CNN Reports Military
The Return of PSYOPS
Military's media manipulation demands more investigation
December 3, 2004
The Los Angeles Times revealed this week (12/1/04) that the
U.S. military lied to CNN in the course of executing
psychological warfare operations, or PSYOPS, in advance of the
recent attack on Fallujah. This incident raises serious questions
about government disinformation and journalistic credibility, but
recent discussions of the government's propaganda plans have
excluded some valuable context.
In an October 14 on-air interview, Marine Lt. Lyle Gilbert
told CNN Pentagon reporter Jamie McIntyre that a U.S. military
assault on Fallujah had begun. In fact, the offensive would not
actually begin for another three weeks. The goal of the
psychological operation, according to the Times, was to deceive
Iraqi insurgents into revealing what they would do in the event
of an actual offensive.
This operation raises obvious questions about the government's
use of media to broadcast disinformation at home and abroad-- not
to mention questions about journalistic gullibility and
reluctance to question official claims. But the CNN story has
received little pick-up so far from other news outlets-- and when
it is covered, it's treated like an isolated episode, even though
recent history shows that U.S. government plans to deceive
journalists and the public are widespread and systematic, not
Shortly before the launch of the "war on terror," an unnamed
Pentagon war planner seemed to warn journalists everywhere when
he told Washington Post reporter Howard Kurtz: "This is the most
information-intensive war you can imagine... We're going to lie
about things." (9/24/01)
In February 2002, the New York Times reported that the
Pentagon's Office of Strategic Influence (OSI) was "developing
plans to provide news items, possibly even false ones, to foreign
media organizations" in an effort "to influence public sentiment
and policy makers in both friendly and unfriendly countries."
The story got widespread attention, and the Pentagon announced
that the office would be eliminated. But considerably less media
attention was paid when Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld later
said that, while the OSI had been closed, its mission would be
taken up by other agencies.
As Rumsfeld put it, "I went down that next day and said 'Fine,
if you want to savage this thing, fine-- I'll give you the
corpse. There's the name. You can have the name, but I'm gonna
keep doing every single thing that needs to be done and I have.'"
(FAIR Media Advisory, 11/27/02) So the revelation that a
misinformation campaign bearing a striking resemblance to the
description of the OSI was actually being carried out ought not
to come as a total surprise.
Earlier this year, another Los Angeles Times scoop (6/3/04)
revealed that one of the most enduring images of the war-- the
toppling of the statue of Saddam Hussein in a Baghdad square on
April 9, 2003-- was a U.S. Army psychological warfare operation
staged to look like a spontaneous Iraqi action:
"As the Iraqi regime was collapsing on
April 9, 2003, Marines converged on Firdos Square in central
Baghdad, site of an enormous statue of Saddam Hussein. It was a
Marine colonel-- not joyous Iraqi civilians, as was widely
assumed from the TV images -- who decided to topple the statue,
the Army report said. And it was a quick-thinking Army
psychological operations team that made it appear to be a
spontaneous Iraqi undertaking."
CNN's history of voluntary cooperation with PSYOPS troops is
also worth considering. In March 2000, FAIR and international
news organizations revealed that CNN had allowed military
propaganda specialists from an Army PSYOPS unit to work as
interns in the news division of its Atlanta headquarters.
As FAIR reported at the time (3/27/00), some PSYOPS officers
were eager to find ways to use media power to their advantage.
One officer explained at a PSYOPS conference that the military
needed to find ways to "gain control" over commercial news
satellites to help bring down an "informational cone of silence"
over regions where special operations were taking place.
And a 1996 unofficial strategy paper written by an Army
officer and published by the U.S. Naval War College ("Military
Operations in the CNN World: Using the Media as a Force
Multiplier") urged military commanders to find ways to "leverage
the vast resources of the fourth estate" for the purposes of
"communicating the [mission's] objective and endstate, boosting
friendly morale, executing more effective psychological
operations, playing a major role in deception of the enemy, and
enhancing intelligence collection."
Of course, the full extent of these programs is not yet known.
But the fact that the U.S. government is intentionally lying to
journalists, and by extension to the public, should be big news.
Unfortunately, the L.A. Times report is generating little
mainstream media attention. CNN's Aaron Brown reported the story
(12/1/04), admitting that "none of us are particularly
comfortable when we're talking about things, about ourselves if
you will."
Brown also made another, even more revealing comment:
"There is an important and explicit
bargain between the press and the Pentagon in a time of war. We
don't do anything to endanger the troops or operations. They
don't lie to us. Each is essential in a free society and each is
made more complicated by the information age, but it seems that
sometimes in an effort to mislead the enemy the military has come
close, very close, to crossing the line and misleading you."
Of course, in this case the military did not come "very close"
to misleading the public; they did mislead the public. And while
Brown may have confidence that such a "bargain" exists between
the press and the military, it would appear that the Pentagon
does not agree. If journalists were more willing to accept the
old adage that "all governments lie," we might all be better