CIA to Afghanistan, and
interrogated there for five months before being released with no explanation. A
German prosecutor is investigating the alleged kidnapping.
Italian prosecutors have also launched extradition proceedings against 13
alleged CIA operatives they believe were responsible for the kidnapping of Abu
Omar, a radical Islamic cleric, from a Milan street in February 2003. Omar was
later flown to Egypt where he has disappeared.
It's unclear whether the CIA was acting behind the Italian intelligence
agencies' backs, or with their assistance. But the current row could endanger
future European cooperation with the CIA. "It would create difficulties if
there were found to be a major discrepancy between the norms the European
countries are following and the norms the Americans are following," warns Prof.
At the same time, adds Dr. Ranstorp, "European governments may be more
reluctant, because of the fear of disclosure, to allow some of these flights to
occur" in the future.